Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#76 by Burninbush » 23 Apr 2011, 12:35

"You'd have made a good Nazi."
please watch your language

"Fanthom, are you monitoring this? I urge you to get your dog under control."
i wont tolerate any kind of personal attacks on this board. i'm willing to give you temporary ban if that happens once again (yes - you can call me "nazi").
i got your point and will have a word with Hamza. >fanthom


OK, here's what I think: any board where the owner prefers the behavior of an asshole like Hamza to the way that I present on the board -- well, I'm not likely to be comfortable there anyway. So ban me or not, it's up to you. If he bites me again then I'll call him on it again.

I think any fair reading of my post that started this would show that I tried to find the proper place to put my comment, and failed -- and so I put it into the 64-bit section of the board, under a subheading named Bug Reports. It's not such a wonderful distro that someone politely trying to help should have to put up with this juvenile crap coming from Hamza -- or any other moderator.

Hamza : This post is censored.

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#77 by Hamza » 23 Apr 2011, 12:47

OK, here's what I think: any board where the owner prefers the behavior of an asshole like Hamza to the way that I present on the board -- well, I'm not likely to be comfortable there anyway. So ban me or not, it's up to you. If he bites me again then I'll call him on it again.

I think any fair reading of my post that started this would show that I tried to find the proper place to put my comment, and failed -- and so I put it into the 64-bit section of the board, under a subheading named Bug Reports. It's not such a wonderful distro that someone politely trying to help should have to put up with this juvenile crap coming from Hamza -- or any other moderator.
This conversation is offtopic.

And you don't respect this rule once again.
12. No personal attacks - These forums are not a place for you to take cheap shots at somebody because he/she did something. Do that some place else (or better yet, get over it). You have been warned. Hopefully, this won't be much of a problem here.
Now , I must repect the rules , you have a Warn.

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#78 by Burninbush » 23 Apr 2011, 12:57


There's something terribly wrong with rc1 and Firefox 4 here -- I read a few boards, and noted while scrolling a long page that the screen was barely moving -- ran #top and saw immediately that firefox-bin and X are consuming 96% of my cpu time from doing nothing more than holding down the mouse button on that down-scroll arrow. The previous beta [with ff 3.6.14] does not have this problem, nor do the 32-bit releases.

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#79 by Hamza » 23 Apr 2011, 13:02

There's something terribly wrong with rc1 and Firefox 4 here -- I read a few boards, and noted while scrolling a long page that the screen was barely moving -- ran #top and saw immediately that firefox-bin and X are consuming 96% of my cpu time from doing nothing more than holding down the mouse button on that down-scroll arrow. The previous beta [with ff 3.6.14] does not have this problem, nor do the 32-bit releases.
Yes , if this bug is in Porteus v1 RC1 x86_64 , you're in the right place.

This is not the first bug with firefox.

One thing: All firefox version with 64bit support have a problem. This is not the first bug.

Thanks to have reported this bug.

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#80 by fanthom » 23 Apr 2011, 21:19

you are not giving me much choice. i understand your position but not going to do any exceptions. i have temporarily banned you for using offending words in comments.
Hope to see you back in 7 days.
You are a mature person - please dont get provoked next time.
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#81 by Hamza » 24 Apr 2011, 10:36

@ All members with Burninbush

I apologize for this conversation , this is my fault.

I apologize, because I have used some words with you
I have removed all warns by me.

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#82 by Rava » 24 Apr 2011, 15:12

Back on topic...

I found some various bugs, but will omit any FFx related ones since these are Firefox issues, and not cause of Porteus.

The The NVidia V260.19.44 is also buggy, like starting the nvidia-settings and trying to apply "rotation settings" results in:

Code: Select all

The program 'nvidia-settings' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'.
  (Details: serial 409 error_code 2 request_code 153 minor_code 2)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
I think when I have the time I will create a 1.0rc1 x86_64 xzm with "smaller numbered version" of the NV driver, since these are usually less buggy...

LXTerminal 0.1.9 seems buggy.
When I set it to 81 x whatever my terminal tells me it has 80 colums.
When I set it to 80 columns, it is set to 79 instead.

We should look for a patch or an update...
Does anyone know more about the LXDE community or is someone of us already part of that community?

2. LXTerminal issue: When I change from an desktop with FFx to one with an open LXT. often the window got not redrawn. This could be a bug with LXT, LXDE, or even the NVidia driver, but I presume it's either LXDE or most probably LXT. since it only happens with its window. Have a look: http://i54.tinypic.com/r6yblt.png
Sometimes the whole window got not redrawn (only the "window borders" incl. the "title bar" (the one with the LXDE menu on the left and the close/open/resize buttons on the right - dunno what you call that in English. :Search: )

Seems xdg-email is broken. Trying to send an email with

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# xdg-email
results only in

Code: Select all

lynx: Start file could not be found or is not text/html or text/plain
/usr/bin/xdg-email: line 522: w3m: command not found
xdg-email: no method available for opening 'mailto:'

Sometimes when switching from another to a virtual console, mc is not drawn right:

Code: Select all

  Left     File     Command─────Options───.[Right
           Menu    3View      Edit      Copy      RenMov  7Mkdir   8Delete   9PullDn
Like the empty parts being all the dark blue that mc uses as background.

Code: Select all

instead of:
  Left     File     Command     Options     Right
 1Help    2Menu    3View     4Edit     5Copy     6RenMov  7Mkdir   8Delete   9PullDn  10Quit
mc bug? NVidia driver bug?
I will load 1.0rc1 without the NVidia driver and give you updates on that matter.

Seems lzm2xzm is faulty.

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/tmp/re-master-SLAX-6.1.2# lzm2xzm 001-core_6.1.2.lzm 001-core_6.1.2.xzm
Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on /tmp/re-master-SLAX-6.1.2/001-core_6.1.2.lzm

Convert directory tree into .xzm compressed module
usage: /usr/bin/dir2xzm source_directory output_file.xzm
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/001-core_64998': No such file or directory

this is the list of converted modules...

And that is NOT true, the list of the "converted modules" is faulty, not a single module got converted due to the "SQUASHFS" error.
That should be fixed for rc2. It seems it cannot convert Slax 6.1.2 like lzm modules... but these are also live-linux compatible lzm modules.
I suggest to change the script to be able to convert these modules as well. If I get the info of how you can convert these modules I gladly volunteer to update /usr/bin/lzm2xzm if you want me to.

The 2nd issue, when you leave away the target name, you still get "this is the list of converted modules..." at the end, with the modules listed that not have been converted.
Again: I could debug that script if you want me to, Fanthom. (I will put in a version number, though)

I cannot run LST due to an error downloading, also it not realizes that there was an error and carries on.

Code: Select all

Do you want to setup UTF-8 encoding in your system? Answer y/n

This is the list of supported encodings.  Please type in your choice:

Example: pl_PL.utf8      for polish UTF-8 encoding

[de_DE.utf8 was on that list...]

Code: Select all

Resolving ponce.cc (ponce.cc)...
Connecting to ponce.cc (ponce.cc)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://ponce.cc/blog/ [following]
--2011-04-22 08:35:03--  http://ponce.cc/blog/
Location: http://ponce.cc/blog/ [following]
--2011-04-22 08:37:39--  http://ponce.cc/blog/
Connecting to ponce.cc (ponce.cc)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://ponce.cc/blog/ [following]
--2011-04-22 08:37:40--  http://ponce.cc/blog/
Reusing existing connection to ponce.cc:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://ponce.cc/blog/ [following]
--2011-04-22 08:37:42--  http://ponce.cc/blog/
Reusing existing connection to ponce.cc:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://ponce.cc/blog/ [following]
--2011-04-22 08:37:43--  http://ponce.cc/blog/
Reusing existing connection to ponce.cc:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://ponce.cc/blog/ [following]
20 redirections exceeded.
The main issue: LST carries on after wget quits with an error, the screen is cleared and the next question comes.
Now, a user leaving the desktop to get tea and cookies while "downloading the module" might think all went well...
I captured the above by running wget again in the console (after reading LST to get to know the link and where LST wants that download.)

Again I volunteer in script debugging.

Hope these help!
I have some more, but the reports need a bit of re-write, I will post these later!

Verfasst after 19 minutes 33 seconds:
I forgot to add, I created opera-11.10-2092.x86_64.xzm and it runs. Is anyone interested?
What would be the quickest free upload?

Code: Select all

-r--r--r-- 1 root 12627968 2011-04-24 15:42 opera-11.10-2092.x86_64.xzm
# md5sum opera*
1e7bd738b5466304d650f097712ee619  opera-11.10-2092.x86_64.xzm
Yours Rava

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#83 by beny » 24 Apr 2011, 16:42

hi rava look at this if work for you

http://www.mediafire.com/?n500id0e2k0fb the last nvidia driver 270.41.06 for porteus rc1

Posted after 11 minutes 56 seconds:
and you are shure that lzm of slax are compressed with sq4 and after try lzm2xzm? because the command console work like a charm

Posted after 7 minutes 51 second:

Code: Select all

bash-4.1# cd /root/xzbuild/
bash-4.1# lzm2xzm

nead a lzm module or folder containing lzm's as an argument

/usr/bin/lzm2xzm /mnt/sda2/porteus_modules
/usr/bin/lzm2xzm /root/module.sq4.lzm
/usr/bin/lzm2xzm /root/module.lzm
bash-4.1# lzm2xzm 006-devel.sq4.lzm 006-devel.sq4.xzm
Parallel unsquashfs: Using 2 processors
18173 inodes (14151 blocks) to write

[====================================================================================/] 14151/14151 100%
created 16792 files
created 2687 directories
created 84 symlinks
created 0 devices
created 0 fifos
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /root/xzbuild/006-devel.xzm, block size 262144.
[====================================================================================|] 14067/14067 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 262144
        compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
        duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 42294.05 Kbytes (41.30 Mbytes)
        10.54% of uncompressed filesystem size (401398.95 Kbytes)
Inode table size 134246 bytes (131.10 Kbytes)
        20.84% of uncompressed inode table size (644317 bytes)
Directory table size 167880 bytes (163.95 Kbytes)
        41.15% of uncompressed directory table size (408015 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 6221
Number of inodes 19563
Number of files 16792
Number of fragments 437
Number of symbolic links  84
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 2687
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 2                                                                     
Number of uids 2
        root (0)
        guest (1000)
Number of gids 2
        root (0)
        guest (1000)

press entet to see a list of converted modules and exit


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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#84 by Rava » 24 Apr 2011, 17:25

beny wrote:hi rava look at this if work for you
I will download it as soon as I am back home...
and you are shure that lzm of slax are compressed with sq4 and after try lzm2xzm? because the command console work like a charm
I know that usually it works like a charm, but when some error occurs like when you try to convert a Slax 6.1.2 lzm (script's called lzm2xzm, right? SO it is bound to happen with the end users as soon as Porteus gets better known) and then the script tells at the end it has converted the module when it has not converted it.

And for me it not works when I run it in x86_64 with "lzm2xzm source.lzm" instead of ""lzm2xzm source.lzm target.xzm" but I will test that as soon as I am back home...
Yours Rava

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#85 by beny » 24 Apr 2011, 17:58

Code: Select all

bash-4.1# cd /root/xzbuild/
bash-4.1# lzm2xzm 001-core.lzm 001-core.xzm 
Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on /root/xzbuild/001-core.lzm
Cannot stat source directory "/tmp/001-core6019" because No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/001-core6019': No such file or directory

press entet to see a list of converted modules and exit


this is a module with sq3 compression and fail to work with the lzm2xzm script.

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#86 by Rava » 24 Apr 2011, 20:37

Seems there is more to the broken updating with the 260.19.44 NVidia driver.
When I load a .mov file (the original data made by a canon digital camera) it freezes at the first frame and you only hear the sound.

Clicking pause updates the movie image to the one of the pause, and starting again keeps the image on pause and only the sound works...

I will reboot and check out if it's better with the 010-nvidia-270.41.06-porteus-rc1-x86_64.xzm

But I sure will try out the NVidia drivers with the lover first version numbers cause these are longer developed and therefore less buggy...
So far I dunno which there are for Linux x86_64...

[off topic]
I wish there was a direct link to the page on nvidia.com and not the need to every time again go through these silly menus after menus, just to get one single suggestion that you probably not want. When they have more versions why not let the user choose which one to pick?
[/off topic]
If you want to reply to the above off topic please take it into the off topic thread in here. :)
Yours Rava

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#87 by fanthom » 24 Apr 2011, 22:34

ndiswrapper should be safe - i have used it couple of times and worked well with all wifi. Cant guarantee anyway :)

the best idea is to ask developer on is blog (or request this feature):
BTW: Bluedevil-1.1 will be included in next release (probably rc2) so it will be possible to send files via bluetooth directly form dolphin and terminal :)

"I read a few boards, and noted while scrolling a long page that the screen was barely moving -- ran #top and saw immediately that firefox-bin and X are consuming 96% of my cpu time from doing nothing more than holding down the mouse button on that down-scroll arrow. The previous beta [with ff 3.6.14] does not have this problem, nor do the 32-bit releases."
That's because i have enabled "smooth scrolling" in FF-4 for better scrolling experience. you can disable it in Preferences -> Advanced.

1) dunno about columns fix but lxterminal redraws correctly here (ATI HD2600 card). must be nvidia bug - try nouveau :)
2) you wont be able to convert 32bit sq3 modules in 64bit distro, check here for explanation:
3) i said that earlier: LST wont be updated until we reach FINAL. look at the download path:
http://ponce.cc/porteus/x86_64/current/ ... 4-1ftm.xzm
latest stable is v09 with "glibc-i18n-x86_64-1ftm.lzm" and you need "glibc-i18n-x86_64-1ftm.xzm"
wait for the FINAL.
I will add a function which exits LST when glibc package is not found - thanks.
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#88 by Rava » 25 Apr 2011, 20:50

fanthom wrote:3) i said that earlier: LST wont be updated until we reach FINAL. look at the download path:
http://ponce.cc/porteus/x86_64/current/ ... 4-1ftm.xzm
How do you do it with rc1 and your Polish localization, or do you run it with en_US as well?
Yours Rava

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#89 by Hamza » 25 Apr 2011, 21:10

You can use the cheatcode

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Re: Porteus-v1.0-rc1-x86_64 last call for testing

Post#90 by Rava » 26 Apr 2011, 11:39

But I want

Code: Select all

And at least doing a

Code: Select all

setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout de -variant nodeadkeys
in the LXTerminal fixes the keyboard for all X programs; the X terminal itself only gives me "?" instead of "ä" - or any other Umlaut - and "ss" instead of "ß"...
Yours Rava

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