right click "set as background" does nothing...

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right click "set as background" does nothing...

Post#1 by sedstar » 01 Aug 2015, 17:45

is there a reason why there is a "set as wallpaper" on the right-click when i am browsing the web?

'cos i have yet to click on a JPG i found online, and actually have it set as the background... i had to do a search to fin som epost that listed the file path to save the jpg to... then it showed up in my wallpapers...

but... why is it on the "right click" when it doesnt do anything?

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Re: right click "set as background" does nothing...

Post#2 by Ed_P » 01 Aug 2015, 18:59

I suspect it is a Firefox feature designed for a different OS than Porteus.

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Re: right click "set as background" does nothing...

Post#3 by sedstar » 01 Aug 2015, 19:57

that makes sense... thanks.

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Re: right click "set as background" does nothing...

Post#4 by francois » 02 Aug 2015, 13:23

Porteus is stripped as much as possible to get an environmental print of around 200mb. You have to download additional wallpapers.

For xfce the wallpaper folder is /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/. But you can set the wallpaper background from the panel menu to any folder of your preference given that it already exist.
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Re: right click "set as background" does nothing...

Post#5 by sedstar » 05 Aug 2015, 10:23

oh... i had already found a same/similar thread... i learned what folder, and went searching and found it... naturally wasnt happy until i could add some wallpapers.

i was just curious why the right click "set desktop" function when browsing didnt work... i didnt fully realize it was a firefox thing and not a porteus thing.

the searching threads for desktops? also led me to fool around trying to use a different background png for the boot splash, and playing with the TITLE on the boot menu screen (changing background on boot menu? changed colors not displaying the graphic, changing the text string for title, theres a "textbox" that "chops off" after so many characters...)

as a relative newbie to linux? i feel a LOT more free to "play" fooling around with a run in ram version of linux.... if i screw things up unbelievably? i can just burn a new USB and be back ready to go.

i think this attracts your more expert user base as well... for the same reason... you dont have to erase a whole partition and re-install to "erase" a oopsie.

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Re: right click "set as background" does nothing...

Post#6 by Ed_P » 05 Aug 2015, 12:44

sedstar wrote: if i screw things up unbelievably? i can just burn a new USB and be back ready to go.
Being a save.dat type of user if I screw things up I can either not save my changes when I shutdown or restore my save.dat file from a backup. :good:

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