Porteus-v1.0.421-i486 aka KDE-4.2.1 for 32bits

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Porteus-v1.0.421-i486 aka KDE-4.2.1 for 32bits

Post#1 by wread » 11 Nov 2011, 02:01

Hands-on learning led me to compose this unofficial version of Porteus v1.0 32-bits with kde4.2.1 instead Trinity. For those interested in testing its behavior, I run it in my laptop with 1.25 GB ram with no apparent loose of performance.

You can download it from http://wread.4shared.com as tar file of aprox. 480 MB. To untar issue
tar -cvvf Porteus-v1.0.421-i486.tar Porteus-v1.0.421-i486/
In the Porteus-v1.0.421 folder you will find two sub-folders: boot and porteus. Install them in an USB memory, make it bootable as usual and that's it, you have kde4 in 32 bits.

This is a RFC version; there are still some issues that could be solved. If this version finds acceptance among the community, I might continue polishing it (with the help of you all, especially the more advanced!).

I will now focus my attention to test our normal Porteus v-1.1-i486; when in final, I could try a trimmed down version of kde4.7.current with 1.1 as base.

I must acknowledge fanthom for his valuable orientation and tips in this concern.

Enjoy it! :Yahoo!:
Last edited by wread on 15 Dec 2011, 13:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Porteus-v1.0.421-i486 aka KDE-4 for 32bits

Post#2 by fanthom » 11 Nov 2011, 02:56

Moved from "General Chat" to "Community Efforts" and changed thread title a bit (i hope you agree).
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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