Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

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Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#1 by neko » 28 Jul 2015, 03:20

Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

mkslimjet-v3.2-noarch-6.xzm (4 M) ... arch-6.xzm
md5sum: fec27eaf13243a0ed057665b7eee2a0d mkslimjet-v3.2-noarch-6.xzm

1.the "mkslimjet" command that
builds a Slimjet browser module (.xzm) from a Slimjet browser debian package (.deb)

2.the "mkgoogle-chrome" command that
builds a Google chrome module (.xzm) from a Google chrome debian package (.deb)

3.the "mkvivaldi" command that
builds a Vivaldi module (.xzm) from a Vivaldi debian package (.deb), downloads PPAPI flashplayer, and merges it.

4.the "mkfirefox" command that
downloads a package from mozilla site and build a Firefox browser module (.xzm).

5.the "mkthunderbird" command that
downloads a package from mozilla site and build a Thunderbird mailer module (.xzm).

6.the "mkflash" command that
builds an "Adobe flash and gecko plugins" module (.xzm) from a Adobe flash player install file (.tar.gz)

7.the "deb2dir" command that
expand Debian package (.deb) to directory.

mkslimjet - build a Slimjet browser module
mkslimjet [-dDuUoOwWiIfF] debian-package
mkslimjet is the tool of building Slimjet browser module.
mkslimjet must be executed by root.

The Slimjet browser module will be created in a current directory.

example: 64 bit
-> Version number of slimjet
x86_64: Architecture (64 bit)
1: tool's ID number
d: option -d was used. include dependency libraries.
u: option -u was used. include the libudev.
o: option -o was used. add the execution option "--disable-gpu".
W: option -W was used.
I: option -I was used.
F: option -F was used.

example: 32 bit
i386: Architecture (32 bit)

debian-package is the source of building.

The name is
slimjet_i386.deb : 32 bit
slimjet_amd64.deb : 64 bit
with/without the path.

This debian package is gotten from the following site.

default value is -duoWIF

-d | -D
do/don't include dependency libraries.

-u | -U
do/don't include the libudev.
About the libudev, please refer to ... dev#p31007

-o | -O
do/don't add the execution option "--disable-gpu"
into this browser's .desktop in /usr/share/applications/.

If this browser will be used directly from a terminal and be aborted,
execute with "--disable-gpu" option.

If this browser runs on kernel built by the config "CONFIG_NAMESPACES is set",
this option isn't needed (-O).

About the execution option, please refer to

-w | -W
do/don't copy this browser .desktop to the default web browser browser.desktop.
-w option is for XFCE.
About the default web browser in XFCE, please refer to ... =45#p34331

-i | -I
do/don't add the icon for menu of LXDE.

-f | -F
do/don't add the data of FVWM.


Code: Select all

% ls
% su
# mkslimjet slimjet_amd64.deb
# ls

mkgoogle-chrome - build a Google chrome browser module
mkgoogle-chrome [-dDuUoOwWiIfF] debian-package
mkgoogle-chrome is the tool of building Google chrome browser module.
mkgoogle-chrome must be executed by root.

The Google chrome browser module will be created in a current directory.

example: 64 bit
45.0.2454.101-1: Version number of Google Chrome
x86_64: Architecture (64 bit)
3: tool's ID number
d: option -d was used. include dependency libraries.
u: option -u was used. include the libudev.
o: option -o was used. add the execution option "--disable-gpu".
W: option -W was used.
I: option -I was used.
F: option -F was used.

example: 32 bit
i386: Architecture (32 bit)

debian-package is the source of building.

The name is
google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb : 32 bit
google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb : 64 bit
with/without the path.

This debian package is gotten from the following site.

default value is -duoWIF

-d | -D
do/don't include dependency libraries.

-u | -U
do/don't include the libudev.
About the libudev, please refer to ... dev#p31007

-o | -O
do/don't add the execution option "--disable-gpu"
into this browser's .desktop in /usr/share/applications/.

If this browser will be used directly from a terminal and be aborted,
execute with "--disable-gpu" option.

If this browser runs on kernel built by the config "CONFIG_NAMESPACES is set",
this option isn't needed (-O). (Bare version)

About the execution option, please refer to

-w | -W
do/don't copy this browser .desktop to the default web browser browser.desktop.
-w option is for XFCE.
About the default web browser in XFCE, please refer to ... =45#p34331

-i | -I
do/don't add the icon for menu of LXDE.

-f | -F
do/don't add the data of FVWM.


Code: Select all

% ls
% su
# mkgoogle-chrome google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
# ls

mkvivaldi - build a Vivaldi browser module
mkvivaldi [-dDuUoOwWiIfF] debian-package
mkvivaldi is the tool of building Vivaldi browser module.
mkvivaldi must be executed by root.
mkvivaldi converts a Vivaldi debian package to Porteus module (.xzm),
downloads PPAPI flashplayer and merges it into Porteus module (.xzm).

The Vivaldi browser module will be created in a current directory.

If the string of debian-package argument is '32', '64', or 'any',
mkvivaldi is the tool that
downloads the latest version of Vivaldi debian package (.deb)
builds a Vivaldi browser module (.xzm).

example: 32 bit
1.1.453.52-1: Version number of Vivaldi
i386: Architecture (64 bit)
9: tool's ID number
d: option -d was used. include dependency libraries.
u: option -u was used. include the libudev.
o: option -o was used. add the execution option "--disable-gpu".
w: option -w was used.
i: option -i was used.
f: option -f was used.

1) debian-package
1.1) debian-package is the source of building.

The name is
vivaldi-stable_N.N.NNN.NN-N_i386.deb :32 bit
vivaldi-stable_N.N.NNN.NN-N_amd64.deb :64 bit
with/without the path.

This debian package is gotten from the following site.

1.2) debian-package will be downloaded and converted to porteus-package.
vivaldi-stable_N.N.NNN.NN-N_i386.deb will be downloaded.

vivaldi-stable_N.N.NNN.NN-N_amd64.deb will be downloaded.

The architecture 32/64 is same as one of Porteus now be running.
vivaldi-stable_N.N.NNN.NN-N_i386.deb / vivaldi-stable_N.N.NNN.NN-N_amd64.deb
will be downloaded.

2) -dDuUoOwWiIfF
default value is -duoWIF

-d | -D
do/don't include dependency libraries.

-u | -U
do/don't include the libudev.
About the libudev, please refer to
Chrome "Waiting for cache"

-o | -O
do/don't add the execution option "--disable-gpu"
into this browser's .desktop in /usr/share/applications/.

If this browser will be used directly from a terminal and be aborted,
execute with "--disable-gpu" option.

If this browser runs on kernel built by the config "CONFIG_NAMESPACES is set",
this option isn't needed (-O). (Bare version)

About the execution option, please refer to

-w | -W
do/don't copy this browser .desktop to the default web browser browser.desktop.
-w option is for XFCE.
About the default web browser in XFCE, please refer to ... =45#p34331

-i | -I
do/don't add the icon for menu of LXDE.

-f | -F
do/don't add the data of FVWM.


Code: Select all

% ls
% su
# mkvivaldi vivaldi-stable_1.1.453.52-1_i386.deb -duowif
# ls

mkfirefox - downloads and build a Firefox browser module
mkthunderbird - downloads and build a Thunderbird mailer module

mkfirefox [32|64] [languageID]
mkthunderbird [32|64] [languageID]

mkfirefox is the tool that
downloads the latest version of firefox package from the following site
https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla. ... es/latest/
builds a Firefox browser module (.xzm).

mkthunderbird is the tool that
downloads the latest version of thunderbird package from the following site
https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla. ... es/latest/
builds a Thunderbird mailer module (.xzm).

mkfirefox/mkthunderbird must be executed by root.

The download parameters are an architecture and a language ID.
The default value of architecture is same as one of Porteus now be running.
The default value of language ID is converted from current value of the environment variable "LANG".

The build parameter is an architecture.
It is same as the download parameter.

A Firefox browser/Thunderbird mailer module will be created in the current directory.
It's name is 004-firefox-LLLLL-NNNNN-AAAAA-1.xzm/004-thunderbird-LLLLL-NNNNN-AAAAA-1.xzm
LLLLL: language ID (example: en-US)
NNNNN: version number (example: 40.0.2)
AAAAA: architecture ID; 32 bit/64 bit = i686/x86_64 (example: x86_64)

example: 004-firefox-en-US-40.0.2-x86_64-1.xzm

If the libraries that are needed by firefox, "" and "", are not included in current system libraries,
these will be added in 004-firefox-xxx.xzm.

32 .... download and build for 32 bit Porteus.
64 .... download and build for 64 bit Porteus.

the languageID mnemonic is one from the following list.

example 1.
32 bit Porteus is running.
LANG is ja.

Code: Select all

% uname -m
% echo $LANG
# su
# mkfirefox
# ls
example 2.
32 bit Porteus is running.
LANG is ja.

Code: Select all

% uname -m
% echo $LANG
# su
# mkfirefox 64
# ls
example 3.
32 bit Porteus is running.
LANG is ja.

Code: Select all

% uname -m
% echo $LANG
# su
# mkfirefox 64 en-US
# ls
example 4.
32 bit Porteus is running.
LANG is ja.

Code: Select all

% uname -m
% echo $LANG
# su
# LANG=C mkfirefox
# ls
example 5.
32 bit Porteus is running.
LANG is ja.

Code: Select all

% uname -m
% echo $LANG
# su
# mkthunderbird
# ls
language ID is converted from current value of the environment variable "LANG"

Code: Select all

case $LANG in
af_ZA* )	echo -n af; ;;
an_ES* )	echo -n an; ;;
ar_* )		echo -n ar; ;;
as_IN* )	echo -n as; ;;
ast_ES* )	echo -n ast; ;;
az_AZ* )	echo -n az; ;;
be_BY* )	echo -n be; ;;
bg_BG* )	echo -n bg; ;;
bn_BD* )	echo -n bn-BD; ;;
bn_IN* )	echo -n bn-IN; ;;
br_FR* )	echo -n br; ;;
bs_BA* )	echo -n bs; ;;
ca_* )		echo -n ca; ;;
cs_CZ* )	echo -n cs; ;;
cy_GB* )	echo -n cy; ;;
da_DK* )	echo -n da; ;;
de_* )		echo -n de; ;;
el_* )		echo -n el; ;;
en_GB* )	echo -n en-GB; ;;
en_US* )	echo -n en-US; ;;
en_ZA* )	echo -n en-ZA; ;;
en_* | C)	echo -n en-US; ;;
es_AR* )	echo -n es-AR; ;;
es_CL* )	echo -n es-CL; ;;
es_ES* )	echo -n es-ES; ;;
es_MX* )	echo -n es-MX; ;;
es_* )		echo -n es-ES; ;;
et_EE* )	echo -n et; ;;
eu_ES* )	echo -n eu; ;;
fa_IR* )	echo -n fa; ;;
ff_SN* )	echo -n ff; ;;
fi_FI* )	echo -n fi; ;;
fr_* )		echo -n fr; ;;
fy_NL* )	echo -n fy-NL; ;;
ga_IE* )	echo -n ga-IE; ;;
gd_GB* )	echo -n gd; ;;
gl_ES* )	echo -n gl; ;;
gu_IN* )	echo -n gu-IN; ;;
he_IL* )	echo -n he; ;;
hi_IN* )	echo -n hi-IN; ;;
hr_HR* )	echo -n hr; ;;
hsb_DE* )	echo -n hsb; ;;
hu_HU* )	echo -n hu; ;;
hy_AM* )	echo -n hy-AM; ;;
id_ID* )	echo -n id; ;;
is_IS* )	echo -n is; ;;
it_* )		echo -n it; ;;
ja_JP* )	echo -n ja; ;;
kk_KZ* )	echo -n kk; ;;
km_KH* )	echo -n km; ;;
kn_IN* )	echo -n kn; ;;
ko_KR* )	echo -n ko; ;;
lij_IT* )	echo -n lij; ;;
lt_LT* )	echo -n lt; ;;
lv_LV* )	echo -n lv; ;;
mai_IN* )	echo -n mai; ;;
mk_MK* )	echo -n mk; ;;
ml_IN* )	echo -n ml; ;;
mr_IN* )	echo -n mr; ;;
ms_MY* )	echo -n ms; ;;
nb_NO* )	echo -n nb-NO; ;;
nl_* )		echo -n nl; ;;
nn_NO* )	echo -n nn-NO; ;;
or_IN* )	echo -n or; ;;
pa_IN* )	echo -n pa-IN; ;;
pl_PL* )	echo -n pl; ;;
pt_BR* )	echo -n pt-BR; ;;
pt_PT* )	echo -n pt-PT; ;;
ro_RO* )	echo -n ro; ;;
ru_* )		echo -n ru; ;;
si_LK* )	echo -n si; ;;
sk_SK* )	echo -n sk; ;;
sl_SI* )	echo -n sl; ;;
sq_* )		echo -n sq; ;;
sr_* )		echo -n sr; ;;
sv_SE* )	echo -n sv-SE; ;;
ta_* )		echo -n ta; ;;
te_IN* )	echo -n te; ;;
th_TH* )	echo -n th; ;;
tr_* )		echo -n tr; ;;
uk_UA* )	echo -n uk; ;;
uz_UZ* )	echo -n uz; ;;
vi_VN* )	echo -n vi; ;;
xh_ZA* )	echo -n xh; ;;
zh_CN* )	echo -n zh-CN; ;;
zh_TW* )	echo -n zh-TW; ;;
* )			echo -n en-US; ;;
For v3.1 ISO, sometimes the created firefox might not run on the reason of library version mismatch.
Please refer to ... =60#p46665


mkflash - build an "Adobe flash and gecko plugins" module
mkflash 'Adobe flash player install file'
mkflash is the tool of building "Adobe flash and gecko plugins" module.
mkflash must be executed by root.

The "Adobe flash and gecko plugins" module will be created in a current directory.

If 'Adobe flash player install file' argument is omitted,
a current architecture PPAPI flash player is downloaded and converted to module.

example: 64 bit
-> Version number of Adobe flash
x86_64: Architecture (64 bit)
4: tool's ID number

example: 32 bit
i386: Architecture (32 bit)

'Adobe flash player install file'
'Adobe flash player install file' is the source of building.

The name is
install_flash_player_XX_linux.i386.tar.gz : 32 bit
install_flash_player_XX_linux.x86_64.tar.gz : 64 bit
with/without the path.

This 'Adobe flash player install file' is gotten from the following site.


Code: Select all

% ls
% su
# mkflash install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz
# ls

deb2dir - expand Debian package to directory.
deb2dir path/packageName.deb
The target Debian type package (.deb) is expanded in the current directory.
This command must be used by root.


Code: Select all

% su
# ls
# deb2dir package.deb
# ls
package.deb package/
example2: 32 bit Google Earth
google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb/google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb is gotten from the following site.

About symbolic link, please refer to ... rth#p21041

Code: Select all

% su
# ls
# deb2dir google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb
# mksquashfs google-earth-stable_current_i386 google-earth-stable_current_i386.xzm -b 256K -comp xz -Xbcj x86 -noappend
# activate google-earth-stable_current_i386.xzm
# ln -sf /lib/ /lib/
exaple3: 64bit Google Earth

Code: Select all

% su
# ls
# deb2dir google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb
# mksquashfs google-earth-stable_current_amd64 google-earth-stable_current_amd64.xzm -b 256K -comp xz -Xbcj x86 -noappend
# activate google-earth-stable_current_amd64.xzm
# ln -sf /lib64/ /lib64/
note:symbolic link for APorteus ( ... 997#p36689)
set by cheat code guiexec.
32bit: guiexec=ln~-sf~/lib/
64bit: guiexec=ln~-sf~/lib/



[updated on 2015.08.23] mkfirefox is added.
[updated on 2015.09.23] argument missing error check bug fix.
[updated on 2015.10.20] mkflash is added.
[updated on 2015.10.31] mkfirefox bug "download control NG" was fixed.
[updated on 2015.11.08] mkthunderbird is added.
[updated on 2015.11.17] "firefox & thunderbird" download address has been changed.
[updated on 2016.01.17] deb2dir is added.
[updated on 2016.05.10] mkvivaldi is added.
[updated on 2016.05.21] mkvivaldi is enhanced by adding a new function.
[updated on 2016.06.12] mkvivaldi is enhanced by adding "vivaldi.deb download function".
[updated on 2016.07.03] mkflash is enhanced by adding "download & convert PPAPI flash" function.
[updated on 2016.10.16] mkfirefox is enhanced by adding lack libraries.
Last edited by neko on 16 Oct 2016, 07:25, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#2 by francois » 28 Jul 2015, 22:48

It is very generous that you provid this building package for slimjet from the .deb package.

Thanks a lot.

It seems that I have a problem. Maybe I did not followed the instructions thoroughly. :(

As I am working on xfce 64 bit:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/tmp# mkslimjet -duowIF slimjet_amd64.deb
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
Creating 4.0 filesystem on slimjet-, block size 262144.
[=============================================================/] 1139/1139 100%
Number of gids 1
	root (0)

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# /usr/bin/flashpeak-slimjet
[12081:12081:0728/] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)
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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#3 by neko » 29 Jul 2015, 01:17

Excuse me.
Explanation was insufficient.
The "-o|-O" option's description was supplemented.

root@porteus:~# /usr/bin/flashpeak-slimjet --disable-gpu


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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#4 by neko » 29 Jul 2015, 15:36

The latest version of Slimjet is .


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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#5 by neko » 07 Aug 2015, 08:00

I've noticed now that running on ROOT user.
It may be the same problem as the following. ... =15#p34683


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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#6 by brokenman » 08 Aug 2015, 20:40

Your awesome Neko! :D
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.

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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#7 by francois » 08 Aug 2015, 20:50

So, I understand that it will not run under root mode. :(

Thanks anyway. :wink:
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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#8 by neko » 23 Aug 2015, 15:53

mkslimjet-v3.1-noarch-1.xzm was updated to mkslimjet-v3.1-noarch-2.xzm.
It includes a new additional command "mkfirefox".


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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#9 by neko » 22 Sep 2015, 01:40

The latest version of Slimjet is


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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#10 by brokenman » 22 Sep 2015, 16:12

Thanks Neko. Nice tool that makes it easy. Slimjet is a nice browser too. Lots of nice features in the menu.

Entering mkslimjet without any arguments gives me a 'basename' error but nothing to worry about. Everything works as advertised.
How do i become super user?
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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#11 by neko » 22 Sep 2015, 23:21

Thank you for your pointing a bug out.
It was caused by the execution "basename" command without argument.
mkslimjet-v3.1-noarch-2.xzm was updated to mkslimjet-v3.1-noarch-3.xzm.


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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#12 by Math » 25 Sep 2015, 18:15

For me not working. Conversion gets about 45% then system suddenly shuts down. I dont know why;
*Editted for clarification*

Type: Netbook.
Make: Acer
Model: Aspire TimelineX 3820TG
Processor: Intel quad-core i3-330M(2.13GHz, 3MB L3 cache)
Archtecture: 64 bit
Display: 13.3" HD LED LCD (16:9 1366*768 24bit)
Graphics Driver: ATI Mobility Radeon
Boot disk: Galactic 4gb - [1.3gb boot sda1, 2.3gb storage sda2] MBR partitioned MicroSD

Porteus version: porteus-v3.1-x86_64
Bootloader: Idlinux
Boot mode: copy2ram
Save file: 512MB
Conversion folder: /mnt/sda2

Somebody help me.
Kind Regards.

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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#13 by brokenman » 25 Sep 2015, 22:07

Just to be sure
1) Did you download the slimjet debian package from and then run the mkslim script against this file?

Neko is 05-devel.xzm required to build this?
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.

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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#14 by Math » 25 Sep 2015, 22:56

brokenman wrote:Just to be sure
1) Did you download the slimjet debian package from and then run the mkslim script against this file?

Neko is 05-devel.xzm required to build this?
I did exactly that. Also 05-devel.xzm installed.

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Re: Tool of Building Slimjet browser module

Post#15 by neko » 26 Sep 2015, 04:15

"Neko is 05-devel.xzm required to build this?"

No, it isn't.
This tool processes are as following.
1. expand deb package. (use ar,tar,installpkg commands)
2. edit and mix needed libraries. (use cp command)
3. creat xzm module. (usr mksquashfs command)

"... Conversion gets about 45% ..."

This tool displays its progress by "%" during using mksquashfs command.
I guess that the fault was caused by mksquashfs command.
I wondered whether there is enough size space in the working directory.

I followed your procedure.
And I got "slimjet-". ... duoWIF.xzm

My test environment (was depend on your procedure).

Code: Select all

Processor		: 4x Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N2800   @ 1.86GHz
Memory		: 2044MB (727MB used)
Operating System		: Slackware 14.1
User Name		: guest (Unknown)
Resolution		: 1024x600 pixels
OpenGL Renderer		: Software Rasterizer
X11 Vendor		: (null)
Kernel		: Linux 3.17.4-porteus (x86_64)
Compiled		: #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 12 12:48:28 Local time zone must be set--
C Library		: Unknown
Default C Compiler		: Unknown
Distribution		: Slackware 14.1
-Current Session-
Computer Name		: porteus
User Name		: guest (Unknown)
Home Directory		: /home/guest
Desktop Environment		: KDE ષ
Uptime		: 38 minutes
Load Average		: 0.37, 0.39, 0.58
-Mounted File Systems-
aufs	/	2.46 % (1.1 GiB of 1.2 GiB)	
devtmpfs	/dev	1.21 % (985.5 MiB of 997.6 MiB)	
/dev/sda1	/mnt/sda1	23.89 % (14.9 GiB of 19.6 GiB)	
/dev/sda3	/mnt/sda3	34.93 % (25.0 GiB of 38.4 GiB)	
/dev/sdc1	/mnt/sdc1	46.07 % (4.0 GiB of 7.5 GiB)	
/mnt/live/run	/run	38.59 % (613.1 MiB of 998.4 MiB)	
/dev/sdb2	/mnt/sdb2	7.30 % (6.3 GiB of 6.8 GiB)	
----------------------------# Recognized devices:
/dev/sda1: UUID="980f37c2-0981-4a73-afcd-aad6e7571e99" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sda2: UUID="d4575fad-2b0c-4bbf-bd8f-4d33a220a9f8" TYPE="swap" 
/dev/sda3: LABEL="HOME" UUID="b951b89f-ad2c-4cce-b501-0e8a17b3c814" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sdc1: LABEL="DATA" UUID="4BD7-64E9" TYPE="vfat" 
/dev/sdb1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="44B5-3D4A" TYPE="vfat" 
/dev/sdb2: UUID="46fa5542-f733-4582-85cd-6cdc49bfc17a" TYPE="ext4" 

# Booting device:

# Porteus data found in:

# Changes are stored in:

# Non standard /rootcopy dir:

# Modules activated during boot time:

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