"yeah, but in AgiliaLinux distro all options look good for me"
pls run AgiliaLinux and do a screenshot with txt and jpeg file in one folder.
"Anybody can help me?"
maybe something like:
Code: Select all
if [ -x /usr/bin/loadkeys ] ; then
/usr/bin/loadkeys ru-winkeys-cp1251_alt_sh.kmap # ru-cp1251.map
for x in `ls /home`; do
mkdir -p /home/$x/.kde4/share/config/
echo "[Layout]
Use=true" > /home/$x/.kde4/share/config/kxkbrc
"I could create a forum thread in "General / development" and put in my thoughts / rules about NVidia at least in there if that's okay with everyone."
better write a guide and post it in "Howto's and Resources" - i'll do a correction if needed.
"I cannot give any ideas about ATI since I don't own a single PC with such a GPU."
we have a good script for ATI:
so i wouldn't worry about it
BTW: user responses under this howto are priceless
(sorry - that's my twisted sense of humour)
"I suggest we also create a thread in "General / development" for that for discussing such matters and for the best ways to solve them, since for every program we port to Porteus the one creating the module not needs to re-invent the wheel over and over again... "
waiting on a first xzm which is fully compatible with brokenman's package manager. once i see it, i will know which rules should apply and try to post them.
then we can start building xzm repo.
"Does the "switch to root function" script already exists?"
example of /usr/lical/bin/truecrypt:
Code: Select all
if [ `whoami` != "root" ]; then
xterm -T "Please enter root's password below" -e su - -c "/usr/bin/truecrypt"
/usr/bin/truecrypt &
ok will change that to:
"df -T /dev/xxx (where xxx is your partition - sda/sdb3. If you are unsure about the partition number, cd into a directory of you know that is on that partition, like the boot/ folder on your hard drive or USB pendrive, and then run a "df -T . df then tells you the exact device name and mount point.)"
"Ahhh good to know, what is the syntax of that file? man kxkbrc not exists..."
kxkbrc is a KDE keyboard setting file - find an example in /home/guest/.kde4/share/config directory.
"Every time I switched the language to "German" and started a new program, the keyboard was set back to "UK" again... "
will check it...
"When starting "man" with an existing man page, like "man bash" and I exit "man", nonetheless links is started doing an online search for the very same manfile."
fixed already
for now you can remove /usr/local/bin/man to restore old behaviour.
"I tried that with my opera 64 bit module, first copied the xzm to /tmp to have a "copytoram" effect"
it wont work that way
"got the on-screen windows telling me the module was loaded successfully, but there still is no entry of Opera in [menu]/Internet..."
this is important: pls upload your module and i will check it.