
Here is a place for your projects which are not officially supported by the Porteus Team. For example: your own kernel patched with extra features; desktops not included in the standard ISO like Gnome; base modules that are different than the standard ISO, etc...
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Post#1 by freestyler » 27 Mar 2014, 13:40

I'd like to say thanks to everyone using porteus-apps.tk. Its been getting quite a bit of traffic since porteus 3.0 came out. I just bought porteus-apps.org and a ssl certificate so hopefully in a few days it will be up and running.
I'm going to try improve it a bit. I was thinking about making it one page per package so all versions will be in one place making it easier to find stuff and browse. I also want to put together some sort of rating system for users and packages. I don't know about you guys but i'm always looking for packages that are not available on slack repositories. From now on I am going to make sure I upload it, if a bunch of us do this then it won't take long for porteus to have a massive selection of packages available.
If anyone has suggestions, ideas or would like to help with the site let me know because I think it has potential.
Cheers. :beer:

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Re: porteus-apps.org

Post#2 by dustbunnies » 29 Mar 2014, 03:19

Do you intend to now redirect traffic from .tk domain and serve pages from the .org address instead?

I was surprised (impressed) by how many ready-for-v3.0 modules you already had onhand when the realease was announced.
Went there looking for bleachbit. As I recall, only a module for v2.1 was available there... so I followed a forum link and downloaded from elsewhere, and what I downloaded was unusable (missing dependent libs). That module was offered by one the TopTen forum participants here; I'm guessing he tried his best, but the needed libs were already present in his "base" so they were overlooked.

"Feel free to create an account and add your modules."
Seeing that at the porteus-apps site leaves me worried -- if a TopTen pro can't always get it right (packaging), what sort of grief are we in for after blind-leading-the-blind (and hopefully not malicious) users have uploaded unvetted packages?

I'm thankful for what you've started, but please at least verify (through PM on this forum) that someone signed up over there as, for instance, "JimmyJo" is the same "JimmyJo" seen here in the forums.

Also, each time someone uploads a module over there, it would be helpful if they also announced/described it in the forums here.
Maybe bleachbit was, in fact, available when I looked...
but I missed it because it was bundled into multi-app module named my-best-friends-girl.xzm or whatnot?

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Re: porteus-apps.org

Post#3 by freestyler » 29 Mar 2014, 06:05

Thanks for the reply dustbunnies
dustbunnies wrote:Do you intend to now redirect traffic from .tk domain and serve pages from the .org address instead?
Yeah, I think I will be redirecting the page but keeping the files so that the links won't get broken on the forum.
dustbunnies wrote:"Feel free to create an account and add your modules."
Seeing that at the porteus-apps site leaves me worried -- if a TopTen pro can't always get it right (packaging), what sort of grief are we in for after blind-leading-the-blind (and hopefully not malicious) users have uploaded unvetted packages?
We are all human and that is the risk involved with sharing modules and that is why I am putting in a proper rating system for both modules and users. At the end of the day, if someone is truly worried about the risk or quality of user made modules then they wouldn't use them to start with whether it be on porteus-apps or on the forum. The truth is alot of us are using them, especially new linux users that find it hard to add software.
The idea behind the webpage was simply to catalog the modules that people are announcing and sharing on the forum anyway, making them easier to find and browse. I know I have looked for modules on the forum that I know are there and haven't been able to find them using the forum search.
dustbunnies wrote:I'm thankful for what you've started, but please at least verify (through PM on this forum) that someone signed up over there as, for instance, "JimmyJo" is the same "JimmyJo" seen here in the forums.
Cheers. There have only been 2 uploaders other than me and I have made contact with both of them.
dustbunnies wrote:Also, each time someone uploads a module over there, it would be helpful if they also announced/described it in the forums here
and vice versa. Would be great if each time someone announced it on the forum they announced it on porteus-apps too. Both uploaders on porteus-apps made posts for the modules here on the forum. I have got a bit slack adding every module to the forum and the problem is if i make a post for every module I upload it would be just as bad as spam. If i post 20 modules it will make reading the active posts difficult for both users and admins.

Thanks again for the reply, hope to see you soon on porteus-apps :)

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Re: porteus-apps.org

Post#4 by tome » 10 Apr 2014, 06:52

Could you add "Porteus any" category or similar next to Porteus 3.0, 2.1, and 32+64 bit - next to noarch (one post with two links for both arch).

My modules (link) points always to freestyler.

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PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'crankz_drup707.dr_messaging_destination' doesn't exist: UPDATE {messaging_destination} SET address = :address WHERE uid = :uid AND type = 'mail'; Array ( [:address] => hidden@gmail.com [:uid] => 517 ) in messaging_mail_update_user() (line 91 of /home/crankz/public_html/porteus-apps.org/sites/all/modules/messaging/messaging_mail/messaging_mail.module).

Code: Select all

    Notice: Undefined index: taxonomy_term in taxonomy_field_formatter_view() (line 1596 of /home/crankz/public_html/porteus-apps.org/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module).
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Re: porteus-apps.org

Post#5 by freestyler » 10 Apr 2014, 10:05

hey tome, thanks for the uploads. I fixed the my-modules link and added your requests.
- When you click my modules it will now take you to http://porteus-apps.org/?q=my-modules
- I added "Any" Porteus distro catergory
- Now multiple architectures can be selected for the one module


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