fanthom wrote:why not to use USM to download it from Slackware patches? same applies to latest CVE for flashplayer which looks quite dangerous (remote code execution):
you can get latest flashplayer from alien repo.
Im not yet ( no way) a Porteus pro, as I dont understand usm for example.. :-)
I tried to download glibc, but there is nothing like that in my usm(GUI) searches. No results.
I also later tried To download and convert "alien" Firefox 31.4, no success, after deactivation of my old FF31.3 module and activation of the new, it will now not start up a Firefox. But FF are in the Menus, so I guess the activation-stuff did go OK. Hmm, no idea what to do then.
(So I had to go back to .425 in that computer)
( Hmm, the pluginchek says Firefox it self is old, but
do say that our Flashplayer .425
are OK (and it is NOT ok now = a bug)
why do we, or they(?) still have this bug with security-check of plugins, is this a problem only in Porteus-FFirefox-plugincheck?, ...or is it a global problem that just nobody cares about?

Not good when less updated people check their not updated plugins and get a "green light" on dangerous stuff.. And It has been like this for very long time at Mozilla, at least since .424 of flash last year...)
Try here and see if you get the same (bug) result on a new Porteus iso:
Looks like you’re using an older version of Firefox.
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