- kernel 2.6.38
- latest LXDE from git (1st of March by Ponce!)
- New lxde iconset Humanity
- Userland bumped to slack-current
- Prompt during boot to change default password (from 64bit)
- modesetting dumped and back to noveau
- linuxrc now fully support 'lazy' devices (slow usb/cdrom which needs extra time for initialization). Still: 'delay=' cheatcode is required to discover lazy device when you are not using it directly for booting.
- added 'fumount' function to cleanup script. if umount point is 'busy' during umount procedure then is remounted 'ro'.
- added 'nomagic' cheatcode. updated /boot/porteus.cfg 'Always Fresh' mode and /porteus/cheatcodes.txt
- added extlinux for booting from ext2/3 partitions with syslinux menu
- added /doc folder for documentation (Ahau)
- added scripts folder for boot scripts
- added win_start_here.hta and lin_start_here.sh for start scripts. These are the files that should be run when installing Porteus.
lin_start_here.sh is a console script, win_start_here.hta is a windows Hypertext Application using the splash screen as menu.
- rc.M is now creating an xzm module if default passwords are updated. Move it to /porteus/modules and you wont be prompted for changing passwords anymore.
- kactivate/kdeactivate are replaced by xactivate/xdeactivate
- lzm modules are automatically converted to xzm during activation
- porteusmodman is rewritten on xdialog
- modtools written for xdialog
- added ndiswrapper
- squashfs-tools bumped to 4.2
- added 'Default login' info to kdm/lxdm wallpapers
- Added to 001/usr/bin/changes-time script
- added xpns-tool: a xdialog version of pns-tool.
Interesting new packages
pns-tool (text version of xpns-tool)
changes-time.sh (saves system changes made in a given time)
save-changes (saves /mnt/live.memory/changes to a module)
extpkg (extract a package from base module or running Porteus)
rempkg (remove a package from base module or running Porteus)
ctrl + c/v to copy & paste from konsole
Important points:
I have experienced freezes after using installpkg or ac/deactivating certain modules. Please report if you experience this so we can gauge how widespread the problem is.
Some dual graphics systems with graphic switching function will experience kernel oops if no ATI driver is present.
High power usage on graphics switching systems (switcheroo) as high power. There is a kernel module available that allows acpi calls: https://github.com/mkottman
To remove the startup pause at default password check ... just enter your new passwords and continue to GUI. Copy the module /home/Desktop/psswd.xzm into your Porteus/modules folder and Porteus will pick it up and bypass the startup pause. This is a much needed security feature.
Enjoy and please post issues here:

Posted after 3 hours 42 minutes 43 seconds:
Hold off downloading, will just fix a theme related problem and post when it is ready.
Posted after 1 hour 30 minutes 10 seconds:
I've made a quick to the xmodtools file. Instead of rebuilding the module on the server i decided to just it in rootcopy for now. Please let me know if you get a blank box when opening the xmodtools help page.