md5sum 160df41ea279cb8f0184211a855e5ac9
depends see
buildscripts and single modules
md5sum 160df41ea279cb8f0184211a855e5ac9
It is the GNU Radio Version 3.6 in a non standart directory.
It contain additional legacy versions of libhackrf and gr-osmosdr.
Normaly please use GNU Radio Version 3.7, but for some older software-projects it is required to use the version 3.6.GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides
gnuradio: signal processing blocks to implement software radios.
In order not to get old and new in the transverse, is the prefix path /opt/gnuradio- and link to /opt/gnuradio-legacy.
Therefore dont forget to add specific variables.
For building:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/opt/gnuradio-legacy/lib64"
and software spezial like GNURADIO_CORE_CFLAGS or GNURADIO_CORE_LIBS
For running:
export PYTHONPATH="/opt/gnuradio-legacy/lib64/python2.7/site-packages:${PYTHONPATH}"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/gnuradio-legacy/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"