My printer is plugged in SFR hub. In contrast to the BThub in the UK where printers are automatically set up on Porteus, with neuf-hub, we have to Add it through CUPS wizard and say that its url is: socket://, then say the model of the printer (for HP, I have the choose only between 2 generic models: laserjet, and deskjet, so I choose deskjet)
then I try to test the printer, but it say
However, when I type with a browser, the printer print the user agent. Does it mean I don't need driver?Print Test Page HPDeskjet-studyroom Error
Unable to print test page:
Unsupported format 'application/vnd.cups-banner'!
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And I cannot print with any software.
The building of HPlib don't solve this problem.
I had the same issue with slax So X86 system, and it was solved by adding the module "printmodule" available at
Where can I find, or build this module for Porteus X86_64 please?
I would like to avoid the i486 compatibility library because they are huge.
Thank you