Brother DCP 7020, unable to print

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Brother DCP 7020, unable to print

Post#1 by francois » 31 Jul 2011, 02:09

Working with porteus v 1.0 32-bit, on a MSI 340x, I was unable to print with Brother .

I have added a few modules to facilitate printing, as proposed by Blablotin, but also in the linux litterature: for the gutenprint user's manual.

1. gutenprint
2. ghostscript
3. ghostscript fonts.

Using CUPS, in a always fresh environment, once the brother printer DCP 7020 was installed, I get the message:
''The page you are trying to view is the result of posted form data. I you resend the data, any action the form carried ou (such as seach or onlin purchase) will be repeated.
Resend Cancel ''
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