USM bug reports

Please reproduce your error on a second machine before posting, and check the error by running without saved changes or extra modules (See FAQ No. 13, "How to report a bug"). For unstable Porteus versions (alpha, beta, rc) please use the relevant thread in our "Development" section.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#391 by Bogomips » 15 Nov 2016, 18:39

Rava wrote:easily implemented to have a error function, that executes e.g. "file $ERROR-FILENAME" and the user would get an useful info what kind of file that really was, and when he posts the screenshot you would get the info ASAP as well...
If you are going to bomb out anyway, what is to stop one from trying to decompress all the normally used formats, and only execute "file $ERROR-FILENAME" if none are error free?
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#392 by Rava » 17 Nov 2016, 19:59

Bogomips wrote:If you are going to bomb out anyway, what is to stop one from trying to decompress all the normally used formats, and only execute "file $ERROR-FILENAME" if none are error free?
I think any code should start by trying to solve any issue the most easy way, since more complicated code also means more potential bugs. So, I suggest it should go the usual known way but include a handling only when an error occurs...
Yours Rava

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#393 by francois » 02 Dec 2016, 17:46

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# usm -g libcelt0

 The following items were found.
 Choose an number to confirm. 
 ctrl+c to quit

#? 1


WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
 resolve_deps 356
Brokenman needs to update database. Could not find: LIBS.TXT

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Re: USM bug reports: Minor Issues

Post#394 by Bogomips » 04 Dec 2016, 01:16

  • Erroneous Message?
    • After updating All

      Code: Select all

       Starting slackonly database update 
      Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
      Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
      Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
      Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
      File verification was good.
      Optimizing manifest
       slackonly  database updated. 
      sbo was updated 75 seconds ago. Skipping.
      Downloading: extra-deps.txt  DONE
      Downloading: ignore-deps.txt  DONE
      You can change the time limit for skipping in: /etc/usm/usm.conf
      The default is 3 hours
    • End up with contradictory message

      Code: Select all

      root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g vlc
       The following items were found.
       Choose an number to confirm. 
       ctrl+c to quit
      1) vlc-2.1.2-i486-1sl.txz      4) vlc-2.2.4-i486-1alien.txz
      2) vlc-2.1.2-i686-1dj.txz      5) vlc-qt-0.10.0-i486-1sl.txz
      3) vlc-2.1.5-i486-3_slack.txz
      #? 4
      Processing:   vlc-2.2.4-i486-1alien.txz 
      Ignored libraries: 
      Libraries required:  116
      Libraries found in system: 108
      Libraries to resolve: 8
      Processing library:
      Processing library:
       More than one package contains:
      libgcrypt15-1.5.4-i486-1_slonly.txz         224K    slackonly
      visual-studio-code-0.9.2-i486-1_slonly.txz  45856K  slackonly
       The following items were found.
       Choose an number to confirm. 
       ctrl+c to quit
      1) libgcrypt15-1.5.4-i486-1_slonly.txz
      2) visual-studio-code-0.9.2-i486-1_slonly.txz
      #? 1
      Processing library:
      Processing library:
      Processing library:
      Processing library:
      Processing library:
      Processing library:
      Processing:   libgcrypt15-1.5.4-i486-1_slonly.txz 
      WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
      One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
       resolve_deps 390
      Please wait 6 hours for the next database update. Could not find: LIBS.TXT
  • Database Discrepancy?
    • Option -i encounters grep pattern issue

      Code: Select all

      root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -i vlc
       The following items were found.
       Choose an number to confirm. 
       ctrl+c to quit
      1) vlc-2.2.4-i486-2_slonly.txz         3) npapi-vlc-20160706-i486-1alien.txz
      2) vlc-2.2.4-i586-1gv.txz              4) vlc-2.2.4-i486-1alien.txz
      #? 2
      grep: invalid option -- '['
      Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
      Try 'grep --help' for more information.
      Package:    (39650 K) [not installed]
      vlc: vlc (multimedia player for various audio and video formats)
    • vlc-2.2.4-i586-1gv.txz not found when Option -g used:

      Code: Select all

      root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g vlc
       The following items were found.
       Choose an number to confirm. 
       ctrl+c to quit
      1) vlc-2.1.2-i486-1sl.txz      4) vlc-2.2.4-i486-1alien.txz
      2) vlc-2.1.2-i686-1dj.txz      5) vlc-qt-0.10.0-i486-1sl.txz
      3) vlc-2.1.5-i486-3_slack.txz
      #? ^C
      root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g vlc-2.2.4-i586-1gv
       Nothing found for:  vlc-2.2.4-i586-1gv 
    • But found with -s Option

      Code: Select all

      root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -s vlc-2.2.4-i586-1gv
      vlc-2.2.4-i586-1gv.txz was found in salix [upgrade]
      Packages found:   1 
  • Option -g encounters awk issue

    Code: Select all

    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g npapi
     The following items were found.
     Choose an number to confirm. 
     ctrl+c to quit
    1) npapi-vlc-20160706-i486-1alien.txz
    #? 1
    Processing:   npapi-vlc-20160706-i486-1alien.txz 
    Ignored libraries: 
    Libraries required:  62
    Libraries found in system: 61
    Libraries to resolve: 1
    Processing library:
    awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: attempt to access field -1
     More than one package contains:
    vlc-2.2.4-i486-1alien.txz  39100K  alien
Linux porteus 4.4.0-porteus #3 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jan 23 07:01:55 UTC 2016 i686 AMD Sempron(tm) 140 Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#395 by Bogomips » 04 Dec 2016, 17:11

Code: Select all

 Starting slackonly database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slackonly  database updated. 

 Starting sbo database update 
 sbo  database updated. 

Downloading: extra-deps.txt  DONE
Downloading: ignore-deps.txt  DONE

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g vlc


Processing:   libgcrypt15-1.5.4-i486-1_slonly.txz 

WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
 resolve_deps 390
Please wait 6 hours for the next database update. Could not find: LIBS.TXT
Still no go.

Quick question on the side: does USM run fastest mirror when more than three hours elapsed from last invocation? Reason for asking is that fastest mirror seems to vary depending on time of day.
Linux porteus 4.4.0-porteus #3 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jan 23 07:01:55 UTC 2016 i686 AMD Sempron(tm) 140 Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2) MemTotal: 901760 kB MemFree: 66752 kB

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#396 by Slaxmax » 06 Jan 2017, 22:24

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -u all
 Starting slackware database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
 There was a problem downloading the file: 
how to skip this database?
I update slackonly, ponce, alien etc... but can't search

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g pavu

 You are missing required database files! 
 Please run: usm -u all

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#397 by Jack » 06 Jan 2017, 23:15

I just updated USM with no problem about half hour ago.
I just like Slackware because I think it teach you about Linux to build packages where Ubuntu is like Windows you just install programs you want.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#398 by Slaxmax » 08 Jan 2017, 02:26

thx Jack

I changed dns server and now works fine.
This dns have parental filter. Strange deny access to slackware mirror.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#399 by frederick » 25 Jan 2017, 19:22

Thought this should be reported

Tue 24, 2017 - 11:35 PM

Couldn't update

Code: Select all

WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
usm update_database 259
Could not decompress: LIBS.TXT.gz

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~/usm -v
You are using USM version:  3.1.9

root@porteus:~/usm -u all

 Starting alien database update ......
 alien  database updated. 

 Starting salix database update ......
 salix  database updated. 

 Starting slacky database update .....
 slacky  database updated. 

 Starting ponce database update ......
 ponce  database updated. 

 Starting slackware database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.

gzip: /var/usm/slackware/LIBS.TXT.gz: unexpected end of file
WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
usm update_database 259
Could not decompress: LIBS.TXT.gz
Wed 25, 2017 - 12:55 PM

Updated OK

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~# usm -v
 You are using USM version:  3.1.9

root@porteus:~# usm -u all
 Starting alien database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 alien  database updated. 

Updating config file

 Starting salix database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: OPTIFEST.gz  DONE
 salix  database updated. 

 Starting slacky database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slacky  database updated. 

 Starting ponce database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Optimizing manifest
 ponce  database updated. 

 Starting slackware database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slackware  database updated. 

 Starting slackwarepatches database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slackwarepatches  database updated. 

 Starting slackonly database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slackonly  database updated. 

 Starting sbo database update 
 sbo  database updated. 

Downloading: extra-deps.txt  DONE
Downloading: ignore-deps.txt  DONE

Database seems to be contradicting each other

Code: Select all

root@porteus:~/ usm -g python-2.7.13-i486-2_slack14.1.txz

 Nothing found for:  python-2.7.13-i486-2_slack14.1.txz 

root@porteus:~/ usm -s python-2.7.13-i486-2_slack14.1.txz

python-2.7.13-i486-2_slack14.1.txz was found in slackwarepatches [not installed]
Packages found:   1 

Use:   usm -i <package>  for more info
Use:   usm -g <package>  to download

root@porteus:~/ usm -g python-2.7.13-i486-2_slack14.1.txz

 Nothing found for:  python-2.7.13-i486-2_slack14.1.txz 

Thanks and regards

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#400 by Slaxmax » 28 Jan 2017, 17:36

please make a function to check if exist internet connection
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#401 by Ed_P » 28 Feb 2017, 17:50

Strange update all errors.

Code: Select all

 Starting salix database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz http://downloadssourceforgenet/project/usm/142/db/alien/i486/LIBSTXTgz?failedmirror=svwh%7Csvwhdlsourceforg12:19: DONE
Downloading: OPTIFEST.gz  DONE
 salix  database updated. 

 Starting ponce database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Optimizing manifest
 ponce  database updated. 

 Starting slackonly database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE

gzip: /var/usm/slackonly/CHECKSUMS.md5.gz: unexpected end of file

WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
usm update_database 271
Could not decompress: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz


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Re: USM bug reports

Post#402 by brokenman » 28 Feb 2017, 20:07

slackonly is down. One reason why I insist on all repositories being vetted and reliable. Hopefully it is back up soon.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#403 by Ed_P » 28 Feb 2017, 22:02

brokenman wrote:slackonly is down.
No mirror!! What about the URL display in the salix update?

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#404 by brokenman » 28 Feb 2017, 22:37

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/home/guest# date
Tue Feb 28 19:23:56 BRT 2017

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -u salix
 Starting salix database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: OPTIFEST.gz  DONE
 salix  database updated.
How do i become super user?
Wear your underpants on the outside and put on a cape.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#405 by Ed_P » 28 Feb 2017, 22:41

hmmm... My updates were via the USM GUI.

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