The buttons will be on language of your default OS.
It's the native language of my current Windows 7

yes, you can tweak my source codeHamza wrote:Could I use your installer without disable UAC?
Code: Select all
Run( @WindowsDir & "\system32\cmd.exe" )
MsgBox(262144, "How to install Porteus on your USB Flash drive", '1) Type your drive letter of USB Flash (for examle E:) and then presss “Enter”' & @CR & '2) Type “cd boot\scripts” then press “Enter”' & @CR & '3) Type “.\bootinst.bat”')
Code: Select all
Opt("TrayIconHide", 1)
$a = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
$b = "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"
$c = "REG_DWORD"
$d = "0"
$e = "PromptOnSecureDesktop"
$f = "EnableLUA"
$var1 = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin")
$var2 = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "PromptOnSecureDesktop")
$var3 = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "EnableLUA")
$response = MsgBox(4, "Warning", 'This program will temporarily disable UAC. This may put your computer at risk.' & @CR & 'It necessary for install Porteus to a flah drive.' & @CR & '' & @CR & 'Note!' & @CR & '' & @CR & 'If UAC is active, your system will be rebooted for disable it.' & @CR & 'If is not, to you it will be accessible a command line interpreter.' & @CR & '' & @CR & 'When you have installed Porteus on your usb flash you can active UAC manually. You will need to type “uac” in the Start menu, click "Change User Account Control Settings" and restart.' & @CR & '' & @CR & 'Are you sure you want to continue?')
If $response = 6 then
If $var1 = 5 Then
FileWrite (@CommonFilesDir & "\System\en-US\mui\log.txt","Text")
RegWrite($a, $b, $c, $d)
If $var2 = 1 Then
FileWrite (@CommonFilesDir & "\System\en-US\mui\log.txt","Text")
RegWrite($a, $e, $c, $d)
If $var1 = 2 Then
FileWrite (@CommonFilesDir & "\System\en-US\mui\log.txt","Text")
RegWrite($a, $b, $c, $d)
If $var3 = 1 Then
FileWrite (@CommonFilesDir & "\System\en-US\mui\log.txt","Text")
RegWrite($a, $f, $c, $d)
SplashTextOn("Warning", 'UAC was disabled.' & @CR & 'Your OS will reboot.' & @CR & 'After reboot run the porteus2usb.exe installer again and follow instruction.', 310, 250, -1, -1, "", "", 24)
Run( @WindowsDir & "\system32\cmd.exe" )
MsgBox(262144, "How to install Porteus on your USB Flash drive", '1) Type your drive letter of USB Flash (for examle E:) and then presss “Enter”' & @CR & '2) Type “cd boot\scripts” then press “Enter”' & @CR & '3) Type “.\bootinst.bat”')
Code: Select all
If UAC is active, your system will be rebooted for disable it.
If is not, to you it will be accessible a command line interpreter.
Code: Select all
porteus\tools\WIN\cygwin1.dll 430,811 6%
boot\chain.c32 9,469 37%
boot\docs\bloaders.txt 378 50%
boot\docs\cheatcodes.txt 3,415 61%
boot\docs\favicon.ico 318 73%
boot\docs\install.txt 5,520 70%
boot\docs\requirements.txt 512 48%
boot\docs\restore-mbr.txt 653 50%
boot\docs\version.txt 21 -5%
boot\dos\config 79 10%
boot\dos\ 4,010 32%
boot\dos\porteus.bat 207 47%
boot\dos\readme.txt 245 29%
boot\initrd.xz 1,361,028 0%
boot\isolinux\ 37 99%
boot\isolinux\isolinux.bin 10,022 21%
boot\isolinux\isolinux.boot 37 99%
boot\isolinux\isolinux.cfg 35 -34%
boot\ 1,055 67%
boot\mt86p 64,839 61%
boot\plpbt 25,497 42%
boot\porteus.cfg 1,325 64%
boot\porteus.jpg 136,876 9%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\default 152 23%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\dnsmasq 63,707 2%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\pxelinux.0 11,041 21%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\start 570 42%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\web\conf\monkey.conf 179 28%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\web\conf\monkey.deny 16 -128%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\web\conf\monkey.mime 928 71%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\web\monkey 20,379 3%
boot\pxelinux.cfg\web\start 655 47%
boot\scripts\ 1,616 58%
boot\scripts\bootinst.bat 1,139 56%
boot\scripts\ 49 99%
boot\scripts\ 626 80%
boot\syslinux\extlinux 28,754 46%
boot\syslinux\extlinux.conf 0 -
boot\syslinux\lilo 69,383 2%
boot\syslinux\mbr.bin 402 1%
boot\syslinux\syslinux 17,440 32%
boot\syslinux\syslinux.cfg 0 -
boot\syslinux\ 16,662 29%
boot\syslinux\syslinux.exe 18,446 35%
boot\version.txt 22 0%
boot\vesamenu.c32 80,597 46%
boot\vmlinuz 2,542,014 1%
boot\win_start_here.hta 678 66%
porteus\GNU_GPL 6,174 66%
porteus\License.txt 189 26%
porteus\base\000-kernel.xzm 16,496,485 0%
porteus\base\001-core.xzm 48,324,024 0%
porteus\base\002-xorg.xzm 59,755,684 1%
porteus\base\003-lxde.xzm 3,820,565 1%
porteus\base\004-kde.xzm 53,608,945 1%
porteus\base\005-kdeapps.xzm 19,451,365 1%
porteus\base\006-koffice.xzm 9,662,935 0%
porteus\base\007-devel.xzm 36,705,710 1%
porteus\base\008-firefox.xzm 12,975,958 1%
porteus\cheatcodes.txt 29 99%
porteus\ 629 48%
porteus\make_iso.bat 361 49%
porteus\ 495 50%
porteus\md5sums.txt 348 47%
porteus\porteus-v1.0.sgn 286 36%
porteus\requirements.txt 0 -
porteus\rootcopy\opt\porteus-scripts\xmodtools 5,944 72%
porteus\tools\WIN\config 92 33%
boot\MbrFix.exe 67,244 46%
porteus\tools\WIN\mkisofs.exe 157,399 32%
Code: Select all
echo This file is used to determine current drive letter. It should be deleted. >\%BOOTFLAG%
if not exist \%BOOTFLAG% goto readOnly
echo Wait please, searching for current drive letter.
for %%
I can buy anything software for Porteus.wait a minute... 4th installer? it's too much for now
also - it must be opensource in case of further modifications. and one more thing: no paying for the software/art/whatever - it's a free community project based on work of volunteers.