USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#271 by brokenman » 31 Aug 2014, 02:17

Sat Aug 30 10:04:14 UTC 2014
Changed symlinks creation to default false
Changed None in systemDeps resolution to always be number 1 (thanks Bogomips)
Added depth=n argument in CLI to quit after given loops of resolution. (thanks Bogomips)

Pushed to github for inclusion in next release.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#272 by brokenman » 02 Sep 2014, 16:24

Update to v3.1.6

The latest release included some important changes. Please update and test.

- Getting the version no longer checks for database. (usm -v)
- The command: usm info was added. It gives current status and info.
- A custom usm.conf file is now possible. It must be named usm-custom.conf and exist in /etc/usm. This will stop updates overwriting your changes.
- The large MANIFEST database files are now deleted after being used. This saves considerable storage space.
- An option has been added in usm.conf to allow usm to create a symlink to a package if it already exists in storage instead of downloading it again. This allows for packages management in your storage folder. It also means you must leave all packages in place in this folder so as not to break any symlinks. By default this setting is false.

Here is the complete changelog.

Sat Aug 30 10:04:14 UTC 2014
Changed symlinks creation to default false
Changed None in systemDeps resolution to always be number 1 (thanks Bogomips)
Added depth=n argument in CLI to quit after given loops of resolution. (thanks Bogomips)

Thu Aug 27 09:10:12 UTC 2014
Added version check out of usm.conf (thank Tome/Bogomips)
Added custom usm-conf.txt path
Added option to install packages after download (thanks Tome)
Added symlink (default) in storage folder for doubled packages. (thanks Tome)
Added removal of MANIFEST file when updating database. Saves over 100Mb.

Thu Aug 21 23:03:45 UTC 2014
Fixed module question showing in slackware (thanks Slaxmax)
Fixed deselect option not working in CLI (thanks Slaxmax)
Added database dir to preferences in GUI
Fixed extra-deps being removed in global update (thanks Bogomips)
Removed multiple updates of config file during global update
Add ignored-deps.txt functionality for deps that are not required
Change default time from 24 hours to 3 hours for skipping updates (thanks Ed_P)
Fixed sbo not updating in global update (thanks cttan)
Added openldap-client missing dep for ekiga (thanks cttan)
Fixed dolphin not opening storage folder (thanks router)
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#273 by Ed_P » 02 Sep 2014, 18:27

brokenman wrote:Don't mess around with the .wh files at all. Just download the new initrd.xz and replace the one in your current porteus install. It is located in: /mnt/sdxY/boot/syslinux/initrd.xz (where sdxY is the location of your porteus install.)

The error message will still appear but won't affect the functioning of Porteus in any way. It is a USM error that will be fixed in the next update.
This initrd.xz file that I downloaded for my 3.0 no longer works. And the link to redownload it no longer works. I see that the file in 3.0.1 is a different size than the one downloaded so I don't think I can use it.


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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#274 by fanthom » 02 Sep 2014, 18:54

I see that the file in 3.0.1 is a different size than the one downloaded so I don't think I can use it.
because i had to update SGN variable to 3.0.1 release.
please upgrade to 3.0.1 and job done.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#275 by Ed_P » 02 Sep 2014, 22:04

I had problems with 3.0.1 when it first came out. I don't remember what they were. And I don't like the new version of FireFox in it.

Any idea why the initrd.xz file I've been using stopped working?

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#276 by brokenman » 02 Sep 2014, 22:53

Please keep on topic or I will remove posts. This is the USM thread.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#277 by brokenman » 05 Sep 2014, 02:29

I've added package status to usm. (thanks Bogomips)

When showing the final list of packages it will now show either:
Packages can be downloaded even if they are installed. If you choose the option to install packages after download then the packages are installed using: upgradepkg --install-new.
Downgrade is not supported through usm.

Pushed to github for inclusion in next release.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#278 by francois » 05 Sep 2014, 20:56

reference to change cheatcode and the usm-update script: ... &start=195

As I work almost only from hdd, I have to use that usm-update script each time I reboot and reupdate the databases.
How come these databases are not kept in memory? Would there be a possibility to have update usm and database slowly in background after booting?
Could there be another way of doing it?

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#279 by brokenman » 05 Sep 2014, 21:12

Do you mean you work from hdd and in 'always fresh mode'?

If working from always fresh mode then you should be able to download the usm-latest-0.0-noarch.xzm module from sourceforge and place it in your modules folder. That will take care of the USM version.
Then you can update the database and make a module from the database files.

Code: Select all

mkdir /tmp/un
cp -a --parents /var/usm/* /tmp/un
rm -rf /tmp/un/var/usm/local
dir2xzm /tmp/un /tmp/database-$(date +%s).xzm
Now move the database module into your modules folder. This is the method I use to keep the database files local.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#280 by francois » 06 Sep 2014, 02:03

Not in always fresh in save changes mode, ref.:

Code: Select all

title porteus  on sda5 32 BIT v30  KDE 
root (hd0,4) 
kernel /32bit_v30/boot/syslinux/vmlinuz from=/dev/sda5/32bit_v30 extramod=/mnt/sda5/32bit_v30/kde changes=EXIT:/32bit_v30/kde login=root 
initrd /32bit_v30/boot/syslinux/initrd.xz
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#281 by brokenman » 06 Sep 2014, 04:03

I have to use that usm-update script each time I reboot and reupdate the databases.
Don't use that script together with changes=EXIT. I should remove that script from the forum.

You should only update USM via the standard update procedure: usm -u usm

You shouldn't have to update USM (or the database files) each time you boot. That's why I thought you were using fresh mode. If you are using changes=EXIT, then when you shutdown the state of your machine should be saved into your savefile/folder. If this is not the case when you reboot then whiteout files may be to blame. Give me a day or two and I will try to reproduce this scenario.

1) Boot into Porteus-v3.0.1-i486 using changes=EXIT cheatcode
2) Run that script
3) Update to the latest USM and update database
4) Reboot and check usm version and that database files exist

Can you please update to the latest USM and give the output of: usm info

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#282 by Ed_P » 06 Sep 2014, 05:05

Hi francois. To update USM use a script like this one.

Code: Select all

if [ `whoami` != "root" ]; then
  su -c "sh $0"
wget --trust-server-names -P /tmp
installpkg /tmp//usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.txz
I use the changes=EXIT cheatcode also and this is the approach I had to use to get to 3.1.6. brokenman posted it somewhere but I can't find where at the moment.


I found a link to it francois. ... 466#p27466

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#283 by Bogomips » 06 Sep 2014, 21:51

Perceived Inconsistency, Tuning Concerns

In an attempt to ascertain the libraries that would still be needed by icedtea got results which were not easy to reconcile:

Code: Select all

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.5K Sep  3 16:48 /var/log/packages/icedtea-web-1.5.1-i486-1alien
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26K Sep  3 16:48 /var/log/packages/openjre-7u65_b32-i486-1alien
root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g iced

1) icedtea-web-1.4.1-i486-1alien.txz
2) icedtea-web-1.5.1-i486-1alien.txz
#? 2
Processing:   icedtea-web-1.5.1-i486-1alien.txz 
Ignored libraries: 

Libraries required:  11
Libraries found in system: 11
Libraries to resolve: 0

The following packages are required. 
icedtea-web-1.5.1-i486-1alien.txz [1352K]
Total size: 1 MB
 Press [r] to remove packages, [q] to quit, or enter to start downloading.
Invoking usm with icedtea and openjre installed, one is informed 11 libraries are required and 11 found in system, which stands to reason.

However with icedtea and openjre not installed the libraries concerned remained the same:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g iced

1) icedtea-web-1.4.1-i486-1alien.txz
2) icedtea-web-1.5.1-i486-1alien.txz
#? 2
Processing:   icedtea-web-1.5.1-i486-1alien.txz 
Ignored libraries: 

Libraries required:  11
Libraries found in system: 11
Libraries to resolve: 0

 The following packages are required. 
icedtea-web-1.5.1-i486-1alien.txz [1352K]
openjre-7u51_b31-i486-2gv.txz [42980K]

Total size: 44 MB
So, being in a chicken or egg situation, tend towards the uninstalled packages report, where 11 libraries were found in system, there would then be 1 library to resolve, there being a total of 12 libraries required (or maybe 10 on sytem, 1 to resolve, 11 required would do the trick). Then to be expected would follow Processing library: XXX, the library of interest, followed by

Code: Select all

 More than one package contains: XXX
1) openjre-7u51_b31-i486-2gv.txz
2) openjre-7u65_b32-i486-2alien.txz
That there is the above choice:

Code: Select all

root@porteus:/home/guest# usm -g openjre

 The following items were found.
 Choose an number to confirm. 
 ctrl+c to quit

1) openjre-7u51_b31-i486-2gv.txz
2) openjre-7u65_b32-i486-2alien.txz
#? 2
which leads to the next point concerning tuning, because usm informs that icedtea needs just the one openjre, and this is not even the latest version. No possibility given to opt for latest version openjre. (This lack of latest version choice has also happened with other packages)
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#284 by francois » 06 Sep 2014, 21:59

I am still in 3.0 waiting for 3.1 porteus.

I have tried:

Code: Select all

git clone
cd usm
make install
make install will fail though I have devel.xzm installed.

I imagine that my save change folder is corrupted. I just made it new a few weeks ago.

Maybe there are modules conflicts?
Last edited by francois on 07 Sep 2014, 02:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#285 by brokenman » 06 Sep 2014, 23:56

This is where it is difficult in slackware to guarantee 100% success in dependency resolution. Openjre is not detected as required for icedtea-web and as such was added as a manual dependency in /etc/usm/extra-deps.txt. These dependencies are not processed in the same way as libraries (they are passed as full packages) and so the library count is off. This situation also arises when a package uses static libs instead of shared.

Using v3.0 explains the problem with changes=EXIT cheatcode as the initrd in this version was updated to address a problem related to this. Also the usm version that shipped in this version is old. Putting the latest usm module into the modules folder should solve this though.
make install will fail though I have devel.xzm installed.
This is odd. Any useful error messages (as root)? Not sure how this can fail since it is just processing the Makefile and following the commands therein. I just tested it and it seems to function ok here. Perhaps just download the slackware package from sourceforge (see the script above) or download the module from sourceforge and place it in the modules folder.
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