Hi dear Porteus community & first things first:
Porteus is an amazing linux distro, it reminds me of dynebolic back in the day though Porteus (especially 3.0) is much more advanced and thus, well, way more 'forkable'.
Which brings me to my current issue:
After successfully creating two new porteus 3.0 kernel (i486 and x86_64 respectively) with the -ck patches and the included BFS scheduler I decided to compile a Porteus kernel with the realtime (-rt) patches. (Which can be found here: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/)
Since the patches aren't offered the the 3.13.x kernel I compiled successfully two 64-bit kernel: 3.12.15-rt25 and 3.14.2-rt3.
After creating the new vmlinuz boot image and the Porteus kernel module according to the official documentation (http://www.porteus.org/component/conten ... ernel.html - which is very good, by the way) and a reboot and choosing the first boot entry, the system freezes while showing something like:
Code: Select all
initializing/loading initrd.xz
So here are my questions:
- Is it possible to use a different Porteus kernel than 3.13.x in general?
- If yes, is it possible without modifying the initrd.xz?
(Although I'm not afraid of modifying the initrd.xz (I guess this site - http://thongchaic.blogspot.de/2013/05/m ... rd-in.html - offers quite a good start) I'd like to avoid it.)
My 64-bit Porteus configuration is:
- 3.0 LXDE vanilla + kde, devel and printing modules
- installed via Yumi (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multi ... b-creator/) on 8 gB USB drive
Thanks in advance &
issues (-rt patches, only got 3.12.15-rt)
- x86_64: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8pddm ... 3.12.15-rt + http://www.mediafire.com/download/nco5l ... 3.12.15-rt
stable (-ck patches)
- x86_64: http://www.mediafire.com/download/69iui ... .3.13.9-ck + http://www.mediafire.com/download/649fx ... .3.13.9-ck
- i486: http://www.mediafire.com/download/a5cn7 ... .13.11-ck1 + http://www.mediafire.com/download/ervt8 ... .13.11-ck1
aufs3 script for kernel 3.12. (needs git, stores in /tmp)
Code: Select all
mkdir /tmp/aufs$$
cd /tmp/aufs$$
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/aufs/aufs3-standalone aufs3-standalone.git
cd aufs3-standalone.git
git checkout origin/aufs3.12
mkdir ../a ../b
cp -r {Documentation,fs,include} ../b
rm ../b/include/uapi/linux/Kbuild 2>/dev/null || rm ../b/include/linux/Kbuild
cd ..
diff -rupN a/ b/ > /tmp/aufs3-linux-3.12.patch
cat /tmp/aufs$$/aufs3-standalone.git/*.patch >> /tmp/aufs3-linux-3.12.patch