Need To Porteus Boot Into PC in Low Resolution

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Need To Porteus Boot Into PC in Low Resolution

Post#1 by jimwg » 12 Nov 2014, 18:18

Greetings All!

Need assist ASAP. I'm trying to access a 32bit PC with a bad Dell monitor (can't get any others!) which won't stay lit if you boot up in high resolution. I need to boot Porteus into the PC in low resolution so that the monitor will stay on and allow me to change the boot-up file in the PC (via instructions by PC users) that switches it from low resolution to high during PC boot-up so I can use it only at low resolution. What Porteus script config is required for a low resolution boot up?

Thanks for any assist!

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Re: Need To Porteus Boot Into PC in Low Resolution

Post#2 by brokenman » 12 Nov 2014, 20:17

You need to overwrite the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf with /etc/X11/xorg.conf.vesa

You can do this by putting it into the rootcopy folder and then booting or by using the cheatcode.

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Re: Need To Porteus Boot Into PC in Low Resolution

Post#3 by francois » 13 Nov 2014, 02:42

I imagine that as usual brokenman's solution will work. If not report. There could be a solution with some xrandr instructions.

However, I will need the exact model of your display. The specs would be even better (the low resolution that you aim at). Are you able to plug your display on another computer and to issue in command line the xrandr command, and provide the output?

Which desktop environment do you use? (xfce?)
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Re: Need To Porteus Boot Into PC in Low Resolution

Post#4 by fanthom » 13 Nov 2014, 09:38

in kiosk i'm using this solution:

Code: Select all


[ "$1" != cres ] && resolution="--output `xrandr | grep -w connected | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed -n 1p` --mode $1"
[ "$2" != crate ] && rate="--rate $2"
xrandr $resolution $rate
save as /usr/local/bin/set-resolution-rate and launch through guiexec cheatcode:

Code: Select all

you can provide single argument or both.
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Re: Need To Porteus Boot Into PC in Low Resolution

Post#5 by jimwg » 24 Nov 2014, 20:45

francois wrote:I imagine that as usual brokenman's solution will work. If not report. There could be a solution with some xrandr instructions.

However, I will need the exact model of your display. The specs would be even better (the low resolution that you aim at). Are you able to plug your display on another computer and to issue in command line the xrandr command, and provide the output?

Which desktop environment do you use? (xfce?)

Sorry for delay. I've been belatedly preoccupied. The monitor is a Dell 1702FP working with a Dell GX260 XP system. There's data in there that would be very helpful if we can get it out. Unfortunately I have no access to another display at this time in a homeschool full of donated 2nd hand eMacs. My Porteus flashes are 3.01 and 3.1 in testing.


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Re: Need To Porteus Boot Into PC in Low Resolution

Post#6 by francois » 25 Nov 2014, 12:26

It seems there is these two resolution for your display:

800x600 60.3*
640x480 59.9

Your script (called 600_display or 800_display) should include (don't forget to give the execute permission):

Code: Select all

xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 640x480

Code: Select all

xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 800x600
I imagine that you have your porteus system on a usb key. On a second computer, install the script with the autostart folder of kde or xfce. I hope you use one of these environments. If not, place it in the bin folder as stated by fanthom and call it in command line mode or with the guiexec cheatcode.
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