USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#181 by francois » 09 May 2014, 03:07

The error message is from the gui.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#182 by brokenman » 09 May 2014, 20:41

Problems have been reported when running this script and using the changes=EXIT cheatcode. The reason is the creation of a whiteout file /mnt/live/memory/changes/etc/usm/.wh.usm.conf

Code: Select all


echo "Removing USM"
rm -f ${BINDIR}/${TARGET}
rm -f ${BINDIR}/${TARGET}gui
rm -f ${BINDIR}/packagetools
rm -f ${DATADIR}/applications/${TARGET}.desktop
rm -f ${DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/usm*
rm -rf ${DATADIR}/usm
rm -f /${MANDIR}/${TARGET}.8*
rm -rf /var/usm
echo "Installing USM"
wget --no-check-certificate --trust-server-names $PKG -P /tmp || { echo "No internet!!"; exit; }
installpkg /tmp/$LATEST
Save this as and run it. It will always update your installation to the latest. You will need to update databases again after running this. You probably won't be able to mount a usm-latest-0.0-noarch-1.xzm over the top of it later on.

If you want a simple command then save the script as /usr/bin/usm-update
Then do: chmod +x /usr/bin/usm-update
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#183 by francois » 10 May 2014, 00:18

It seems that you always have the solution at hand. In addition, you are faster than your shade, a real Lucky Luke. It did work on my 32 bit porteus installation.

Thanks brokenman. :)
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#184 by brokenman » 10 May 2014, 01:29

Thanks Francois. I don't know that I am as fast as my shadow though. I have to complete a certain project I am working on now before I can really take another good look at USM. I want to get all these little bugs out of the way and release a Porteus update for USM. I believe USM has potential to grow but I need to make sure it is rock solid stable and easy to use. There have been too many problems I'm hearing of so I think I need to take a look at making it more user friendly and fool proof. Better error messages would be a good start, also an uninstaller so people can replace it with slackyd if they choose.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#185 by fanthom » 10 May 2014, 06:10

package manager is a critical application so what about this:
upon launch USM contacts our server and checks the version. if does not match then upgrade automatically.

people doesnt launch USM that often so this system hopefully wont cause any DDOS on our server :)
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#186 by brokenman » 11 May 2014, 22:12

This is a good idea. Do you think it shoul dbe made active by default or disabled and left to the user to choose the automatic check of updates?
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#187 by freestyler » 12 May 2014, 05:00

Good idea. I think it should be set to update by default.
Ive noticed that when it does update, USM need to be restarted or it wont search packages. That may be the cause of some peoples problems.

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#188 by brokenman » 12 May 2014, 12:02

Yeah. I will add a message that the application needs to restart.
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#189 by donald » 12 May 2014, 12:51

Personally I don't like (default) automatic "phone-home" components, wherever they may be.
A simple start up message "update usm first...." would be more than is needed.(imo)
Whatever, please don't forget an option to disable this (auto) behavior.Thanks

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#190 by freestyler » 12 May 2014, 13:04

I agree donald, I would turn mine off but I think for new users it will eliminate some problems.

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#191 by brokenman » 12 May 2014, 16:28

A simple start up message "update usm first...." would be more than is needed.(imo)
Wouldn't having this message popup at every start be more annoying than having the occasional popup when a new version of USM is available?

If you start the USM program then I would assume that you intend to (phone home) connect to our servers in order to search and download software. Where is the difference in 'checking for and internet connection' and checking the version in one step?

Other applications in porteus that require an internet connection store the script online and when the app is started it checks for the internet connection by downloading the main workhorse script. This way we can fix bugs real time without pushing any Porteus updates. Since USM doesn't require an internet connection (you may just be checking dependencies) I didn't take this route.

I understand the whole 'phone home' phobia but this isn't closed source where you can't see what is dialing out and what for. It is completely transparent and there would of course be the option to disable it. The popup would be via notifications panel item so it would disappear in a few seconds. Any further comments or opinions?
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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#192 by freestyler » 12 May 2014, 17:03

Any further comments or opinions?
yup, USM is awesome!

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#193 by donald » 12 May 2014, 21:20

ok,ok it's not that bad... :wink:
How about this:
I start the USM and it does not check anything (internet connection etc.)
until I click a Button (gui) or command (cli) -> "connect to Server".

It's not "phone home' phobia".Sometimes, somewhere it really doesn't matter.
But I prefer an OS, which do not send a single bit on it's own.

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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#194 by Ed_P » 12 May 2014, 22:37

Donald wrote:How about this:
I start the USM and it does not check anything (internet connection etc.)
until I click a Button (gui) or command (cli) -> "connect to Server".
hmmmmm Image

When you start Porteus does it automatically connect to your network or do you manually click a network connection after booting?

When you start your browser does it automatically pull up a home page or do you manually click on a link before it connects?
But I prefer an OS, which do not send a single bit on it's own.
USM would only send a bit when you click on the USM icon. If you don't click on it it won't send anything.


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Re: USM Unified Slackware Package Manager

Post#195 by donald » 13 May 2014, 00:17

automatically connect to your network
automatically pull up a home page
blank page

If I just want to use the (usm) Tools, there is no need to check something.

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