Google Earth 6.0.1

Post links to your 32-bit module repos here. Repo maintainers are responsible for resolving any issues caused by their xzm's.
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Google Earth 6.0.1

Post#1 by brokenman » 11 Jun 2011, 02:17

How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.

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Re: Google Earth 6.0.1

Post#2 by wread » 17 Jun 2011, 03:50

If you are missing accented vowels, ñ and ü and other international characters, and your version is not at least V1.0_rc3, then you can correct that with this other modules for google earth 6.0.1



For the final version 1.0, 32 bits, you need this patched module of 002-xorg.xzm.

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