Save.dat container (SOLVED)

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#61 by brokenman » 19 Dec 2013, 00:53

You havn't yet read, or perhaps not fully understood the cheatcodes.txt file. You are booting from an ISO file correct? The confusion here is that 'porteus/optional' folder that fanthom is talking about is contained WITHIN the iso file you are booting from. You have mistakenly created a superfluous folder of the same name on your hard drive that porteus will not know about. The cheatcode you need to read about is extramod=

Here is what cheatcodes.txt says about it:
'load=' or 'extramod=' cheatcodes.
'extramod=/mnt/sdb3/porteus/gimp rammod=001;002;gimp'
It looks to me like you have created a folder at /mnt/sda6/Porteus/Optional and are putting your modules there. Firstly i would create a folder just called: /mnt/sda6/mymodules then use the cheatcode

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#62 by Ed_P » 19 Dec 2013, 05:19

brokenman wrote:You havn't yet read, or perhaps not fully understood the cheatcodes.txt file.
No! What gave it away?
You are booting from an ISO file correct?
The confusion here is that 'porteus/optional' folder that fanthom is talking about is contained WITHIN the iso file you are booting from.
Great. :(
You have mistakenly created a superfluous folder of the same name on your hard drive that porteus will not know about. The cheatcode you need to read about is extramod=

Here is what cheatcodes.txt says about it:
'load=' or 'extramod=' cheatcodes.
'extramod=/mnt/sdb3/porteus/gimp rammod=001;002;gimp'
Here is what the cheatcodes file in the RazorQT 2.1 64bit ISO says about it.

Code: Select all


   ... This cheatcode lets you load modules from one or more external
       folders that are located outside of the /porteus directory.
       Multiple folders can be specified, with full paths separated by
       a semicolon without any spaces.
Apparently each ISO has it's own set of cheatcodes??
It looks to me like you have created a folder at /mnt/sda6/Porteus/Optional and are putting your modules there. Firstly i would create a folder just called: /mnt/sda6/mymodules then use the cheatcode

Are you sure my cheatcode shouldn't be


Not a major problem, I will try both and report back.

And thank you for trying to help a newbie.

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#63 by Ed_P » 19 Dec 2013, 06:17



Doesn't work, surprise.

I moved my porteussave.xzm file to the /mnt/sda6/porteus folder and used


And it didn't work either.

I am noticing many msgs on the terminal screen when I reboot. They appear to be error msgs is there a way to view this log/msgs/screen without rebooting? And be able to capture it?

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#64 by fanthom » 19 Dec 2013, 07:49

You are booting from an ISO file correct? The confusion here is that 'porteus/optional' folder that fanthom is talking about is contained WITHIN the iso file you are booting from.
thanks - it would probably take me ages to figure this out.

Doesn't work, surprise.
this is not Windows
moved my porteussave.xzm file to the /mnt/sda6/porteus folder and used
And it didn't work either.
it's better to give this folder some unique name like porteus-xzm but it should work regardless as you are providing full path (/mnt/sda6). please show me output of following commands:

Code: Select all

cat /proc/cmdline
ls /mnt/sda6/porteus
ls /mnt/live/memory/images
Please add [Solved] to your thread title if the solution was found.

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#65 by Ed_P » 19 Dec 2013, 21:05

fanthom wrote:
moved my porteussave.xzm file to the /mnt/sda6/porteus folder and used
And it didn't work either.
it's better to give this folder some unique name like porteus-xzm but it should work regardless as you are providing full path (/mnt/sda6). please show me output of following commands:

Code: Select all

cat /proc/cmdline
ls /mnt/sda6/porteus
ls /mnt/live/memory/images
My latest attempt hung the pc and I had to power off to reboot. What I did was;
start Porteus using the change= cheatcode to pick up my porteussave.dat changes,
used Porteus Settings Center to create a save session file named porteussession.dat on my NTFS partition,
renamed my porteus folder to porteussessions,
copied my porteussession.dat file to the porteussessions folder and renamed it porteussession.dat.xzm,
changed my extramod= cheatcode to point to /mnt/sda6/porteussessions

I may try using my porteussave.dat file instead next time.



Using porteussave.dat.xzm helped, in that the system isn't hung but it's the same as Fresh mode.

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ cat /proc/cmdline
quiet from=/ISOs/Porteus-RazorQT-v2.1-x86_64.iso extramod==/mnt/sda6/porteussessions
guest@porteus:~$ ls /mnt/sda6/porteussessions
guest@porteus:~$ ls /mnt/live/memory/images
000-kernel.xzm/  001-core.xzm/  002-xorg.xzm/  003-razor.xzm/  04-firefox.xzm/



This works though. :Yahoo!:

Code: Select all

guest@porteus:~$ cat /proc/cmdline
quiet from=/ISOs/Porteus-RazorQT-v2.1-x86_64.iso extramod=/mnt/sda6/porteussessions
guest@porteus:~$ ls /mnt/sda6/porteussessions
guest@porteus:~$ ls /mnt/live/memory/images
000-kernel.xzm/  001-core.xzm/  002-xorg.xzm/  003-razor.xzm/  04-firefox.xzm/  porteussave.dat.xzm/
Anyone see the error before?

Thank you @fanthom and @brokenman. :beer:

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#66 by tome » 20 Dec 2013, 05:19

your error:
extramod== vs extramod=

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#67 by Ed_P » 20 Dec 2013, 05:24

tome wrote:your error:
extramod== vs extramod=
Yup. You have good eyes @tome. :beer:

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#68 by Ed_P » 21 Dec 2013, 19:50

Can an Admin add "[Solved :-) ]" to the title of this topic? I can't, since I didn't start it.

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#69 by brokenman » 22 Dec 2013, 12:50

Excellent. In future please start your own instead of hijacking. Then you can add solved when it is done. Since the OP didn't persevere to solve her problem, i don't think i will add solved.
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Re: Save.dat container

Post#70 by Ed_P » 22 Dec 2013, 15:31

brokenman wrote:In future please start your own instead of hijacking.
You mean like this one? :beer:

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#71 by brokenman » 22 Dec 2013, 16:54

Yes. Are you trying to imply something by pointing there?
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Re: Save.dat container

Post#72 by Ed_P » 22 Dec 2013, 19:36

Well, I thought if you read the whole posting I linked to it was obvious.

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Re: Save.dat container

Post#73 by brokenman » 22 Dec 2013, 21:37

Perhaps i am naive, or stupid ... or both, but it is not obvious to me. Perhaps it is easier if i simply don't reply to your posts.
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Re: Save.dat container

Post#74 by Ed_P » 22 Dec 2013, 23:47

Good grief. You asked me to change the topic's title in post #2 of that thread. The other day I did as you asked. That's why I wrote Merry Christmas at the bottom of post #1.

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Re: Save.dat container (SOLVED)

Post#75 by budchekov » 27 Dec 2013, 01:20

Just marked this solved, I left this thread after it was hijacked, all is working fine, idiotic in front of my face error, I persevered because this is one fine very fast little Distro, currently using the beta, thanks brokenman, apologies if I came across as being a rather touchy dou***.
Happy new Year ...and could someone lock it.
