corrupted xzm modules

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corrupted xzm modules

Post#1 by Boomer » 27 Sep 2014, 20:09

Hi folks, I can't even install porteus. I'm using the 32 bit version but after the boot screen I'm getting

Cannot read 000-kernel.xzm - corrupted module?
Cannot read 001-core.xzm - corrupted module?
Cannot read 002-xorg.xzm - corrupted module?
Cannot read 003-lxde.xzm - corrupted module?
Cannot read 004-firefox.xzm - corrupted module?

a few non existent directories after that and finally
Something went wrong and I cannot continue

I'm a total Linux newby, I've Ubuntu on a dual boot but I don't use it much.
Any help would be great.

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Re: corrupted xzm modules

Post#2 by francois » 27 Sep 2014, 20:23

Welcome boomer!

Did you check the md5sum of your porteus iso copy?

It might be a corrupted copy, which happens rather seldom. Try to download another copy of the porteus iso. This one should be functional.

If not sure, from ubuntu in a terminal, use the command md5sum to check the correct download of your porteus iso.

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