Ok we found one of the possible solutions. It's not the cleanest way neither the automatic way but it works.
Please notice that this solution is based on html/css of this website :
https://www.portail-vie-etudiante.fr. The solution may vary depending of how the website is programed.
To find what is the problem on our website and the white list we used the firefox/iceweasel investigator so we can see the html code and values that is given to the body, tables and containers of the html code.
The part of the html code that interest us founded, we tried to do some modifications to the /home/guest/.mozilla/firefox/c3pp43bg.default/chrome/userContent.css file that basically is like that :
1) The part that everyone have hard-coded on the iso : This is how no one have access to the configuration of firefox (partially)
Code: Select all
@-moz-document regexp("^about:addons|^about:accounts|^about:cache|^about:config|^about:customizing|^about:home|^about:memory|^about:networking|^about:permissions|^about:preferences| ^about:support|^about:telemetry|^chrome:.*|^file:.*") {
html, page, window {
display: none !important;
2) This is the part that is added under the hard-coded part when we configure a white list : here we added to the white-list just our web site
portail-vie-etudiante.fr :
Code: Select all
body, body > * { display: none }
html { background: url(file:///usr/share/pixmaps/blocked-content.png) no-repeat center top }
@-moz-document regexp(".*portail-vie-etudiante.fr.*")
{body, body > * { display: inherit }
body > script { display: none }
html { background: inherit }}
The solution :
The solution founded is about trying to reset the values of the containers that make all content goes to the left side.
The containers (tags) concerned in our case is :
#area > tr (
tr is a tag in the area tag) and
3) After a little bit of how to's and googling we founded how resizing this tags and we add this part on the userContent.css file at the end :
Code: Select all
@-moz-document regexp(".*portail-vie-etudiante.fr.*") {
position: relative;
#area > tr{
margin: 0 auto;
display: inline-block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
And just after that size of the text becomes readable, of corse depending of your problem you can play with the marges and size of tags to have the optimum display in your case.
Remaster the iso after re-compressing the 003-setting.xzm and basically the problem is "fixed" or hided if you prefer
Consider that this is not a general solution (
This ISO will remain with this kind of machines and need) neither a patch or a fix, this is just how to hide this kind of problems.
Hope this will help others and also to find a better way to fix this bug.