Need XFCE Temperture Monitor

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Need XFCE Temperture Monitor

Post#1 by jimwg » 08 Jul 2014, 23:37


It's getting hot here in NYC and I'm watching out to not push my R60e laptop too much. I have a task load monitor and always keep the CPU load bottom low but does that reflect in low system temperatures? XFCE 4.11 and USM don't list any temperature monitors for my XFCE mode, yet ironically LXDE mode has a temperature gauge that works well. I don't want to use the full XFCE Goodies package to get its temp monitor because Goodies has too many long un-updated baddies in there I've always had trouble with, so I want to install the specific packages separately.

Any assist most welcome!

PS: I recently converted Kingsoft WPS and FreeOffice into xzm modules and they work like a charm, just like my Bleachbit and OpenOffice, so if there's a Porteus site to upload them to, please inform me! Google doesn't help. Thanks!

Jim in NYC

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Re: Need XFCE Temperture Monitor

Post#2 by beny » 09 Jul 2014, 10:22

hi jimwg, via usm you have the xfce4-sensors-plugin slackbuild you can do the package very easily,i think work good or you have to use conky,

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