Compile-time packages

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Compile-time packages

Post#1 by Ahau » 23 Nov 2011, 15:51

Hello all,

While going through the exercise of compiling several packages from source (for XFCE), I ran into trouble. As I worked through the issues, I sorted out that there are some development packages that are included with standard Slackware (which have been removed from Porteus) that are necessary to get things working smoothly. They were a little tricky because of my inexperience with the standard Slackware and with compiling in general. At fanthom's request, I'm starting this thread to list these packages, with the idea that some of them may need to be included in the development module. If any of you have run across similar issues and have suggestions (or would like help finding answers), please feel free to add your comments.

Here's what I found:

This one was especially tricky to sort out because it does not show as a dependency during the configure script. Configuration completed as normal and compilation started, only to fail towards the end with xml parser errors (in the case of gnome-disk-utility) or an error regarding the usage of /usr/bin/xsltproc -nonet (in the case of udisks and upower).

This one was easier to figure out. It was required on my part to compile libproxy, but I'm sure other packages require it as well.

This package was required in order to compile glib-networking (a dep of libsoup, which is a dep of gnome-disk-utility, which is an optional dep for gvfs). I got around it for a while with the use of the --without-ca-certificates parameter, but for only 100kB in size, I figure it's worth adding to avoid making customizations to the compile scripts (and therefore introducing more chances for me to foul-up). It would not belong in the development module, but keep it in mind if you start seeing certificate errors.
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Re: Compile-time packages

Post#2 by brokenman » 23 Nov 2011, 18:30

I also found this while trying to compile a gnome power manager

cmake is fast becoming a standard. I think we need to include this one for sure.
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Re: Compile-time packages

Post#3 by wread » 30 Nov 2011, 16:52

I posted a cmake-2.8.4 module for porteus 32-bits a while ago. I have it in modules as a standard for me. I think all members of the xzm-team have it also included in their systems...

Interesting is to report this: in my mediafire repo cmake was required with 18 downloads, git- has been downloaded 22 times and the java-module, jre-1.6.0 has been downloaded 143 times! - a bestseller- :)
(Are there 143 porteus users interested in the jre module?)


EDIT: automoc4 will be needed for anything that you compile using qt.....could be thought as part of a combo with cmake together. Can be downloaded as xzm-module from
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