www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

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www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

Post#1 by freestyler » 24 Nov 2013, 11:21

I just finished knocking up a public repo for porteus users. www.porteus-apps.tk feel free to upload as many modules as you like.
Any feed back would be great.

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Re: www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

Post#2 by wread » 25 Nov 2013, 01:57

FB, Freestyler!, this can be of great help for developers! :)
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Re: www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

Post#3 by freestyler » 26 Nov 2013, 06:24

hey phhpro. I cleaned up some stuff on the server this afternoon which caused the error, I really should have checked everything was working after. Its now up and running again.
born2ill.com belongs to me (haven't decided what I'm doing with that domain yet), porteus-apps.tk is hosted on the same server.
As for guidelines and rules etc, I haven't got that far yet. I was hoping for some input and suggestions.

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Re: www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

Post#4 by Hamza » 26 Nov 2013, 22:08


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Re: www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

Post#5 by freestyler » 26 Nov 2013, 23:09

Nice page Hamza, is that new? I haven't seen it before.
Phhpro, I'm not big on rules myself. My original idea was just to provide free hosting for anyone wanting to share their modules here on the forum instead of using services like mediafire and at the same time cataloging them in one place. When it comes to sharing user made modules it really comes down to trust. I for one got no problems trusting/testing any of the member's modules on this forum. Maybe a "thumbs up, thumbs down" rating system could help. As for .tk, I didn't want to pay for a domain name if i was the only person it.

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Re: www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

Post#6 by freestyler » 27 Nov 2013, 00:58

hehehe :%) cheers for checking out the page. I will make some adjustments. .eu.org would have been a better choice, I didn't know about it.
Yeah i did check out your site, was a good read. Went down well with some port :P. If you get bored check out my blog if you like therealshit.net

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Re: www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

Post#7 by Hamza » 27 Nov 2013, 15:29

phhpro wrote:I was beginning to wonder why there was no link on the main page :shock:
OK, Ladies, competition time :twisted:
Um, I shall refrain from throwing in my own little link... 8)

Back to work - and the original post porteus-apps.tk

- layout is rather confusing

- font too small

- poor colour contrast

- right-side menu? strongly suggest using more common left-hand or top bar, drop-down?

- recent comments: no link to post ???

- MISSING CONTACT, copy, etc. !!! big no go, even for an individual's site!

- powered by do what??? (that link a joke of sorts?)

- both header and footer are wasting screen real estate

- visually something to build upon, but didn't dare run a validation on the mark-up.
LOL. Did you read the title "Porteus Modules Section" ? This means it's a repository updated by modules maintainer which are simply Fanthom, Brokenman, Ahau. It's updated every 24 hours automatically. I also noticed you don't like "competition" even if this wasn't my intention ... so please stop crying like this.
layout is rather confusing
Same as Porteus Web Wizard.
poor colour contrast
Same as Porteus Web Wizard.
right-side menu? strongly suggest using more common left-hand or top bar, drop-down?
Don't understand.
recent comments: no link to post ???
Don't we have a forum for this?!
MISSING CONTACT, copy, etc. !!! big no go, even for an individual's site!
Don't we have a forum for this?! Didn't you see the "The Porteus Team" ? Aren't registered on the forum powered by "Porteus Team" ?!

Once again, my intention was to simply share something I've written a while ago with people that may be interested. Don't take this too personally.

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Re: www.porteus-apps.tk public repo

Post#8 by Hamza » 27 Nov 2013, 22:27

Ok I apologize. I misread your post.

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