I am using Porteus v1.0 in LXDE style, I moved out the KDE-modules from the /base and /modules folders because I only use the lightweight desktop environment.
There is a problem: when I insert a USB pendrive (or external USB Hard drive), Porteus is not showing a notification and it's not mounting the partition.
If I open PCManFM, even if I go to /mnt/sdbX or /sdcX I don't find the usd device. This is the same also in /media.
Then I made an experiment: I downloaded the Salix i486 LXDE module "pcmanfm-1.2.3-i486-1gv.txz", I converted the module with txz2xzm and I mounted this module on Porteus.
The result is that I have the PC Man FM Mod v1.2.3 and now Porteus (or maybe PCManFM-Mod) is able to auto-mount the usb partition of any device that I insert on the usb port of my netbook.
Question: is possible to insert PCManFM-Mod as the new-defaul file manager on LXDE module?
I tried to extract the 003-lxde.xzm module and change the pcmanfm to pcmanfm-mod but at the next reboot I have a lot of problems. I don't have good skills for doing this...

Anyway, if You want to try, you can copy this module on /base or /modules of the /porteus folder and at the next reboot you will be able to automount partitions.
Module: http://www.mediafire.com/?77sqj7nb5d5apxo