What I like to see

New features which should be implemented in Porteus; suggestions are welcome. All questions or problems with testing releases (alpha, beta, or rc) should go in their relevant thread here, rather than the Bug Reports section.
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What I like to see

Post#1 by Jack » 06 Jun 2014, 03:06

I like to see in the next version Porteus. A version made for Laptop without a CD/DVD writter or player.

same now 000-kernel
same now 001-base
just only 002-xorg remove programs
just only 003-desktop remove cd/dvd software
just only 004-programs
just only 005-cd/dvd software
same now 006- internet browser
same now 007-devel
same now 008-office
same now 009-printing
same now 010-skype

This would be nice and just a thought
I just like Slackware because I think it teach you about Linux to build packages where Ubuntu is like Windows you just install programs you want.

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Re: What I like to see

Post#2 by fanthom » 06 Jun 2014, 05:56

i have a good news:
another porteus specialized edition is being baked and this should be exactly what you need. brokenman has more info so please query him about the details.
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Re: What I like to see

Post#3 by wread » 06 Jun 2014, 23:28

You are almost talking of the aKDEmia Edition. I just don't see the advantages of stripping xorg programs from actual 002.

In aKDEmia the folder 003-kde is made of 102 files, that man could separate into OpSys and Progs in two separate sub-folders; keep it simple, Sam... 8)
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Re: What I like to see

Post#4 by brokenman » 07 Jun 2014, 03:38

I don't think what I have cooking will compete with your aKDEmic version. It looks so cool. What I can say is that I have this thing booting in just over 3 seconds! In a virtual machine.

3 seconds is a pipe dream. This is booting into text mode with no devices initialized ... just a shell.
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Re: What I like to see

Post#5 by Jack » 07 Jun 2014, 06:27

wread wrote:You are almost talking of the aKDEmia Edition. I just don't see the advantages of stripping xorg programs from actual 002.

In aKDEmia the folder 003-kde is made of 102 files, that man could separate into OpSys and Progs in two separate sub-folders; keep it simple, Sam... 8)
I have a Acer Aspire One that don't have a cd/dvd player or writer. They can still have Porteus 3.0 but have away for people like me with a smaller version of Porteus. Then everyone will be happy on DistroWatch Porteus is 61 if you get more linux user using Porteus maybe it will move closer to 1.
I just like Slackware because I think it teach you about Linux to build packages where Ubuntu is like Windows you just install programs you want.

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