Solarsystem (Screensaver)

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Black ninja
Black ninja
Posts: 73
Joined: 01 Aug 2014, 21:12
Distribution: Porteus 32 / Wifislax / Slackw
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Solarsystem (Screensaver)

Post#1 by Ole » 07 Sep 2014, 03:34 ... EEB9B6F88A
md5=ce754630bd34638d59f3c5be72b6bc5b solarsystem-0.2.2.xzm
All modules from now with the same link !

very nice saver...

A screensaver for Linux and UNIX that displays the planets of the Solar System
(inc Pluto). A random planet is chosen and rotated on screen against a
starfield background. As the planet orbits the sun, it transitions from light
into darkness and a corona effect appears.

fun 4 u