USM bug reports

Please reproduce your error on a second machine before posting, and check the error by running without saved changes or extra modules (See FAQ No. 13, "How to report a bug"). For unstable Porteus versions (alpha, beta, rc) please use the relevant thread in our "Development" section.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#46 by Ed_P » 21 May 2014, 21:47

BTW Tried this, will reboot and see what happens.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ su
root@porteus:/home/guest# du -sh /mnt/live/memory/images/changes
109M	/mnt/live/memory/images/changes
root@porteus:/home/guest# df -h /mnt/live/memory/images/changes
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
-               252M  122M  130M  49% /mnt/live/memory/images/changes

root@porteus:/home/guest# ./
Removing USM
Installing USM
--2014-05-21 17:34:57--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2014-05-21 17:34:58--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2014-05-21 17:34:58--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 52516 (51K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘/tmp/usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz’

100%[======================================>] 52,516      12.8KB/s   in 4.0s   

2014-05-21 17:35:06 (12.8 KB/s) - ‘/tmp/usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz’ saved [52516/52516]

Verifying package usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz.
Installing package usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz:
Package usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz installed.

usm -v

 You are missing required database files! 
 Please run: usm -u all

usm -u all
 Starting alien database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 alien  database updated. 

 Starting salix database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: OPTIFEST.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
 salix  database updated. 

 Starting slacky database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slacky  database updated. 

 Starting ponce database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Optimizing manifest
 ponce  database updated. 

 Starting slackware database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slackware  database updated. 

 Starting slackwarepatches database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slackwarepatches  database updated. 

 Starting sbo database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
 sbo  database updated. 

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -v

 You are using USM version:  3.1.1

root@porteus:/home/guest# df -h /mnt/live/memory/images/changes
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
-               252M  122M  130M  49% /mnt/live/memory/images/changes

root@porteus:/home/guest# du -sh  /etc/usm
80K	/etc/usm
root@porteus:/home/guest# ls      /etc/usm
files.conf         mirrors-sbo.txt               mirrors-slacky.txt
mirrors-alien.txt  mirrors-slackverse.txt        suppliment-libs.txt
mirrors-ponce.txt  mirrors-slackware.txt         suppliment-optifest.txt
mirrors-salix.txt  mirrors-slackwarepatches.txt  usm.conf

root@porteus:/home/guest# du -sh  /var/usm
128M	/var/usm
root@porteus:/home/guest# ls      /var/usm
alien/  local/  ponce/  salix/  sbo/  slackware/  slackwarepatches/  slacky/
Same result.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ usm -v

Only root can do that.
guest@porteus:~$ su
root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -v
awk: fatal: cannot open file `/etc/usm/usm.conf' for reading (No such file or directory)
/usr/bin/usm: line 54: /etc/usm/usm.conf: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 55: /share/usm/funcelementCreate: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 56: /share/usm/funccleanup: No such file or directory

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#47 by brokenman » 21 May 2014, 22:34

Ok so I think we have established that this is not a USM bug. Your changes are all screwed up. After re-installing USM everything works as expected ... until you reboot and then whatever is in your changes, rootcopy and/or automatically run scripts is messing it up. Without the porteus system report uploaded I am unable to help further.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#48 by Ed_P » 22 May 2014, 03:45

brokenman wrote:Without the porteus system report uploaded I am unable to help further.
I would love to upload the report to you but it doesn't work.

Code: Select all

Your file was uploaded to (You may select and copy this text) and this address is now in the file /tmp/pastebin-link.txt.
And while the /tmp/pastebin-link.txt file exists, it is blank. :sorry:

Maybe this worked.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ su
root@porteus:/home/guest# wgetpaste /root/Desktop/psinfo_report.txt
Your paste can be seen here:

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#49 by fanthom » 22 May 2014, 09:03

i see only two options:
- 'changes=EXIT:' cheatcode does not dump your savings (i checked yesterday and it was ok). could you confirm that anything (like new wallpaper or random file on the desktop) gets saved?
- one of your custom startup/shutdown scripts messes up the changes (remember that they are stored in RAM until the shutdown)

btw: please start new thread if there is no 'single post' answer as this bug does not belong to USM.
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#50 by brokenman » 22 May 2014, 12:19

changes=EXIT:/porteus/changes/porteussave.dat is in your boot line. This means that whatever is in the root of this file gets loaded into the root of your live file system. /
/mnt/sda5//porteus/changes/porteussave.dat/changes is a module that was loaded. This looks weird to me. Do you have the folder: /changes (check with: ls /changes)

Also what scripts automatically start when you boot? (the contents of /etc/rc.d/rc.local for example)
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#51 by Ed_P » 22 May 2014, 17:33

fanthom wrote:btw: please start new thread if there is no 'single post' answer as this bug does not belong to USM.
The new thread: ... 123#p25123

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#52 by tome » 14 Jun 2014, 21:20

1. Different versions: gnutls-3.1.22-i486-1_slack14.1.txz (download) vs gnutls-3.1.25-i486-1_slack14.1.txz (search)

Code: Select all

usm -g gnutls

 The following items were found.
 Choose an number to confirm. 
 ctrl+c to quit

1) gnutls-3.1.16-i486-1.txz
2) gnutls-3.1.22-i486-1_slack14.1.txz
#? 2

Processing:   gnutls-3.1.22-i486-1_slack14.1.txz 

Libraries required:  19
Libraries found in system: 15
Libraries to resolve: 4

Processing library:

 More than one package contains:
gc-7.4.0-i486-1sl.txz  193K  slacky
gc-7.2d-i486-1.txz     232K  slackware

 The following items were found.
 Choose an number to confirm. 
 ctrl+c to quit

1) gc-7.4.0-i486-1sl.txz
2) gc-7.2d-i486-1.txz
#? 1
Processing library:

 More than one package contains:
gnutls-3.1.25-i486-1_slack14.1.txz  1984K  slackwarepatches
gnutls-3.1.16-i486-1.txz            1984K  slackware

 The following items were found.
 Choose an number to confirm. 
 ctrl+c to quit

1) gnutls-3.1.25-i486-1_slack14.1.txz
2) gnutls-3.1.16-i486-1.txz
#? 1
Processing library:
Processing library:

Processing:   gc-7.4.0-i486-1sl.txz 

Libraries required:  6
Libraries found in system: 5
Libraries to resolve: 1

Processing library:

Processing:   gnutls-3.1.25-i486-1_slack14.1.txz 

WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
 resolve_deps 380
Could not find: LIBS.TXT
How can I use new "added 'show links only' option for CLI"?

2. Little bug for DBDIR parameter, ie:

Code: Select all

I select found item and have:

Code: Select all

awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -1
awk: fatal: cannot open file `/mnt/data/anydata/usm-x86//PACKAGES.TXT' for reading (No such file or directory)
If /var/usm is symlink to /mnt/data/anydata/usm-x86 there is no bug.


Code: Select all

 usm set /mnt/sda1/data/anydata/packages-x86
/usr/bin/usm: line 214: set_storage: command not found

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#53 by brokenman » 14 Jun 2014, 22:46

Thanks will check out the bug. The version mismatch is dues to an update in slackware. Will push another database tonight .. about 30 minutes from now.

Update usm and then run: usm -g ruby linksonly
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#54 by Bogomips » 03 Jul 2014, 14:39


Reproducible bug.
Settings>Edit configuration file

USM window overlapping a Konsole window. Change focus to Konsole, perform simple command like df, configuration file listing goes blank, USM window close results in message to the effect GTKDIALOG non-responsive, terminate?

Update: Just have to click on underlying USM window, and it blanks out!

Clicking on Terminate is ineffective: ps -e

Code: Select all

 3256 ?        00:00:00 usmgui
 3257 ?        00:00:00 usm
 3454 ?        00:00:01 gtkdialog
 3459 ?        00:00:00 sh
 3481 ?        00:00:01 gtkdialog
 3486 ?        00:00:00 sh
 3501 ?        00:00:01 gtkdialog
 3505 ?        00:00:00 kworker/0:2
Killing second gtkdialog i.e. kill 3501 remedies the situation.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#55 by brokenman » 04 Jul 2014, 01:19

Thanks. Process needs to be sent to background to avoid this banking out.

Around line 400 in /usr/bin/usm

<action>gtk_editFile '$CONF'</action>

change to:

<action>gtk_editFile '$CONF' &</action>

This will need to be done for all menu items following.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#56 by Ed_P » 04 Jul 2014, 03:43

A suggestion more than a bug:

When downloading an app with a lot of dependencies and selecting the option to make the download a module the name of the module ends up being the name of one of the dependencies rather than the app being downloaded. It would be nice if the name was that of the primary app selected.

I'm using Razor and I selected an XFCE weather app, there were many dependencies and the resulting modules was named eco-.... something or other.
Last edited by Ed_P on 04 Jul 2014, 15:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#57 by brokenman » 04 Jul 2014, 14:44

Thanks. I noticed this and will push the fix in the next update.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#58 by brokenman » 04 Jul 2014, 14:59

Revising this thread I realized the update script your refer to Ed_P does in fact use rm -rf /etc/usm.conf which will create the whiteout file for the config file and lead to the problems you are talking about. You are correct, it is no doubt this script that is causing the grief when used in conjunction with changes=. Thanks for your input.

If a module is made from changes after this script is run it will contain the whiteout files. If you then install the latest slackware package all will seem good. At next reboot though the whiteout file in the module will kick in and 'whiteout' the usm.conf file leading to the problem.

Now i just need to find where I posted this script and add some code to remove the appropriate whiteouts including (/mnt/live/memory/changes/etc/usm/.wh.usm.conf)
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#59 by Ed_P » 04 Jul 2014, 15:36

brokenman wrote:Now i just need to find where I posted this script and add some code to remove the appropriate whiteouts including (/mnt/live/memory/changes/etc/usm/.wh.usm.conf)
Check here: ... 697#p24697

Another thought, rather than removing everything and then re-adding everything couldn't you just replace everything? Would replacing result in .wh files?

BTW In my hacking with this problem I think I tried deleting the .wh files after doing a USM update and then rebooting and still had the problem. I had to do the .wh deletes from the Always Fresh mode.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#60 by brokenman » 04 Jul 2014, 16:16

Another thought, rather than removing everything and then re-adding everything couldn't you just replace everything?
Installing the slackware package does exactly this, but somebody requested a script to remove everything.

PS: Now I know why all your scripts contain a comment at the top with a forum link :)
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