USM bug reports

Please reproduce your error on a second machine before posting, and check the error by running without saved changes or extra modules (See FAQ No. 13, "How to report a bug"). For unstable Porteus versions (alpha, beta, rc) please use the relevant thread in our "Development" section.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#166 by Ed_P » 19 Aug 2014, 03:44

brokenman wrote:In any case if you stick to the 'ctrl + insert' (copy) and 'shift + insert' (paste) you should be good in all scenarios.
!!!! 'ctrl+insert'!!! Never heard of that combo!! But... guest what.

Code: Select all

sh-4.2# usm -u all
 Starting alien database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 alien  database updated. 

Updating config file

IT WORKS!!! :Yahoo!:

Of course as you can see this current USM GUI Updates' Update all doesn't. Same as before.
That link you pasted looks odd. It is all garbled text like perhaps you pasted an image in there.
:oops: Yeah. I did paste an image. :sorry: The 'bin' part of pastebin keeps making me thing it will do more than txt files.

The image was of the earlier USM Update all terminal window. Any thoughts on why this is happening to me consistently other than my Internet connection?

USM 3.1.14, Porteus 3.0.1. ISO downloaded, not created. ... x86_64.iso
Bogomips wrote:@Ed
Pity you're not on KDE, otherwise Klipper would be the answer to select/paste prayers.
:D Thank you Bogomips. Most razorQT apps support standard, as in ways that I know, cut & paste methods, I just don't know all of the Linux variations, at this point.
roadie wrote:I'm having no problems updating USM databases, everything just works. This is with USM version 3.1.4.

I can also cut and paste from the update terminal the same way as any other terminal, browser, etc:, by highlighting and using the middle button of the mouse.
My netbook's mouse pad doesn't have a middle button. :( Not saying that I don't use my middle finger when some of these problems occur. :oops:
Am I missing something here? I don't understand where these update problems are coming from.
Me either. :x
Granted, I don't use a lot of scripts to do basic stuff,
:oops: They help me to remember how to do basic stuff.

Thanks for all the help and support guys. :friends:

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#167 by brokenman » 19 Aug 2014, 04:19

Any thoughts on why this is happening to me consistently other than my Internet connection?
Yes I have a thought. This comes from the /usr/share/usm/funcupdateDatabase file and grep (find a word in a file or variable)

Code: Select all

echo "Updating config file"
[[ `grep -o $LDBVER $CONF` ]] && sed -i "s/$LDBVER/$RDBVER/g" $CONF
A hang like this occurs when grep has nothing to play with. For example if you type in a terminal: grep something
It will hang because no 2nd argument (the file) was given. In your case the file not being given is $CONF which exists at /etc/usm/usm.conf. So this leads us back to why this file doesn't seem to exist and whiteout files. I hope that sheds some light on where the update problems are coming from.

Bogomips I couldn't reproduce your error by using a custom $CONF and $DBDIR variable. I didn't get a chance to test in 32bit yet though. The missing extra-deps.txt file is confirmed and fixed but this is secondary to your problem.

I have fixed some bugs in the last few days (and added some stuff) and will push another USM update to the server in a day or two.
My netbook's mouse pad doesn't have a middle button.
You can probably use 'synclient' to emulate a middle button click. Like a three finger tap on the touchpad or something but I believe all the desktops have a clipboard applet.
Not saying that I don't use my middle finger when some of these problems occur.
LOL. We need a smilie for that.
Image <---- :ROFL:
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#168 by Ed_P » 19 Aug 2014, 04:25

BTW The problem occurs in straight LXTerminal mode also.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ su
root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -u all
alien was already updated today. Skipping.
 Starting salix database update 
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: OPTIFEST.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
 salix  database updated. 

Updating config file

Easier to cut & paste though. :)

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#169 by Ed_P » 19 Aug 2014, 04:42

brokenman wrote: In your case the file not being given is $CONF which exists at /etc/usm/usm.conf. So this leads us back to why this file doesn't seem to exist and whiteout files. I hope that sheds some light on where the update problems are coming from.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ ls /etc/usm/
files.conf         mirrors-sbo.txt               mirrors-slacky.txt
mirrors-alien.txt  mirrors-slackverse.txt        suppliment-libs.txt
mirrors-ponce.txt  mirrors-slackware.txt         suppliment-optifest.txt
mirrors-salix.txt  mirrors-slackwarepatches.txt  usm.conf
guest@porteus:~$ ls -s /etc/usm/usm*
4 /etc/usm/usm.conf
guest@porteus:~$ cat /etc/usm/usm.conf
# usm.conf - Configuration for Unified Slackware Manager (usm)

# Resolve dependencies for all packages
# Set this to true or false (never uncomment this)

# The automatice update check that is made when internet
# is accessed. This update check doubles as a check that
# you have internet access before downloading packages.
# Set to false to disable update check.

# Storage of database files (e.g PACKAGES.TXT)

# usm works with the repositories of various slackware based distros.
# The variable below is used to find the mirror for each distro given.
# The mirror files are stored in ${DBDIR}/mirrors-distro.txt
DISTROS="slackware slackwarepatches slacky salix alien ponce"

# Where packages will be downloaded to.

# Time before system dependency cache is deleted.
# This is found in function system_deps()
declare -i HOURS=4

# The directory where your slackbuilds source files
# will be downloaded when building from source

# USM uses wget to fetch packages and database updates.
# Uncomment this and put your proxy address here.

# If your proxy has a username, uncomment it and place it here.
# This setting requires the above #PROXY to be uncommented.

# Proxy password
# This setting requires the above #PROXY to be uncommented.
# This setting requires the above #PROXYUSER to be uncommented.

# The initial size of the bottom text box window in the GUI

# Do not show any prompts.
# For the GUI this means the last prompt that asks if you want to
# open the folder for viewing will not be shown.
# For the CLI this means just download the packages to storage without
# asking about creating subfolders, etc.
# false means you WILL receive prompts.

############ CLI PROMPTS
# CLI option that automatically prompts to
# create a subfolder with name of chosen module
# all dependencies will be downloaded to this subfolder
# This is called from funcpackagesGet
# This variable should be true if you want to be prompted


# Convert all slackware packages that are downloaded
# to porteus modules.

# Merge downloaded packages into one module bundle


# Uncomment and set this value to overide automated detection
# Used for development and troubleshooting only
# ARCH=x86_64

# Uncomment and set this value to overide automated detection
# Used for development and troubleshooting only

VALIDVERS="14.1 slackware-current"
WGETFLAGS="--passive-ftp --trust-server-names --no-check-certificate --progress=dot"

And only the last line plus these two look like they have anything to do with USM.

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/home/guest# find /mnt/live/memory/changes -name .wh.* 

= update =

This will make your day. In Always Fresh mode USM GUI's Update all works and No Config file update msgs, or hangs.

Code: Select all

usm -u all
sh-4.2# usm -u all
 Starting alien database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 alien  database updated. 

 Starting salix database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: OPTIFEST.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
 salix  database updated. 

 Starting slackware database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slackware  database updated. 

 Starting slacky database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.
Optimizing manifest
 slacky  database updated. 

 Starting ponce database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
Optimizing manifest
 ponce  database updated. 

 You can now close this window 

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#170 by Bogomips » 19 Aug 2014, 14:42

  1. brokenman wrote:Bogomips I couldn't reproduce your error by using a custom $CONF and $DBDIR variable.
    Really lost here. :unknown: Set $STORAGE and $DBDIR, but did not override config file default settings:

    Code: Select all

    root@porteus:/home/guest# diff p10/Por/usm.conf /etc/usm
    < DBDIR=/home/guest/p10/Por/var/usm
    > DBDIR=/var/usm
    < STORAGE=/home/guest/p10/Por/tmp/usm
    > STORAGE=/tmp/usm
    root@porteus:/home/guest# DBDIR=/home/guest/p10/Por/var/usm
    root@porteus:/home/guest# STORAGE=/home/guest/p10/Por/tmp/usm
    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -v
     You are missing required database files! 
     Please run: usm -u all
    root@porteus:/home/guest# echo $DBDIR
    root@porteus:/home/guest# echo $STORAGE
    root@porteus:/home/guest# cp p10/Por/usm.conf /etc/usm
    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -v
     You are using USM version:  3.1.4
  2. brokenman wrote:The missing extra-deps.txt file is confirmed and fixed but this is secondary to your problem.
    No problemo, brokenman. Flash downloaded with browser from Low priority. Can always fall back on ldd and slackyd when usm reneges.
Last edited by Bogomips on 19 Aug 2014, 17:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#171 by Ed_P » 19 Aug 2014, 15:53

And additional update.

If I use the USM GUI and don't use the Update all option but rather manually select each database one by one the updates work. I do have to shutdown the USM GUI and restart it to update each database though.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#172 by Ed_P » 20 Aug 2014, 00:04

Oh My Gosh!!!
brokenman wrote:In any case if you stick to the 'ctrl + insert' (copy) and 'shift + insert' (paste) you should be good in all scenarios.
'ctrl+insert' works in Windows also!!! :shock: And in a Command Prompt/DOS window!!

I've been using pcs for a long time and this is the 1st I've ever heard of this key combo. Nice one brokenman :Bravo:

If the USM Terminal window accepts a title I suggest adding these keys to it. If not I suggest using an echo to display them prior to the usm command. I can't be the only one who has never heard of this key series.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#173 by brokenman » 20 Aug 2014, 02:07

'ctrl+insert' works in Windows also!!!
Yes. This is what I said earlier. "If I am not mistaken all windows versions still support 'ctrl + insert' to copy and 'shift insert' to paste"
It's been a while but I think it was Windows 2.0 where I remember using it first.

Bogomips can you please check if you have database files in /var/usm? This is a very different setup you are using. The config directory is hard coded at /etc/usm so unless you have replaced this path with a symlink I see potential for many errors. Exporting the variables in a terminal shouldn't work (DBDIR=/home/guest/p10/Por/var/usm) as the first script run will source the values from the default usm.conf file.

I have fixed a problem with the flashplayer-plugin package. It wanted to pull in MANY large deps because of a library in a kde4 directory. kcm_XXXX or something like that. The next version will include an ignore file to get around this problem.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#174 by Bogomips » 20 Aug 2014, 15:52

brokenman wrote:Bogomips can you please check if you have database files in /var/usm?

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/home/guest# ls /var/usm
alien/  local/  ponce/  salix/  slackware/  slacky/
root@porteus:/home/guest# du -sh /var/usm
0       /var/usm
brokenman wrote:This is a very different setup you are using. The config directory is hard coded at /etc/usm so unless you have replaced this path with a symlink I see potential for many errors.
Setup same. But non-default '/etc/usm/usm.conf', with amended DBDIR and STORAGE values.
brokenman wrote:Exporting the variables in a terminal shouldn't work (DBDIR=/home/guest/p10/Por/var/usm) as the first script run will source the values from the default usm.conf file.
Then how does it work for you?
  1. Well brokenman, in the interests of science and all that, done what I did with spacefm's iffy config file. Assume hard coded entries. At least, DBDIR=/var/usm and STORAGE=/tmp/usm. Redirection using bind:

    Code: Select all

    root@porteus:/home/guest# mkdir /tmp/usm                       
    root@porteus:/home/guest# mount --bind p10/Por/tmp/usm /tmp/usm
    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -v
     You are missing required database files! 
     Please run: usm -u all
    root@porteus:/home/guest# mount --bind p10/Por/var/usm /var/usm       
    root@porteus:/home/guest# ls /var/usm                                             alien/  local/  ponce/  salix/  sbo/  slackware/  slackwarepatches/  slacky/  usm/
    root@porteus:/home/guest# du -sh /var/usm                                          200M    /var/usm
    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -v
     You are using USM version:  3.1.4
    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -u usm
    Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE
     An update is available for the usm database files.
     Please run:  usm -u all 
    You have the current USM version.
  2. and Bob's your uncle (at least for the time being 8) )

    Code: Select all

    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -u all
     Starting alien database update
    Downloading: extra-deps.txt  DONE
    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g openjre
    1) openjre-7u51_b31-i486-2gv.txz     3) openjre-7u65_b32-i486-1alien.txz
    2) openjre-7u60_b30-i486-1alien.txz
    #? 3
    Processing:   openjre-7u65_b32-i486-1alien.txz 
    Libraries required:  70
    Libraries found in system: 61
    Libraries to resolve: 9
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
     More than one package contains:
    cups-1.5.4-i486-3.txz        1856K  slackware
    aaa_elflibs-14.1-i486-3.txz  4708K  slackware
    1) cups-1.5.4-i486-3.txz
    2) aaa_elflibs-14.1-i486-3.txz
    #? 2
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
    Processing:   aaa_elflibs-14.1-i486-3.txz 
    Libraries required:  32
    Libraries found in system: 28
    Libraries to resolve: 4
    Processing library:
     More than one package contains:
    openssl-solibs-1.0.1i-i486-1_slack14.1.txz  1120K   slackwarepatches
    adobe-reader-it-8.1.7-i486-4sl.txz          36355K  slacky
    adobe-reader-9.5.5-i486-1sl.txz             42045K  slacky
    openssl-solibs-1.0.1e-i486-1.txz            1208K   slackware
    1) openssl-solibs-1.0.1i-i486-1_slack14.1.txz
    2) adobe-reader-it-8.1.7-i486-4sl.txz
    3) adobe-reader-9.5.5-i486-1sl.txz
    4) openssl-solibs-1.0.1e-i486-1.txz
    #? 1
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
    Processing library:
    Processing:   openssl-solibs-1.0.1i-i486-1_slack14.1.txz 
    Libraries required:  3
    Libraries found in system: 2
    Libraries to resolve: 1
    Processing library:
     The following packages are required. 
    aaa_elflibs-14.1-i486-3.txz [4708K]
    openjre-7u65_b32-i486-1alien.txz [43224K]
    openssl-solibs-1.0.1i-i486-1_slack14.1.txz [1120K]
    rhino-1_7R4-i486-3sl.txz [1351K]
    Total size: 50 MB
     Multiple packages were detected.
     Would you like to merge the packages into one module? [y/n]
     Would you like to create subfolder for the files? [y/n]
     Press [r] to remove packages, [q] to quit, or enter to start downloading.
    • Code: Select all

      root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g vlc
       The following items were found.
       Choose an number to confirm. 
       ctrl+c to quit
      1) vlc-2.1.2-i486-1sl.txz      4) vlc-2.1.5-i486-1alien.txz
      2) vlc-2.1.2-i686-1dj.txz      5) vlc-qt-0.10.0-i486-1sl.txz
      3) vlc-2.1.4-i486-1alien.txz
      #? 4
      Processing:   vlc-2.1.5-i486-1alien.txz 
      Libraries required:  116
      Libraries found in system: 113
      Libraries to resolve: 3
       The following packages are required. 
      aaa_elflibs-14.1-i486-3.txz [4708K]
      aalib-1.4rc5-i486-5.txz [164K]
      libaio-0.3.109-i486-1.txz [16K]
      libcaca-0.99.beta18-i486-2.txz [536K]
      openssl-solibs-1.0.1i-i486-1_slack14.1.txz [1120K]
      samba-4.1.11-i486-1_slack14.1.txz [9844K]
      vlc-2.1.5-i486-1alien.txz [25076K]
      Total size: 41 MB
       Multiple packages were detected.
       Would you like to merge the packages into one module? [y/n]
       Would you like to create subfolder for the files? [y/n]
       Press [r] to remove packages, [q] to quit, or enter to start downloading.
    So looks like will have to temporise with rootcopy and rc.local.
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    Re: USM bug reports

    Post#175 by brokenman » 21 Aug 2014, 01:38

    Understood. Bind mount will do the trick if that's your poison.
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    Re: USM bug reports

    Post#176 by Bogomips » 21 Aug 2014, 13:27

    brokenman wrote:Understood. Bind mount will do the trick if that's your poison.
    Well, no, actually my cup of tea. :ROFL:
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    Re: USM bug reports

    Post#177 by Slaxmax » 21 Aug 2014, 19:03

    deselect item doesn't work
    I deselected gcc and gc but download continues

    Code: Select all

      1+) aspell-0.60.6-x86_64-1.txz
      2+) enchant-1.6.0-x86_64-1.txz
      3+) fftw-3.3.3-x86_64-1.txz
      4 ) gc-7.2d-x86_64-1.txz
      5 ) gcc-4.8.2-x86_64-1.txz
      6+) gsl-1.16-x86_64-1gv.txz
      7+) gtkspell-2.0.16-x86_64-1.txz
      8+) hunspell-1.3.2-x86_64-1.txz
      9+) ilmbase-1.0.3-x86_64-1.txz
     10+) imagemagick-6.8.6_10-x86_64-1.txz
     11+) inkscape-0.48.4-x86_64-1ponce.txz
     12+) jasper-1.900.1-x86_64-3.txz
     13+) lcms2-2.4-x86_64-1.txz
     14+) libmpc-0.8.2-x86_64-2.txz
     15+) openexr-1.7.1-x86_64-1.txz
    Type number and press enter to deselect an item (again to reselect, ENTER when ready):
    Downloading: aspell-0.60.6-x86_64-1.txz  DONE
    Downloading: enchant-1.6.0-x86_64-1.txz  DONE
    Downloading: fftw-3.3.3-x86_64-1.txz  DONE
    Downloading: gc-7.2d-x86_64-1.txz  DONE
    Downloading: gcc-4.8.2-x86_64-1.txz   1%
    last version

    Code: Select all

    root@porteus:~# usm -v
     You are using USM version:  3.1.4
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    Re: USM bug reports

    Post#178 by Bogomips » 21 Aug 2014, 20:42

    Slaxmax wrote:deselect item doesn't work
    Wonder if it's for the same reason there is no 'none' option any more in the non-GUI version.
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    Re: USM bug reports

    Post#179 by brokenman » 22 Aug 2014, 00:10

    deselect item doesn't work
    Confirmed. Also confirmed module option showing in slackware. Thanks.
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    Re: USM bug reports

    Post#180 by Slaxmax » 23 Aug 2014, 17:59

    Code: Select all

    root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -d /var/log/packages/xaralx-0.7r1785-i486-1sl 
     Missing dependencies:  10
    #################################### => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found
    Required by: xaralx-0.7r1785-i486-1sl (/usr/bin/XaraLX) => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found
    Required by: xaralx-0.7r1785-i486-1sl (/usr/bin/xarasvgfilter) => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found
    Required by: xaralx-0.7r1785-i486-1sl (/usr/bin/xarasvgfilterui) => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found
    Required by: xaralx-0.7r1785-i486-1sl (/usr/bin/expandxar)
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Choose a package to download or choose 'None' to neglect
    1) wxPython-  3) wxGTK-2.8.12-i486-3sl.txz
    2) wxGTK-        4) None
    #? 3
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
    Searching  found 3 packages.
    Package already in download list.
     The following packages are ready to download: 
    wxGTK-2.8.12-i486-3sl.txz [3.46 MB]
    Would you like to continue, or deselect some items?
    [ Press c to continue or d to deselct items]
    I pressed "c" but not start download.
    “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.”
    ― Bill Gates, The Road Ahead

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