Xfce4-notes - ideal for your quick notes

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Xfce4-notes - ideal for your quick notes

Post#1 by tome » 24 Nov 2013, 11:45

Both i486 and x86_64 modules are in Porteus folder:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ui4ydoh3j34xkoy/awngRHBa80
It works with LXDE and Mate (Icon in notification area, KDE not tested). If you use locale you can also execute (for i486 and x86_64) as root:

Code: Select all

httpfs2 http://ponce.cc/porteus/i486/current/packages/Language-Selection-Tool/003-xfce_locales.xzm /media && mloop /media/003-xfce_locales.xzm && cp /mnt/loop/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/xfce4-notes-plugin.mo /usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/xfce4-notes-plugin.mo
but replace pl with your language code.
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