savefile question/dillema![SOLVED]

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savefile question/dillema![SOLVED]

Post#1 by gowriel » 05 Aug 2014, 04:54

hello everybody!Last night/evening I couldn't take it anymore(LUBUNTU on 16gb stick+USB 2.0,a VERY slow combination) and I made my own Porteus after some good search on the web!My problem is that I just can't make the system "last",create a savefile on my stick!I partitioned the 16 gb stick, managed flags, put the "boot flag" on the partition, the pc starts from the stick but doesn't "remembers" my settings or browser history!Could someone direct me step by step?I'm not at the first contact with LINUX,have been using linux for about 6 years but this one "nailed me" and can't make it to work as I want! I created the savefile and the system tells me that I have to modify some cfg line ,wich I can't/don't know how to do! I've been using puppylinux 5.2.8. before LUBUNTU and before these many more distros! Thank you so much everyone!
Last edited by gowriel on 05 Aug 2014, 12:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: savefile question/dillema!

Post#2 by donald » 05 Aug 2014, 08:47

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Re: savefile question/dillema!

Post#3 by fanthom » 05 Aug 2014, 09:14

maybe 'save file manager' could extract booting path from /var/log/porteus-livedbg and show exac path to porteus.cfg.
this would be for sure less confusing for fresh users. some of them may have no idea what porteus.cfg is.
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: savefile question/dillema!

Post#4 by gowriel » 05 Aug 2014, 12:41

yup, it was solved! Sorry for adding yet another topic on a problem so easy to solve... maybe porteus developers should think more about simplyfing this savefile issue or making it automatic and the "disabling" of this option be made just a click or two from the menu button/system tools! Thank you again and cheers! :beer:

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Re: savefile question/dillema![SOLVED]

Post#5 by brokenman » 05 Aug 2014, 13:21

maybe 'save file manager' could extract booting path from /var/log/porteus-livedbg and show exac path to porteus.cfg
Yes this can be added for the next release. In the Porteus Settings Centre (after clicking on the savefile option) there is a button that directly opens the porteus.cfg in a text editor. Perhaps a problem is (as stated) that the savefile option is buried in the Porteus Settings Centre. Such a common option could perhaps be put in the main menu. Idea?
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