oh, oops sorry

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oh, oops sorry

Post#1 by chosenbygrace » 18 Mar 2014, 08:28

Sorry, I figured out what these stalkers did... but here's an idea, make an option to download a porteus version with the firewall ON and at whatever level, and torfox.

i didn't read the replies because not long after i made this post I realized I probably hadn't been victim of a security breach like I thought, just my thoughtlessness. I'm very tired tho and a chronic pain sufferer, so forgive if u can.
Last edited by chosenbygrace on 18 Mar 2014, 17:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Should I be angry at you?

Post#2 by fanthom » 18 Mar 2014, 11:47

do you have any proof that porteus was compromised?
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: Should I be angry at you?

Post#3 by brokenman » 18 Mar 2014, 12:15

I thought Linux was supposed to be secure against hacking
You thought wrong. Nothing is secure against hacking.

found out yesterday two hackers on craiglist somehow followed me around the net and divulged personal info about me.
Talk to craiglist about it.

How was that possible
Talk to craiglist about it.

why is there no firewall?
There is. You don't even have to type anything or read anything. ;)

Consult a physician, don't come ranting here because you can't keep your craiglist account secure.

You are suggesting that somebody hacked past your router and into your Porteus installation and stole what? Your browser history? The personal information about you that was divulged on craiglist has nothing to do with Porteus. If you are saying that they (the so called hackers) got this information directly from your Porteus installation then I want to see proof. I am getting tired of your abusive comments and accusations. Last warning. Any more crap like this and I will cancel your account.
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Re: oh, oops sorry

Post#4 by dstruct2k » 18 Mar 2014, 18:03

chosenbygrace wrote:Sorry, I figured out what these stalkers did... but here's an idea, make an option to download a porteus version with the firewall ON and at whatever level, and torfox.

i didn't read the replies because not long after i made this post I realized I probably hadn't been victim of a security breach like I thought, just my thoughtlessness. I'm very tired tho and a chronic pain sufferer, so forgive if u can.
As stated above, there is a firewall, and it is on by default. If you'd like the Tor Browser, it can be easily downloaded from their site at https://www.torproject.org/download/dow ... l.en#linux and can be installed just fine on Porteus.

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Re: oh, oops sorry

Post#5 by francois » 18 Mar 2014, 21:04

I really like the title of this thread. :)
Prendre son temps, profiter de celui qui passe.

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