ncmprhnsbl wrote:so you're using a CD iso to boot an iso on a usb/hd?
from the tutorial your cheatcode should look more like this:
Code: Select all
KERNEL /dev/sdb1/boot/syslinux/vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=/dev/sdb1/porteus/boot/initrd.xz from=/dev/sdb1/Porteus-XFCE-v3.1-i486.iso
may only need
Code: Select all
you might consider making your usb bootable so you can edit/save the syslinux/porteus.cfg . if possible
Perhaps this may better help.
- The Porteus boot media is a non-rewritable liveCD rather than a CD-R/W or USB drive
- The hard drive has Salix 14.1 already installed, with the XFCE desktop. The Salix boot manager is LILO, it is installed onto the Master Boot Record of the drive, and the LILO cfg entries are in the first partition's /etc/lilo.conf file. Didn't add the recommended KERNEL and APPEND options for /dev/sdb1 to this /etc/lilo.conf file though.
- The initial liveCD's Porteus boot screen with a lighthouse-harbor graphic shows "Porteus-3.1 32bit" and offers the top-level boot options
-- Graphics mode (XFCE)
-- Always fresh
-- Copy To RAM
-- Text mode
-- Porteus as PXE server
-- PLoP BootManager
-- Boot from the first hd
The bottom boot screen description for my chosen 'Graphics mode XFCE' option is
Run Porteus the best way we can. Try to autoconfigure graphics card and use the maximum allowed resolution.
It's default (syslinux?) edit options are
Code: Select all
vmlinuz initrd.xz changes=/porteus timezone=America/<my exact timezone>
- Decided to make things a bit simpler by running Porteus using the liveCD with the default 'Graphics mode XFCE' option just above, then resizing hd partitions using Porteus's GParted in order to increase drivespace on /dev/sda1, and then repeating the Porteus ISO image copying and boot files extraction to /mnt/sda1 (instead of to /mnt/sdb1) exactly as described in the previous post. Perhaps the Porteus ISO cp'ing and boot files extraction were somehow defective the 1st time around?
- I found the relevant cheatcodes for SLAX, a Slack-based distro similar to Porteus, at as follows
To load SLAX data from different place instead of the boot device. First example will search for slax.iso, only on hda1. Second example will search for 'path/to/slax.iso' on all devices. The first device containing the path/file is used. Third example expects that the ISO is unpacked to hda1. Fourth example searches through all disks for a directory 'path/to/slax' and expects the contents of unpacked ISO in there.
- Following one of the above SLAX cheatcode examples, I rebooted the PC using the same Porteus liveCD and on the edit line of the 'Graphics mode XFCE' option, specified
Code: Select all
vmlinuz initrd.xz changes=/porteus timezone=America/<my exact timezone> from=/dev/sda1/porteus/porteus.iso
When booting when this edit option, I finally saw this message:
Starting init script <>
^ searching for porteus-v3.1-i486.sgn file
^ using Porteus data from /mnt/isoloop/porteus
... <desired modules loading>
^ copying content of /mnt/isoloop/porteus/rootcopy directory
^ changing root directory
This seems to have fixed the issue I presented.
Really don't mind at all using Porteus to create, save, and access data files alongside those from Salix in /mnt/sda1. And I can also use Porteus's 'Text mode' menu option with the same last boot= entry to boot into text mode, followed by using 'startx' (but
not 'init 4'!) to get into X just like for XFCE in Salix.
Next step is to fix the Unified Slackware Package Manager "
Missing Database Files!" issue I'm getting. This USM pkg manager perhaps similar to Knoppix's Synaptic/APT?
Thanks for the replies