AutoLogin XfCE How

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AutoLogin XfCE How

Post#1 by noobTeus » 27 Jan 2014, 15:53


How can I auto login in XfCE of Porteus-v2.1 as guest or any non-root user?
Its a harddisk installation.


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Re: AutoLogin XfCE How

Post#2 by francois » 27 Jan 2014, 21:43

You need to have the cheatcode login into the bootloader instructions. What installation do you have: usb, hdd, cd? What is your bootloader or how did you install porteus?

Cheatcodes in porteus are really important and salient features. They almost do everything. Have a look at them, this is a must. 8)

See faq, cheatcode: ... -them.html

Code: Select all


   ... Lets you specify the name of the user (could be also 'root')
       which will be autologged into GUI session.
       If username is not provided then booting stops on the lxdm/kdm
       login screen.
For syslinux bootloader, find the porteus.cfg file (with mc in cli mode or with slocate, you have to install it) and modify it, example:

Code: Select all

MENU LABEL Graphics mode (xfce)
KERNEL vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=initrd.xz  login=guest
Do not hesitate to ask additional questions! :twisted:
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Re: AutoLogin XfCE How

Post#3 by noobTeus » 28 Jan 2014, 19:30

... What installation do you have: usb, hdd, cd?
I've installed in Harddisk.
What is your bootloader
Bootloader is some other Linux distro's Grub (that distro is slow for my Computer compared to Porteus, so trying to use Porteus now).
... how did you install porteus?
Actually I've installed Porteus from the KDE-ISO , Later downloaded and saved XfCE.xzm at porteus/optional directory. And using it with the load=xfce cheatcode from the Grub's kernel line.

I've tried with login=guest but it's prompting at User Login screen for username & password.

Here's the kernel line:

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linux /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz initrd=initrd.xz changes=/porteus load=xfce login=guest volume=30%
initrd /boot/syslinux/initrd.xz  
(It logs in to KDE auto as guest but would be very nice if I can auto login to XfCE too. I prefer XfCE over other desktop)

Thanks for reply. :)

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Re: AutoLogin XfCE How

Post#4 by Ahau » 28 Jan 2014, 23:16

While we don't design our modules to accommodate having more than one desktop module active at a time, this should be working for you (I just tested this setup on my end). You don't need 'login=guest', as guest should autologin by default (login= should be used for any other user including root to autologin, but of course it does no harm to use it with guest).

Please try this without the 'changes=' cheatcode, as there might be something in your saved changes that is causing this (if you have anything in saved changes it will override what is in your modules). If it's still not working, please give me the output of:

Code: Select all

cat /etc/rc.d/rc.4
cat /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf
You may need to be root to get those. rc.4 should be telling the system to start lxdm, and lxdm.conf will tell us what parameters are being passed to lxdm for autologin (it should be autologin=guest). If you have also experimented with lxde and used it with saved changes, you may have hit a bug where using lxde and xfce together breaks autologin via lxdm; I implemented a fix for that bug in 3.0rc2. If that's the case, you might see 'session=/usr/bin/startlxde' instead of startxfce4 in lxdm.conf. To remedy that, login without saved changes and delete /mnt/sdXY/porteus/changes/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf (using the proper path to your changes folder on disk). Reboot and you should be good.

I hope that helps; let me know if it doesn't. Thanks!
Please take a look at our online documentation, here. Suggestions are welcome!

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Re: AutoLogin XfCE How

Post#5 by noobTeus » 29 Jan 2014, 13:55

Ahau wrote:........ delete /mnt/sdXY/porteus/changes/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf (using the proper path to your changes folder on disk). Reboot and you should be good.
I've removed that file & Reboot. Solved! :D

Thanks for the help. :)

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