Change MAC Address 1.0

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Change MAC Address 1.0

Post#1 by freestyler » 05 Apr 2014, 21:23


This tool changes your MAC address. Changing MAC address of a machine is called spoofing a MAC address or faking a MAC address.

These are the reasons you should change the MAC address of your machine.
For privacy - For instance when you are connecting to a Wi-Fi hotspot.
To ensure interoperability - Some internet service providers bind their service to a specific MAC address; if the user then changes their network card or intends to install a router, the service won't work anymore. Changing the MAC address of the new interface will solve the problem.

Changing MAC address is only temporary. Once you reboot your machine, the operating system reflects the physical MAC address burnt in your network card and not the MAC address you set.

Architecture: noarch
Distribution: Porteus 3.0
Catergory: Network
Download: change-mac-1.0.xzm

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Re: Change MAC Address 1.0

Post#2 by donald » 05 Apr 2014, 23:18

Hi freestyler
In XFCE (don't know about the other DE's), MAC-changing is already implemented
in the Network-configuration-dialog.
Did you test your package if it will work for guest ?
(with a real connection )
With the original macchanger you could change the MAC-Adress as root,but you could not establish a wifi-connection as non-root.afaik

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Re: Change MAC Address 1.0

Post#3 by freestyler » 06 Apr 2014, 03:02

I coulden't find anything on kde that would do this.
Ive tested it on wlan0 and it changed the MAC address for guest.

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