... start=2415
You can get Porteus-Wheezy.iso, which presents itself with a openbox environment:
For a functional xfce desktop enviroment, you need to proceed to some modifications: ... start=2415
Here is my grub legacy entry to startup porteus-wheezy:
Code: Select all
title porteus on sda5 /32bit_poteus_wheezy DE XFCE
root (hd0,4)
kernel /32bit_poteus_wheezy/vmlinuz from=/dev/sda5/32bit_poteus_wheezy changes=EXIT:/32bit_poteus_wheezy/debian login=root
initrd /32bit_poteus_wheezy/initrd.xz
***to come***
Put that changes folder into the /porteus_wheezy/debian folder. It should boot with the basic modification into a xfce environment propose by fredx181. The list of additional packages are mentioned in the following section B.
Additional modifications (in progress):
- better save changes on exit option with snapexit: ... start=2745
B. Content of the changes folder. You can do it yourself or just pick up the ones that suits you.
1.0 Updated database and installed packages (in cli mode naturally)
apt-get update (to update package database)
then apt-get install <package-name> (to install additional packages)
2.0 Packages added to porteus-wheezy in the changes file
x11-utils (to get xkill)
x11-xserver-utils (to ge xrandr)
chromium (chrome web browser)
icons-xfce-gant (see gant icons installation below)
gnome-icon-theme (see gnome-icon-theme installation below, gnome icons will complement gant icons, gant does not provide icons for folders or documents for example)
wallpapers (a few colorful one)
C. Customization of the installation.
1.0 Chromium root mode.
Backup the /usr/bin/chromium to /usr/bin/chromium.old
Change the 110 and 113 lines, adding --user-data-dir in the new /usr/bin/chromium file
Code: Select all
# we can't exec here as we need to clean-up the temporary profile
Code: Select all
exec $LIBDIR/$APPNAME $CHROMIUM_FLAGS "$@" --user-data-dir
# we can't exec here as we need to clean-up the temporary profile
$LIBDIR/$APPNAME $CHROMIUM_FLAGS "$@" --user-data-dir
- icons-xfce-gant-3.9-6.tar.bz2 from: ... 5b77b5b882
- create /root/.icons
- unpack the file into the /root/.icons folder
- then xfce > settings > appearance > icons > gant for xfce
3.0 Gnome icons installation:
- apt-get install gnome-icon-theme
Note: This post is simply food for thoughts about porteus moving to debian. Really trying it is almost adopting it, see the debate:
It is good to compare porteus-wheezy to stifiling porteus-arch installation, arch linux base is also
a very good candidate:
Were are missing a rpm porteus clone!