8 or 16gb TouchPad

Non release banter
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8 or 16gb TouchPad

Post#1 by Jack » 07 Aug 2015, 23:50

Is there a 8 or 16gb TouchPad that will work with Porteus 3.1 Mate? Or will it even work?
I just like Slackware because I think it teach you about Linux to build packages where Ubuntu is like Windows you just install programs you want.

Posts: 1951
Joined: 09 Aug 2013, 14:25
Distribution: Nemesis Cinnamon 64
Location: USA

Re: 8 or 16gb TouchPad

Post#2 by Jack » 16 Aug 2015, 16:50

I guest no TouchPad is support by Porteus.
I just like Slackware because I think it teach you about Linux to build packages where Ubuntu is like Windows you just install programs you want.

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