New to linux

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New to linux

Post#1 by Lazuroth777 » 24 Jun 2014, 21:13

Ok I have used windows all my life, I am teaching my self with the help of online how to run linux, I can get porteus to install on my computer with windows 7 no problem, I just can not get my web cam to work with it but that not the issue I have. I have recently bought a new computer it came with windows 8.1 and has the uefi partitioning. Windows 8 has 5 partitions and 3 of them are under 4 gig. then you have my usb flash drive that is 8 gig that shows up on g-partition. I can not get any OS to install with all the little partitions and they won't seem to go away. I have lost my windows 8 now and have no O.s on the new computer and can not seem to access any thing. IF some one could walk me threw how to get a new os on there So I can install Porteus I would be thankful for the help.

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Re: New to linux

Post#2 by Ed_P » 24 Jun 2014, 22:53

Wow!! Buying a new computer than loosing it's ability to boot is like buying a new car and filling it's tank with kerosene.

I can assume you did not make a Windows 8 Recovery USB flash drive either did you.

This will take awhile.

For starters I recommend on your Windows 7 machine you make a bootable Porteus USB flash drive system.

Is your Win 7 machine able to boot Win 7 and Porteus? Did you try making the Win 8 machine multi-bootable? Porteus can certainly fit in a 4GB partition and if done properly can be booted along side Windows, either 7 or 8.

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Re: New to linux

Post#3 by Lazuroth777 » 24 Jun 2014, 23:49

Were do I locate fundimentals of Linux? So I can learn how to do things in term cause I am clueless on how to work term

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Re: New to linux

Post#4 by Ed_P » 25 Jun 2014, 00:02

Baby steps my friend, baby steps. I'm new to Linux also and when I need help I use Google.

Google> Linux How to list a directory
Google> Linux How to make a directory
You will find some sites better than others and will bookmark them.

And when that doesn't work I ask the people here.

But before you worry about terminal commands learn about the Porteus GUI functions. Like menu > System Tools > Porteus Installer. spaceFM. Firefox. etc.

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Re: New to linux

Post#5 by brokenman » 25 Jun 2014, 03:50

If your laptop came with win8.1 then chances there is a hotkey to enter the UEFI/BIOS. Try holding down the F8 key, or F11 key while turning on your computer. It may also be the delete key. Let us know the make and module of your laptop and we can find how to activate the boot fix or emergency reinstall. Once you have windows going we can walk you through how to create another partition for Porteus or any other linux so you can start playing. Don't worry too much. Those extra partitions are designed for recovering your windows install.
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Re: New to linux

Post#6 by Lazuroth777 » 27 Jun 2014, 06:38

Porteus is installed on my hard drive, but when I boot up it states that boot loader is in wrong sector and sends me back to the splash screen were I have load it to ram to run Porteus, How do I fix it and what did I do wrong,

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Re: New to linux

Post#7 by brokenman » 27 Jun 2014, 14:35

Please post the procedure you took to install Porteus to your hard drive.

when I boot up it states that boot loader is in wrong sector
Is this the exact message you get?
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Re: New to linux

Post#8 by Obosan » 27 Jun 2014, 18:14

1) I would like to know the model of your new computer in order to see it has a hidden recover partition.
2) When you bought your computer, have you created the recovery USB or DVD as Ed_P mentioned?
3) Do you want to reset to factory settings to recover win 8.1 at first or install Porteus as primary OS?
Please let us know the brand and model of your computer. :wink:
brokenman wrote it too!Those extra partitions are designed for recovering your windows install.

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