Help with driver for EPSON L210!

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Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#1 by Novichok » 18 May 2015, 21:07

Porteus 3.1, KDE4. Convert to the correct driver module epson-inkjet-printer-201207w_1.0.0-1lsb3.2_i386.xzm, I threw a folder modules and activated. Then the menu came into the applications / system / print settings clicked on add, entered the password, seemed epson l210, pressed forward. Search for drivers, and then went to the page Choose driver, which was asked to: 1) select printer from database (chose epson l210 but their model is not found, turned back); 2) provide ppd file (pulled from a previously downloaded driver ppd.gz driver Epson-L210_Series-epson-driver.ppd.gz pointed the way to it, like a test page to print requested, but not printed, tried different ways at this point, but no Progress did not work); 3) search for a printer driver to download (Search for drivers, but without result). Help, how to resolve the issue with the press? :%) ... ies&OSC=LX

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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#2 by francois » 19 May 2015, 00:54

I understand that you got your driver from: ... 210_Series

You just next to having the solution. It seems that did not decompressed the Epson-L210_Series-epson-driver.ppd.gz.

Right click on the file epson-inkjet-printer-201207w and extract it with the archiver. This should result in Epson-L210_Series-epson-driver.ppd without gz at the end. You shoud store it with the other epson drivers in the /usr/share/cups/model/epson folder.

Then as you dit use the print settings (system-config-printer) installer to use your Epson-L210_Series-epson-driver.ppd. Are you installing usb or network? See:
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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#3 by Novichok » 19 May 2015, 22:29

Remove from the archive file arkjd2110.ppd but it is not copied to the following path / usr / share / cups / model / epson folder. If you select it the other way provide ppd fillet he asks for more and epson_inkjet_printer_filtr «/usr/lib/cups/filter//opt/epson-inkjet-printer-201207w/cups/lib/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter» put another way, that identity is not copied, and there is no such folder.
Last edited by Novichok on 19 May 2015, 22:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#4 by Novichok » 19 May 2015, 22:39

:cry:Help please, only on you all hope, I recently started using this axis. Connected by usb.

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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#5 by francois » 20 May 2015, 00:16

Here is the ppd file.


Copy this file in the /usr/share/cups/model/epson folder. Are you able to find the /usr/share/cups/model/epson folder?

Then as indicated above use the procedure as in this thread:

1) On the panel menu:
porteus menu > system > printing
will lead you to the system-config-printer gui.
2) in the menu select server > new
3) your printer should appear if it is usb connected, select it and follow the recommendations.
4) select provide ppd file
5) click on the rectangle with the word none in it and find your ppd file in the /usr/share/cups/model/epson folder.
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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#6 by Novichok » 20 May 2015, 01:02

Located in the default folder Epson-L210_Series-epson-driver.ppd but printer «EPSON-L210-Series» program is required«/usr/lib/cups/filter//opt/epson-inkjet-printer-201207w/cups/lib/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter», but it is not installed. Please set it to use the printer. I tried as root to create the desired folder, and put the filter but not working.

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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#7 by Novichok » 20 May 2015, 01:16

Can I replace the driver for Epson generic driver?

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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#8 by francois » 20 May 2015, 17:08

1) Did you activated 07-printer.xzm?
2) epson generic printer driver, why not give it a try.
3) Located in the default folder Epson-L210_Series-epson-driver.ppd but printer «EPSON-L210-Series» program is required«/usr/lib/cups/filter//opt/epson-inkjet-printer-201207w/cups/lib/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter», but it is not installed. Please set it to use the printer. I tried as root to create the desired folder, and put the filter but not working.
First, it is difficult to follow you as I do not know exactly what you did and what you did not step by step. Second, according to what I have proposed to you, what did you do and what happenned? Third, what happenned that required /usr/lib/cups/filter//opt/epson-inkjet-printer-201207w/cups/lib/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter», what did you do to get there? Please document the steps that brought you there.
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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#9 by Novichok » 20 May 2015, 21:38
1)I activated the 07-printer.xzm
2)A sample of epson generic printer driver? (if you do not throw a pick the ppd epson generic printer driver?)
3)I'll make a folder for the filter in the way that writing bug printer, but the printer continues to show the same error :cry:

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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#10 by Bogomips » 20 May 2015, 22:41

@francois foomatic
Haven't a clue how to progress this offhand :unknown:
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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#11 by francois » 21 May 2015, 11:29

From my experience and knowledge the PPD alone should have been sufficient. I will try to look more in depht the .deb package. However, googling with words Slackware Epson l210 printer driver Linux should yield interesting results if any.
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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#12 by Bogomips » 21 May 2015, 12:14

francois wrote:From my experience and knowledge the PPD alone should have been sufficient.
Open Printing CUPS
2. Install a PPD file.

CUPS requires a PPD file to define how it will use the printer and driver (if any). PPD files come from several sources, be sure you get yours from the right place:

If you have a PostScript printer
Obtain the PPD file from your printer's vendor. Several vendors post PPDs on the OpenPrinting web site. Go to your printer's entry and look whether a driver named "Postscript-<vendor name>" is available. Take the PPD from this driver entry. Other sources are the printer manuafacturer's web site (look for a package for Linux or Unix, Windows and Mac packages are often not simple to extract on a Linux machine) on the driver CDs which come with the printer, or on a Windows or Mac OS X partition if the printer was already set up on that operating system. You do not need a driver (Step 1), just the PPD file.

If you do not have a PostScript printer
You will need a driver. The OpenPrinting database can help yopu find a suitable one. Several drivers can be downloaded there as a ready-to-use binary package for all LSB-compliant distributions. In any case, you find links to driver project pages. If the driver does not ship a PPD file, use the PPD file offered to you by the OpenPrinting database. Follow the "download PPD" link in such a case. Save downloaded PPD files in /usr/share/ppd, /usr/share/cups/model, or wherever your CUPS setup has its PPD directory. The PPD file does not need to be executable, but it should be world-readable and should have the file name extension ".ppd".
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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#13 by Novichok » 21 May 2015, 22:31

Nothing unfortunately did not work for me, and the printer did not work :wall:

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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#14 by Bogomips » 21 May 2015, 22:42


Please do not worry. Francois is on your case 8)
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Re: Help with driver for EPSON L210!

Post#15 by francois » 24 May 2015, 05:18

I would surely like to help. My problem is that I have no access to that type of printer. Did you tried to install your printer under Ubuntu? Does it work?
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