Wishlist for porteus 3.1

New features which should be implemented in Porteus; suggestions are welcome. All questions or problems with testing releases (alpha, beta, or rc) should go in their relevant thread here, rather than the Bug Reports section.
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Re: Wishlist for porteus 3.1

Post#136 by Rava » 22 Sep 2015, 22:30


I think I best try to make it run again by firing up my 8core notebook. As you might also have encountered, at times software behaves strange, either in a bug that is not to be hunted down kind of way, or also as in a bug just vanished by itself kind of wonder...

Therefore, I not look up the old data but evaluate it anew.

Maybe I run a fresh Port 3.1 without any of my customizations (aside from it having my NVidia video driver installed, of course) and also by running one 3.1 version with my current settings as root and as user rava... and look if one of them behaves like it should. Or maybe then I see that both misbehave.

Then I send you an PM (or do you prefer Email?) with my results and what I tried to find out by myself so far.

And when by some wonder it now works out of the box, I will post that here.

You OK with that approach?
Yours Rava

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