v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

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v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#1 by miguipda » 11 Mar 2014, 17:32


I finally installed the last (64 bits) Porteus v3.0. :D

After installation I always ask for update through Porteus Settings Center (= no update due to last release v3.0) = Ok :Yahoo!:
Afterwhat I try to make an update of packages database before installing anything = surprise when I click on the Package Manager I got a konsole to use USM... :wall:

Then as I want to be able to select usefull packages I want to know if we will stay with this konsole USM tool or will soon have a workable Paclage Manager GUI.

Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)

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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#2 by fanthom » 11 Mar 2014, 20:49

i'm 99% sure you did not upgrade to 3.0 final properly. please open PSC and check which porteus version it is showing. you could also compare md5sums for modules with ones stored on our server:
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#3 by roadie » 12 Mar 2014, 00:00

I'm assuming this is the official thread for v3.0 final bug reports.
I'm using the Porteus-MATE-v3.0-i486.iso, md5sum matches, and getting weird behavior with PPM.....PSC shows Porteus-v3.0 | KERNEL: 3.13.6-porteus. I'm booting it from the iso in Always Fresh.

If I open it from the taskbar, I get the su window, enter password and nothing happens. It's because the command is /opt/porteus-scripts/porteus-package-manager and it doesn't exist.
There are 2 references to USM on the System menu, the second one brings up a message and tells me I need to update, opens the GUI, then hangs at updating slacky database.
The first menu item brings up a terminal with an error "Failed to execute child process "/usr/sbin/usm" (No such file or directory)".....it's right, there isn't a /usr/sbin/usm.

I'm using the 32bit version.....just noticed that the database config files need to be edited to add more sites....mine is showing only Brazil for Slackware.

edit:: If I open USM from a terminal, I get this....
root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -u all

You are missing required database files!
Please run: usm -u all


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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#4 by brokenman » 12 Mar 2014, 01:26

surprise when I click on the Package Manager I got a konsole to use USM
In the MATE version I have forgotten to remove the old .desktop files which results in too many menu items. I will update the file on the server now. For now please remove:

Code: Select all

rm /usr/share/applications/{cliusm*,porteus-package*}
killall mate-panel
Also please use the GUI to update the database. You can start it from the menu after the above deletion or from a terminal with: usmgui

I will check out why the CLI is not updating and please accept my apology.
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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#5 by roadie » 12 Mar 2014, 01:38

Running usmgui from a terminal gives the same message about needing to update the databases and results in this after downloading alien, salix and slackware:

Starting slacky database update
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2 DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz DONE

gzip: /var/usm/slacky/CHECKSUMS.md5.gz: unexpected end of file

One or more errors occurred while usm was running:

usm update_database 184
Could not decompress: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz

It then stops showing a prompt.


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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#6 by brokenman » 12 Mar 2014, 03:49

Please download this module and activate it to fix the update bug. I will need to get this fixed in ISO's as it is a major bug. I will make the fix available through the 'update usm' function of USM. Thanks for reporting.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/687nj5kshr87e ... arch-1.xzm
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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#7 by brokenman » 12 Mar 2014, 04:16

Sorry. Out of time here and will have to push the ISO updates (to fix the menu items) in around 8 hours from now. I've updated Porteus Package Manager (USM) on the server so you should be able to update it by running: usm -u usm
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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#8 by miguipda » 12 Mar 2014, 15:28

brokenman wrote:
surprise when I click on the Package Manager I got a konsole to use USM
In the MATE version I have forgotten to remove the old .desktop files which results in too many menu items. I will update the file on the server now. For now please remove:

Code: Select all

rm /usr/share/applications/{cliusm*,porteus-package*}
killall mate-panel
Also please use the GUI to update the database. You can start it from the menu after the above deletion or from a terminal with: usmgui

I will check out why the CLI is not updating and please accept my apology.


must I just do the command line : usm -u usm
or first do the code mentioned here before ?

Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,

Miguipda ;-)

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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#9 by roadie » 12 Mar 2014, 15:52


must I just do the command line : usm -u usm
or first do the code mentioned here before ?
You can open USM from the menu and update USM there, or open a terminal as root and run "usm -u usm"

It's now working good for me.


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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#10 by miguipda » 12 Mar 2014, 16:10

roadie wrote:

must I just do the command line : usm -u usm
or first do the code mentioned here before ?
You can open USM from the menu and update USM there, or open a terminal as root and run "usm -u usm"

It's now working good for me.

Dear Roadie,

as I started this thread by telling I did not have a USM GUI I could then not do it through the USM menu.
Then I did it via the terminal and got this error :

Code: Select all

usm -u usm
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE

 An update is available for the usm database files.
 Please run:  usm -u all 

 A new version of USM is available.
 Would you like to download it now? [y/n]
Downloading: usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz  DONE
 Would you like to install it now? [y/n]

ls: cannot access /var/log/packages/usm-**: No such file or directory
No such package: /var/log/packages/usm-*. Can't remove.
  Installing new version now 
Cannot install usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz:  file not found
And even after having done a usm -u all I got the same error.

After that I decided to do the given code before trying the same command line (usm -u usm) and got this errors :

Code: Select all

rm /usr/share/applications/{cliusm*,porteus-package*}
rm: impossible de supprimer « /usr/share/applications/porteus-package* »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

root@porteus:/home/guest# killall mate-panel
mate-panel: no process found

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -u usm
Downloading: vercheck.txt  DONE

 An update is available for the usm database files.
 Please run:  usm -u all 

 A new version of USM is available.
 Would you like to download it now? [y/n]
Downloading: usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz  DONE
 Would you like to install it now? [y/n]

ls: cannot access /var/log/packages/usm-**: No such file or directory
No such package: /var/log/packages/usm-*. Can't remove.
  Installing new version now 
Cannot install usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz:  file not found

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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#11 by roadie » 12 Mar 2014, 16:27

Dear Roadie,

as I started this thread by telling I did not have a USM GUI I could then not do it through the USM menu.
Then I did it via the terminal and got this error :
As I'm running 32bit and you're using 64bit, I really can't help. Definitely weird behavior.
Have you checked the md5sum of the iso?


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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#12 by brokenman » 12 Mar 2014, 16:55

There are 2 options to fix the package manager problem.

1) Download the latest package (usm-3.1.0-noarch-1.txz) from here and install it:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/usm/fil ... rce=navbar

2) Generate another ISO using the web wizard. All should be fixed.

I am checking out the engrampa error now. Thanks.
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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#13 by xtudiux » 18 Mar 2014, 01:12

Good pm,

Igot this error on usm...

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -u all
 Starting alien database update 
Downloading: CHECKSUMS.md5.gz  DONE
Downloading: MANIFEST.bz2  DONE
Downloading: PACKAGES.TXT.gz  DONE
Downloading: LIBS.TXT.gz  DONE
File verification was good.

gzip: /var/usm/alien/LIBS.TXT.gz: unexpected end of file

WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
usm update_database 221
Could not decompress: LIBS.TXT.gz

I have already updated to usm 3.1.0 but still the same...got to download a new iso...
This happens to all my de...kde, xfce and mate....

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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#14 by brokenman » 18 Mar 2014, 03:10

Please add your Porteus version to your profile. It saves time and questions.

What architecture are you using (32 or 64 bit)?
How did you update to 3.1.0?

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Re: v3.0 - Firefox Language and Package Manager (USM)

Post#15 by xtudiux » 18 Mar 2014, 05:45


I used the x64 ones...kde, xfce and mate...they have the same error...

Code: Select all

WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!        WARNING!
One or more errors occurred while usm was running:                       
usm update_database 221
Could not decompress: LIBS.TXT.gz

I download it from sourceforge...even from the dropbox...

I try the x86 versions...

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