Hi, I love java programming and I found this two easy step to install java and Eclipse Java IDE(Kepler) to work with :
1. download openjava for slackware package from
https://slackware.pkgs.org/14.2/slackon ... y.txz.html
2. open a root shell terminal where you download above file and apply this command to convert slackware package to module :
tzm2xzm openjdk7-7u251-x86_64-1_slonly.txz
3. then if conversion is successfull, you can see java package named
openjdk7-7u251-x86_64-1_slonly.xzm (under parent folder probably, i.e. go one folder up)
4. if you want to make it active at each startup then copy this module into /porteus/modules/ folder
5. goto /porteus/module/ folder and open root shell terminal and use this command :
activate openjdk7-7u251-x86_64-1_slonly.xzm
6. if it is successfully activated, message screen will apperead as package is activated sucessfully.
7. to check whether java is working or not, open a guest shell sakura and write java to command prompt, if you see java's information there, it means it is working. otherwise, track bugs scattered (i.e. errors
7. Next step is to get Eclipse Java Kepler packages from page :
https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packa ... ase/kepler
8. trick is to download only relevant packages according to your computer's chipset architecture, 32/64 bit or amd64 , of course under linux pages get the relavant package any package you want (ı am usin eclipse-standart-kepler-SR1-linux-gtk-86_64.tar.gz package and equivalent SR2 packages)
9. after downloading eclipse-???-kepler-???-.tar.gz file, extract its under the /home/guest/keplerIDE folder(create it) . but do not forget that it is tar.gz, therefore, once you unzip it you get a tar file, therefore, first unzip then untar the file to get simple eclipse folder
10. give execution permission to folder named eclipse using recursive command(rigth click folder and change permissions simply under root spacefm or use
chmod -R 777 /eclipse
11. open a guest shell under /home/guest/keplerIDE folder and write this command to start working with Eclipse Kepler Java IDE
./eclipse/eclipse (equivalently /home/guest/keplerIDE/eclipse/eclipse will work)
I have not faced with any dependency problems yet. If you faced with, please update required libraries but I could use both java and eclipse without any special packages, just simple porteus 5.0 desktop version standart packages is enough. That is all. Happy java programming.