In particular I got a collection of boxes that meant nothing to me or Google translate.
It needs to be known that Porteus does not come standard with East Asian language support or for additional fonts. Solution to this is to:
-First, identify which font you wish to use on your system, are you sure the collection of boxes that you are viewing is an obscure font, or an East Asian language?
-Secondly, search for that font, a good resource is slackfind for such an occasion (; You may also search a Slackware repository of your version for said font if you are certain that you know what you are looking for.
-Third, Install said font by converting the TXZ/TGZ package to LZM. Install converted module (be sure to do this as root)
-Note: It may also be a good idea to install KDE language files for said font as well. These files can be found in their respective place on any slackware mirror under the /kdei/ directory.
As an example, earlier I was having problems viewing Japanese language fonts, installing the KDE language pack simply wasn't enough because the KDE language pack assumes that some fonts are installed by default, even if they are not actually installed in Porteus.
-First I found the font I was looking for, for Japanese language support, this was sazanami-fonts-ttf-20040629-noarch-1.txz
Description of said package:
Code: Select all
sazanami-fonts-ttf: sazanami-fonts-ttf (Japanese TrueType Unicode fonts)
sazanami-fonts-ttf: The Sazanami fonts contain Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji/Han
sazanami-fonts-ttf: Ideographs.
sazanami-fonts-ttf: Homepage of efont:
-Third, installed the produced package using the dolphin GUI
-Fourth, installed Japanese language support for KOffice and KDE (package names are koffice-l10n-ja-2.3.0-noarch-1.txz and kde-l10n-ja-4.5.5-noarch-3.txz respectively) which can be found on any slackware mirror under /kdei/.
The above method must also be done if you are planning on changing localization using the Language Select Tool to a language which is not natively supported by Porteus. Keep this in mind
Also bear in mind that packages you compile (either using a slackbuild or src2pkg) may not have support for your desired font if they were compiled before you installed the respective font packages for your system. You may need to rebuild existing packages (I'm currently having this problem with weechat).