Cheatcode VGA=

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Cheatcode VGA=

Post#1 by jjflash » 20 Feb 2014, 07:47

Hello everyone,

in the first please excuse my very bad english. I'm an old man and I've learned English in school at 1979 !

I want do uses Porteus on various old Thin Clients just for fun, i.e. to make a webradio, controll AVR and ARM controllers. For this, i only want to work in textmode with gcc, fpc and tcl.

Porteus works very well (so a great thanks to phantom).

My problem:

On machines with very old graphics-adapter everything is fine. The textmode here is 640x480. On newer ones (the graphics-adapter is ATI Radeon 7000) Porteus is switching to maximum resolution so the output on screen is very very very small!

I've checked a lot twice and twice and twice.

I'm not able to reduce the textmode output resolution on booting to textmode.

No cheatcode (like VGA=771 for 800x600) is helping me.

Is there any way to do this?

I'm using Porteus 2.1 32Bit !

Thanks for help,


(with realname called Ralph)
I'm an old man, but I'm stil in learning process

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Re: Cheatcode VGA=

Post#2 by fanthom » 20 Feb 2014, 09:34

hi Ralph,

this is happening because KMS from radeon driver takes priority over vesa.
please try 'video=800x600' cheatcode or combination of 'nomodeset vga=771' and stick to which ever works better for you.
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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White ninja
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Re: Cheatcode VGA=

Post#3 by jjflash » 20 Feb 2014, 19:18

Hi Fantom,

video=800x600 or video=640x480 works great.
I've searched for weeks about the solution to my problem !!!! I must lough about myself: I've better asked earlier.

However: Thanks a lot, you've made my day !

I'm an old man, but I'm stil in learning process

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