USM bug reports

Please reproduce your error on a second machine before posting, and check the error by running without saved changes or extra modules (See FAQ No. 13, "How to report a bug"). For unstable Porteus versions (alpha, beta, rc) please use the relevant thread in our "Development" section.
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USM bug reports

Post#1 by mikeruss » 12 Mar 2014, 14:08

trying to install other packages

getting database missing
run usm -u all

gets as far as slacky then hangs on downloading the checksum ?
Last edited by brokenman on 17 Apr 2015, 14:26, edited 7 times in total.
Reason: Unstuck

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Re: USM hanging

Post#2 by brokenman » 12 Mar 2014, 17:15

The slacky mirror is not responding so now. I have updated to fix this.
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Re: USM hanging

Post#3 by mikeruss » 12 Mar 2014, 18:17

updated usm as per your link and problem fixed

thank you !

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#4 by Ed_P » 05 Apr 2014, 05:59

Code: Select all

usm -u all
sh-4.2# usm -u all
 Starting alien database update
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE

gzip: /var/usm/alien/CHECKSUMS.md5.gz: not in gzip format

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#5 by francois » 05 Apr 2014, 17:23

No problem here. Once and a while, there seems to be some problem with the servers.

Try again later. :wink:
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#6 by Ed_P » 05 Apr 2014, 19:13

francois wrote:Try again later. :wink:
That worked. :good: Thanks francois. :beer:

An option to Skip error and Continue would be nice to have.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#7 by francois » 05 Apr 2014, 19:27

Happy that at once I really did a difference for you Ed. :beer: :beer:
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#8 by ralcocer » 29 Apr 2014, 12:43

Perhabs I am missing something but I update USM and tell me everything is OK, but when I search it just stays there. I have the latest noarch, which I just downloaded, when I look at the /tmp/usm it's empty. If I try to update again it wont let me.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#9 by brokenman » 29 Apr 2014, 14:16

Can't say I know what happened but I just pushed another update now. Please try to update USM again and let me know if all is working.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#10 by Obosan » 30 Apr 2014, 17:14

I've gotten a following message on terminal:

Code: Select all

usm -u all
sh-4.2# usm - all
 Starting alien database update
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE

gzip: /var/usm/alien/CHECKSUMS.md5.gz: unexpected end of file

WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occured while usm was running:

usm update_database 184
Could not docompresss: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz
After USM was updated successfully, I was able to update all database.
Thank you for your quick support. Arigato-Obrigado! :beer:

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#11 by brokenman » 01 May 2014, 00:57

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#12 by ralcocer » 03 May 2014, 11:20

The sourceforge site has the same version I have.

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#13 by brokenman » 03 May 2014, 18:55

The major version number is the same (3.1.1) but there was a second rebuild done. 3.1.1-noarch-2
Download the usm-0.0-latest-noarch.txz file.
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Re: USM bug reports

Post#14 by Ed_P » 12 May 2014, 02:35

Are you serious, I'm back to this!!! :shock:

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ su
root@porteus:/home/guest# usmgui
awk: fatal: cannot open file `/etc/usm/usm.conf' for reading (No such file or directory)
/usr/bin/usm: line 54: /etc/usm/usm.conf: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 55: /share/usm/funcelementCreate: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 56: /share/usm/funccleanup: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 57: /share/usm/funcsystemSetup: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 58: /share/usm/funccli: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 59: /share/usm/funcgtkDialogs: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 60: /share/usm/functxtStatic: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 61: /share/usm/funcpackageSearch: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 62: /share/usm/funcpackageInfo: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 63: /share/usm/funcchecks: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 64: /share/usm/funcpackageGet: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 65: /share/usm/funcupdateDatabase: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 66: /share/usm/funcchangelogs: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 67: /share/usm/funcslackbuilds: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 68: /share/usm/funcsystemDeps: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/usm: line 88: export: package_search: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 89: export: package_info: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 90: export: package_keyword: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 91: export: package_get: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 92: export: gtk_processing: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 93: export: kill_processing: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 94: export: check_library: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 95: export: gtk_menu_from_variable: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 96: export: gtk_message: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 97: export: gtk_message1: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 98: export: gtk_message2: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 99: export: resolve_deps: not a function
/usr/bin/usm: line 134: system_setup: command not found
/usr/bin/usm: line 582: rbutCreate: command not found
/usr/bin/usm: line 582: rbutCreate: command not found
/usr/bin/usm: line 582: rbutCreate: command not found
/usr/bin/usm: line 582: butCreateStock: command not found
awk: fatal: cannot open file `/etc/usm/usm.conf' for reading (No such file or directory)

** (gtkdialog:2779): ERROR **: gtkdialog: Error in line 151, near token '<radiobutton>': syntax error

/usr/bin/usm: line 585:  2777 Done                    echo "$USM_MAIN"
      2778                       | sed '/^##/d'
      2779 Trace/breakpoint trap   | gtkdialog -c -s > /dev/null
/usr/bin/usm: line 587: cleanup: command not found
No idea, what, how or why. :evil:

I clicked on the taskbar icon, replied the root password then nothing. Tried usm in terminal mode, got a similar screen. Rebooted, and here I am. :wall:

No, this isn't Always Fresh mode, it's changes=EXIT mode. And USM is version 3.1.1.

And in Always Fresh mode I see

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ sh /mnt/sda5/porteus/Guest/
using /dev/loop6

Please wait while i gather some info ....

 Your data file has been mounted at: 

You can unmount it by typing uloop

Here is a list of the files:
etc  home  opt	root  usr  var

193M	/mnt/loop
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop6      252M  206M   46M  82% /mnt/loop

328K	/mnt/loop/etc
30M	/mnt/loop/home
4.0K	/mnt/loop/opt
15M	/mnt/loop/root
3.7M	/mnt/loop/usr
144M	/mnt/loop/var

1.9M	/mnt/loop/var/log
127M	/mnt/loop/var/usm

424K	/mnt/loop/home/guest/Downloads
16K	/mnt/loop/home/guest/Desktop
11M	/mnt/loop/home/guest/Backups
ls /mnt/loop/home/guest/Backups
FireFox  NetworkManager  spaceFM  wmWeather
ls /mnt/loop/home/guest/Backups/FireFox
bookmarks-2014-05-04.json  bookmarks.html  places.sqlite  prefs.js
11M	/mnt/loop/home/guest/Backups/FireFox

ls /mnt/loop/root
/bin/ls: cannot open directory /mnt/loop/root: Permission denied
My save.dat file is not full. And booting in changes=EXIT mode does not have a problem writing to the save.dat file.

However, booting with extramods= and my save.dat file rather than changes=EXIT clicking on the USM icon on the taskbar does start. :%)

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Re: USM bug reports

Post#15 by roadie » 12 May 2014, 03:36

Perhabs I am missing something but I update USM and tell me everything is OK, but when I search it just stays there. I have the latest noarch, which I just downloaded, when I look at the /tmp/usm it's empty. If I try to update again it wont let me.
I get this behavior after updating and then doing a search. The fix is to close USM and restart, then it will search. Also noticed that, after the update, checking "help/about" shows no version. After closing, then reopening, it shows as 3.1.1.

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