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by Ed_P » 04 Aug 2014, 04:25
When I use the command:
Code: Select all
du -h /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest*|grep 'M'
to find the larger users of my save.dat space in addtion to the
Code: Select all
11M /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/Backups/FireFox
11M /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/Backups
1.4M /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.mozilla/firefox/c3pp43bg.default/extensions
16M /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.mozilla/firefox/c3pp43bg.default
16M /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.mozilla/firefox
16M /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.mozilla
files I am also getting
Code: Select all
0 /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.cache/keyring-tKSMbQ
0 /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.cache/keyring-H9jOtM
0 /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.cache/keyring-SinMoc
0 /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.cache/keyring-MIzaGW
0 /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest/.cache/keyring-YUdMg8
files because they have an 'M' in the file name or path. How do I get just the 'M /mnt' ones?
Last edited by
Ed_P on 04 Aug 2014, 17:18, edited 1 time in total.
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by Ed_P » 04 Aug 2014, 05:08
I think I found a way.
Code: Select all
du -h /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest*|grep '[0-9]M'
And this works well for finding just the larger files/folders.
Code: Select all
du -h /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest*|grep '[0-9][0-9]M'
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by go2null » 19 Aug 2014, 19:48
Code: Select all
du -haxt 10M /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest
I have a function in
$HOME/.bashrc which also strips the containing parent directories.
Code: Select all
du_dummy() {
# Removes containing directories
# usage: [THRESHOLD DIR]|[DIR]
[ "$2" ] && { opts="t $1"; dir="$2"; } || { unset opts; dir="$1"; }
[ -z "$dir" ] && { dir="$PWD"; }
du -hax$opts "$dir" 2>/dev/null | awk '
BEGIN { printf "%6s %s\n", "Size","File or Directory/" }
if ( prev_dir !~ dir ) {
if (system("test -d \""dir"\"") == 0) { dir=dir"/" }
printf "%6s %s\n", $1, dir
alias du-='du_dummy'
(I know that I do not need to define an alias pointing to the function, but this gives me any easy way to see what's in my environment by just typing
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by Ed_P » 20 Aug 2014, 02:53
go2null wrote:Code: Select all
du -haxt 10M /mnt/live/memory/images/changes/home/guest
An interesting command
go2null. Thank you.
I have a function in $HOME/.bashrc
Interesting. I don't see this directory on my system.
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by go2null » 20 Aug 2014, 07:54
$HOME is a more generic way of referring to your home directory. ~ is also used in some shells like bash and dash.
In the case of the Porteous guest user, it is
There you will find your. bashrc file.
You can copy and paste that into Geany's open file dialog.
Or you can enable showing hidden files in PCManFM or Geany Open File dialod.
(files that begin with a dot are hidden by default. )
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by Ed_P » 20 Aug 2014, 15:17
go2null wrote:In the case of the Porteous guest user, it is
There you will find your. bashrc file.
Oh. Ok. I thought .bachrc was referring to a directory not a file. This is what I see.
Code: Select all
# Setup color scheme for list call <brokenman>
alias ll='/bin/ls --color=auto -lF'
alias la='/bin/ls --color=auto -axF'
alias ls='/bin/ls --color=auto -xF'
# Append any additional sh scripts found in /etc/profile.d/:
for y in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do [ -x $y ] && . $y; done
unset y
# Setup shell prompt for guest <wread and fanthom>
PS1='\[\033[01;36m\]\u@\h:\[\033[01;32m\]\w\$\[\033[00m\] '
PS2='> '
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by go2null » 20 Aug 2014, 18:27
If you wish to add the function above, or any other function or alias, then you can directly add them to the $HOME/.bashrc file.
However, to make it easier to maintain your customizations, it's normal practice to use a separate $HOME/.bashrc_aliases or $HOME/.bashrc_personal file.
Here's a simple walk through for Porteous. (I'm using Porteous LXDE.)
(You can just copy and paste the entire code below into a terminal shell.)
Code: Select all
# add a hook so that your personal customizations will be
# automatically loaded whenever you launch a terminal.
echo '[ -e "$HOME/.bashrc_personal" ] && . "$HOME/.bashrc_personal"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
# create the personal file
cat > $HOME/1.bashrc_personal <<EOF
# ^ not required, but allows for automatic syntax highlighting
du_dummy() {
# Removes containing directories
# usage: [THRESHOLD DIR]|[DIR]
[ "$2" ] && { opts="t $1"; dir="$2"; } || { unset opts; dir="$1"; }
[ -z "$dir" ] && { dir="$PWD"; }
du -hax$opts "$dir" 2>/dev/null | awk '
BEGIN { printf "%6s %s\n", "Size","File or Directory/" }
if ( prev_dir !~ dir ) {
if (system("test -d \""dir"\"") == 0) { dir=dir"/" }
printf "%6s %s\n", $1, dir
alias du-='du_dummy'
# source your personal file
. "$HOME/.bashrc_personal"
# see all your current aliases
# now test your new function
du- 10M /
# And finally, open the file in a GUI editor
# for your enjoyment :-)
xdg-open "$HOME/.bashrc_personal"
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by Ed_P » 20 Aug 2014, 22:11
go2null wrote:(You can just copy and paste the entire code below into a terminal shell.)
Really!! Single lines I have done but never realized that multiple lines could be done.
The terminal window.
Code: Select all
guest@porteus:~$ # add a hook so that your personal customizations will be
guest@porteus:~$ # automatically loaded whenever you launch a terminal.
guest@porteus:~$ echo '[ -e "$HOME/.bashrc_personal" ] && . "$HOME/.bashrc_personal"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
guest@porteus:~$ # create the personal file
guest@porteus:~$ cat > $HOME/1.bashrc_personal <<EOF
> #!/bin/sh
> # ^ not required, but allows for automatic syntax highlighting
> du_dummy() {
> # Removes containing directories
> # usage: [THRESHOLD DIR]|[DIR]
> [ "$2" ] && { opts="t $1"; dir="$2"; } || { unset opts; dir="$1"; }
> [ -z "$dir" ] && { dir="$PWD"; }
> du -hax$opts "$dir" 2>/dev/null | awk '
> BEGIN { printf "%6s %s\n", "Size","File or Directory/" }
> {
> dir=$2
> if ( prev_dir !~ dir ) {
> if (system("test -d \""dir"\"") == 0) { dir=dir"/" }
> printf "%6s %s\n", $1, dir
> }
> prev_dir=$2
> }'
> }
> alias du-='du_dummy'
guest@porteus:~$ # source your personal file
guest@porteus:~$ . "$HOME/.bashrc_personal"
bash: /home/guest/.bashrc_personal: No such file or directory
guest@porteus:~$ # see all your current aliases
guest@porteus:~$ alias
alias d='dir'
alias dir='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS --format=vertical'
alias la='/bin/ls --color=auto -axF'
alias ll='/bin/ls --color=auto -lF'
alias ls='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS'
alias mc='. /usr/share/mc/bin/'
alias v='vdir'
alias vdir='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS --format=long'
guest@porteus:~$ # now test your new function
guest@porteus:~$ du- 10M /
bash: du-: command not found
guest@porteus:~$ # And finally, open the file in a GUI editor
guest@porteus:~$ # for your enjoyment :-)
guest@porteus:~$ xdg-open "$HOME/.bashrc_personal"
xdg-open: file '/home/guest/.bashrc_personal' does not exist
guest@porteus:~$ alias
alias d='dir'
alias dir='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS --format=vertical'
alias la='/bin/ls --color=auto -axF'
alias ll='/bin/ls --color=auto -lF'
alias ls='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS'
alias mc='. /usr/share/mc/bin/'
alias v='vdir'
alias vdir='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS --format=long'
guest@porteus:~$ dir
Desktop/ paths.txt
The revised .bashrc.
Code: Select all
# Setup color scheme for list call <brokenman>
alias ll='/bin/ls --color=auto -lF'
alias la='/bin/ls --color=auto -axF'
alias ls='/bin/ls --color=auto -xF'
# Append any additional sh scripts found in /etc/profile.d/:
for y in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do [ -x $y ] && . $y; done
unset y
# Setup shell prompt for guest <wread and fanthom>
PS1='\[\033[01;36m\]\u@\h:\[\033[01;32m\]\w\$\[\033[00m\] '
PS2='> '
[ -e "$HOME/.bashrc_personal" ] && . "$HOME/.bashrc_personal"
And the new 1.bashrc_personal
Code: Select all
# ^ not required, but allows for automatic syntax highlighting
du_dummy() {
# Removes containing directories
# usage: [THRESHOLD DIR]|[DIR]
[ "" ] && { opts="t "; dir=""; } || { unset opts; dir=""; }
[ -z "" ] && { dir="/home/guest"; }
du -hax "" 2>/dev/null | awk '
BEGIN { printf "%6s %s\n", "Size","File or Directory/" }
if ( prev_dir !~ dir ) {
if (system("test -d \""dir"\"") == 0) { dir=dir"/" }
printf "%6s %s\n", , dir
alias du-='du_dummy'
I'm unclear how this line "'[ -e "$HOME/.bashrc_personal" ] && . "$HOME/.bashrc_personal"' relates to the file named 1.bashrc_personal. Shouldn't the line have had "1.bashrc_personal" in it?