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Post#1 by Ed_P » 18 Apr 2014, 14:05

Are there any instructions on how to activate this module? I've gone thru just about every Porteus and RazorQT setting and find no reference to it. The module does show as being loaded.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ ./modules.sh
cat /proc/cmdline
quiet from=/ISOs/Porteus-RazorQT-v3.0-x86_64.iso changes=EXIT:/porteus/changes/porteussave.dat extramod=/mnt/sda5/porteusmodules 

ls /mnt/sda5/porteusmodules
jre-7u55-x86_64-1.xzm  wmweather-2.4.5-x86_64-1ponce.xzm

ls /mnt/live/memory/images
000-kernel.xzm	003-razor.xzm	jre-7u55-x86_64-1.xzm
001-core.xzm	04-firefox.xzm	wmweather-2.4.5-x86_64-1ponce.xzm
002-xorg.xzm	changes

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Re: wmWeather

Post#2 by Slaxmax » 19 Apr 2014, 06:42


Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ wmweather
for more informations

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ man wmweather
is a bit old this app
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Re: wmWeather

Post#3 by Ed_P » 19 Apr 2014, 14:35

Slaxmax wrote:open

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guest@porteus:~$ wmweather
Good grief. Really!! That's all it takes. Thank you Slaxmax. :beer: With the 1st two modules that I've tried, jre and keepassx they added entries to the Porteus menus so I expected all Porteus modules did that.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ wmweather
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
guest@porteus:~$ gnucash
gnucash: error while loading shared libraries: libltdl.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
guest@porteus:~$ wine
bash: wine: command not found
guest@porteus:~$ qemu
bash: qemu: command not found
Unfortunately my newest set of modules are DOA. No menu entries and no work from CLI. :(

Another good suggestion:
Slaxmax wrote: for more informations

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ man wmweather
My errors could be caused by the lack of start parameters. Will play around some more and get back to you.

Thanks again for your help Slaxmax. :friends:

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Re: wmWeather

Post#4 by Ed_P » 20 Apr 2014, 04:09

Ok, I've made some progress.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ wmweather -s kogs --bc=white
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
I do get a small window with weather data showing but it is hard to read with turquoise on black and the color options don't work. And every update I get the two Warning msgs. And periodically it looses the NOAA connection.

Code: Select all

wmweather: ICAO location indicator KOGS not found at NOAA, aborting
Can anyone suggest fixes or alternatives?

Also VERY surprised to see the weather window is a terminal window and that clicking on it displays html code!!

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Re: wmWeather

Post#5 by bour59 » 20 Apr 2014, 09:55

if you google "allmetsat KOGS" and clic on any link,
you can see something like : current weather conditions not available for Ogdensburg "
you have to choose another airport nearest

If you google "allmetsat KLGA" and click on the link
you can see wheather conditions for LaGuardia airport

"allmetsat LFQQ" gives the wheather conditions for Lille (France) airport .... welcome
(same indications that given by wmweather)
good luck!

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Re: wmWeather

Post#6 by Ed_P » 21 Apr 2014, 04:21

Hello bour59, thanks for responding.

I am aware of several weather websites that I can use but my goal was to find an app that runs in it's own little window outside of FireFox. Basically something similar to Singer's Weather Watcher that I run on my Windows systems.

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Re: wmWeather

Post#7 by Slaxmax » 21 Apr 2014, 08:31

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Re: wmWeather

Post#8 by Ed_P » 21 Apr 2014, 19:12

Slaxmax wrote:http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Cu ... tent=98925
kde4 only
I tested works fine.
Yeah, USM shows one for KDE also. But I use RazorQT. wmWeather would be a perfect fit, if it worked. :(

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Re: wmWeather

Post#9 by roadie » 21 Apr 2014, 20:23

Yeah, USM shows one for KDE also. But I use RazorQT. wmWeather would be a perfect fit, if it worked
I'm running v3.0 LXDE and I just downloaded wmweather-2.4.5-i486-1ponce.txz through USM, it didn't need any other dependencies....runs fine here.
I can't see why it wouldn't work on Razor as well.

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Re: wmWeather

Post#10 by Ed_P » 21 Apr 2014, 22:16

Thanks roadie. On my system it runs but is hard to read, issues FontSet errors every update and craps out accessing the NOAA server after a several updates.

Are you able to change the colors?

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Re: wmWeather

Post#11 by Ed_P » 23 Apr 2014, 19:45

Ok, I've made some progress.

I finally got the background color to change to white, --bc=#ffffff, and the time to adjust for Eastern time, --time=-0400 but two problems are left.

1. Once started, how do I stop it? If I start it via LXTerminal shutting the terminal window closes the wmweather window also. But if I start it via a script that I execute via spaceFM I don't know how to close or end it short of rebooting.

2. How do I change the window's location? --geometry=+100+100 does nothing for me.

I've also found that the font errors:

Code: Select all

Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
relate to the popup window displaying the weather data in detail rather than the wmweather window display.

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Re: wmWeather

Post#12 by ncmprhnsbl » 24 Apr 2014, 00:25

Ed_P wrote:Once started, how do I stop it?

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 killall wmweather
should work, easy to make a command in spacefm too.
and for terminal start, Ctl + c should stop it without closing the term..
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Re: wmWeather

Post#13 by Ed_P » 24 Apr 2014, 04:42

ncmprhnsbl wrote:

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 killall wmweather
should work, easy to make a command in spacefm too.
and for terminal start, Ctl + c should stop it without closing the term..
Thank you Image ncmprhnsbl.

The wmWeather xzm module is version 2.4.5 but DuckDuckGo shows a version 2.15 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/wmweath ... source=dlp. Anyone know how to convert a tar.gz file into a xzm module?

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Re: wmWeather

Post#14 by Slaxmax » 24 Apr 2014, 07:59

wmWeather and wmWeather+ are not the same app

This app are projected for windowmaker see the tabs same style that wmWeather http://windowmaker.org/screenshots/NeXT-Retro.png

wmWeather+ you need compile from the sources package tar.gz (inside tar.gz see README for instructions)
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Re: wmWeather

Post#15 by bour59 » 24 Apr 2014, 17:22

for this kind of package, I use the following
1/ to be sure the fs I use is linux like,
I create a temporary ram drive and access it
2/ download the .tar.gz (I use wget)
3/ unpack the .tar.gz (tar -xzvf)
and access the folder created
read carefully the README
4/ to find missing_packages ./generate
if missing package use usm -g to get it
then txz2xzm (from /tmp/usm)
and activate the .xzm created
rerun step /4 until all's ok
5/ to create ./make and let it run
6/ you can then run the program generated
7/ If that don't run call a guru like !
easy indeed!

in the case of wmweather+ (different from wmweather you know)
there are two missing_packages : pcre and windowsmaker
this method works fine for me.
be sure rhe devel.xzm is actvated

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