... CAYQ_AUoAQ ... sticky.png ... s/cap1.png

Hi i am new to linux i downloaded the knote package from ... 6.deb.html since i have an 32-bit system and i can see all the dependencies in the site but i think half or more of it is already present in the kde module so any idea how to findout how to download the dependencies i actually needfrancois wrote:Knows is available as a .deb package from ... 4.deb.html
Insure that this is the appropriate architecture, download and convert with deb2xzm and finally active. Start minor in command line to see what libraries are missing. You can also have a look at the prerequisite libraries mentioned in
Hi just downloaded knotes and all the dependencies and converted them into xzm packages but when i booted into the porteus it seems to hang after the booting showes that it has loaded all the modules please help and if possible can you build the package.francois wrote:Knows is available as a .deb package from ... 4.deb.html
Insure that this is the appropriate architecture, download and convert with deb2xzm and finally active. Start minor in command line to see what libraries are missing. You can also have a look at the prerequisite libraries mentioned in
Code: Select all
usm -g xfce4-notes-plugin
Code: Select all
cd /usr/lib && ln -s
Hi I did what you asked and a xfce note bundle xzm had appeared I ran it but the only thing new I found in it was an app called glade I am not sure but I think that this only works for the xfce environment and I use the KDE environmenttome wrote:Open terminal as root and execute:Install it with all dependencies and at the end execute something like this (for i486 architecture):Code: Select all
usm -g xfce4-notes-plugin
For x86_64 probably similar symlink is required.Code: Select all
cd /usr/lib && ln -s
You are wrong here - it is made for Xfce DE but works in all DE. I use it for example in Openbox and LXDE. I will try upload it later.I think that this only works for the xfce environment and I use the KDE environment
All right i have compile the xmz bundel maby i do not know from where to activate it according to me it should be in the in the kde add widget place is this right please help if you want i can also upload the bundel such that you can also check.tome wrote:You are wrong here - it is made for Xfce DE but works in all DE. I use it for example in Openbox and LXDE. I will try upload it later.I think that this only works for the xfce environment and I use the KDE environment
The reason is that there is no knotes in the slackware reporisitory but there is knotes in the debian repository so the that we can take the .deb file and convert it .xzm for usebeny wrote:hi,sorry but i don't undestand why we need deb packages in slackware environment,please take note of the kde version you have and grab the knotes from this version number, in xfce you can use clipman, btw user can do as he wish....
For testing purposes just activate it wherever you have it. Just point file manager at it, right click with mouse and choose activate.anandisrocking007 wrote:All right i have compile the xmz bundel maby i do not know from where to activate it according to me it should be in the in the kde add widget place is this right please help if you want i can also upload the bundel such that you can also check.
I know that part I have been using porteus for the last two months what I am trying to tell is this app is a sticky note app which means it looks like a small note stuck on the desktop like the yellow notes stuck on your fridge or walls in knotes you would access these from the widget menu that is you would pull the note from the icon what I am saying is how do you access this note. Since the only new app that has come after installing this module is the glade app and I think it is for developing workBogomips wrote:For testing purposes just activate it wherever you have it. Just point file manager at it, right click with mouse and choose activate.anandisrocking007 wrote:All right i have compile the xmz bundel maby i do not know from where to activate it according to me it should be in the in the kde add widget place is this right please help if you want i can also upload the bundel such that you can also check.
Once tested, it can go in /porteus/modules if you want it always activated when system comes up. For occasional use it could go in /porteus/optional. Thereafter it could be manually activated, or at system start (Please see website info on optional)
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