Anyone got a clue on usage share?

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Anyone got a clue on usage share?

Post#1 by agreimann » 04 Jun 2011, 00:10

Anyone have a clue how much usage share that we may have, or have at the moment? :)

It'd be a GREAT day when we have a huge share in Linux desktops, really. But maybe I'm just over-excited. :D

Personally, I think Linux usage share is under-rated by the Windoze loving people! We've gotta have more than 1% worldwide by now!

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Re: Anyone got a clue on usage share?

Post#2 by 82issa » 05 Jun 2011, 06:29

Well according to this more people are using linux than any other available os. Granted it is crippled-ass android. ... finds.html
These people are so rediculous holding their nose into the air, to realize that any device they use is most likely
backended by linux. Now bsd isn't linux, there is a lot of similarities there tho so I think it would be safe to say
in this particular either way you look at it is. *NIX clones dominate the world. Also under the top 500 supercomputers
only 5 are windows, the OS that most of these computers use is linux based. That is only 1% windows. I don't know who
these people think they are kidding. Some people hold onto shit, very tightly, there is nothing you can tell these
people to let them know what they are hanging onto is shit. They think it is great and will never be obsolete.
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Re: Anyone got a clue on usage share?

Post#3 by wread » 05 Jun 2011, 12:08

I have a blog ( where I write science articles in Spanish. I accessed the statistics of last 24 hours and found the OS used to read the blog. Results: 86% Windoze, 8% Linux, 4% Blackberry!

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Re: Anyone got a clue on usage share?

Post#4 by brokenman » 05 Jun 2011, 13:40

My stats (from other websites .. not porteus) is around the same as wreads. Our market share is disappointingly meagre ... although 82issa does have a good point. Whether users know it or not they have been using Linux for ages, from ATM machines to the backend of elevator GUI's. Most common is the latest android craze which should bump user share.

When it comes to home computing though ... gates was a very smart businessman.
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Re: Anyone got a clue on usage share?

Post#5 by feng » 05 Jun 2011, 14:21

first of all, most people thinks that linux is too difficult to try. :wall:

secondly, people never seen any interesting thing from linux. :wall:

in case that someone can create an interesting software, maybe a game that beats everyone else or something that catch aliens (aka ET)
and boundle in porteus, what do you say? :lol:

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Re: Anyone got a clue on usage share?

Post#6 by wread » 05 Jun 2011, 19:33

I thing feng has a point. If somebody could bring up a popular game, specifically dominoes, to be played over the internet, with 2 teams @ 2 players in front of each other, using known international rules as used in world-tournaments (i.e. in México), that would be a plus for linux.

I play dominoes that way occasionally, but my programming experience in games is null. If we had in our community a game programmer that could program a dominos-engine, similar to the known chess engines.....

It is only a crazy idea, but that would be a big bang at least in Latin America.
@brokenman, you are now in Brazil, take a look to the dominoes players there, should be plenty of them there...

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Re: Anyone got a clue on usage share?

Post#7 by brokenman » 06 Jun 2011, 13:36

There is two old guys in the park that play regularly! One of them has no teeth, and a very strong smell of Cachaza ... the other mumbles to himself and occasionally answers himself followed by a big belly laugh that shakes his head so much his hat falls off. Both of them think i am strange .... i need to learn more Portuguese. I don't think any of them own a computer and for sure have no idea about linux.

Seriously though ... that is a good idea. All it takes is one good networkable game to get many many more people into linux. That in itself is a pity, but i would like to see it happen.
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