Issue with /home/guest/ from rootcopy

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Issue with /home/guest/ from rootcopy

Post#1 by blablotin » 08 Jul 2011, 10:02


I notice that every files copied from rootcopy always belong to root on porteus V01 32 bit. and it is not the case in porteus 64bit

This mean that I cannot launch with guest account.

Se How to force the detect owner for folders in /home/guest please?

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Re: Issue with /home/guest/ from rootcopy

Post#2 by Ahau » 08 Jul 2011, 13:39

I just ran a test (put two files in rootcopy and assigned one to guest, one to root, in my /home/guest directory), and ownership was passed on through rootcopy.

Are you by chance running off a FAT or NTFS device with your 32-bit install, and a linux partition for 64-bit?

Or, maybe this is another LST issue, as those seem to be all the rage today :)
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: Issue with /home/guest/ from rootcopy

Post#3 by brokenman » 08 Jul 2011, 13:55

Please confirm:

1) Folder/files have guest permissions in rootcopy.
2) You are NOT running on a FAT32 partition.
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Re: Issue with /home/guest/ from rootcopy

Post#4 by blablotin » 08 Jul 2011, 14:27

In fact on booth system, I am using ntfs, and owner is root.
However, on 32bit edition, only root can write, delete and modify the folder/home/guest/.openoffice3 whereas in 64bits edition, both root ang guest can modify, creat and delete the content of /home/guest/.openoffice3 and openoffice can be run by guest.

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Re: Issue with /home/guest/ from rootcopy

Post#5 by wread » 09 Jul 2011, 21:38

The 64 bits edition is doing it wrong!
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Re: Issue with /home/guest/ from rootcopy

Post#6 by blablotin » 10 Jul 2011, 08:49


To solve this issuen I have changed owner for .openoffice3 and then put it into a module.

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